Chapter 29

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Hey! Before you read the story, there is a awesome group who are looking for more awesome people to goin!! They are Hacking_creativity go check out there Hiring book and see what they have!!!


"Chirp chirp chirp"

I woke up to birds flying and singing, then I remembered I'm outside. I also just realised my head is on a chest, strong arms wrap around me and my legs tangled with someone else's. I look up and saw a handsome cute sleeping Everest. I smiled instantly remembering our date last night, and what all he did for me, he truly makes me happy. Some of his light brown hair was close to his eyes, with my fingers I slowly moved his hair away to the side of his head. I saw him smile and opened his breath taking blue and green sleepy eyes. He grabs my hand that was still on his side and put it on his cheek, and relax into my touch.

"Morning beautiful" He looked away from my eyes to see where we are, then laughed. "We weren't supposed to sleep here, but it turn out alright anyways" He looked back at me with this look in his eyes and gave me a lazy sleepy smile, that made me lost my breath and thoughts. He put his hand that was on mine, back around me and brought me closer to him while I crease my thumb on his cheek, and he let out a breath that fan on my face. We stay like for a while till we realised we're hungry and we should get up. Everest made a call to someone who will pick everything up here, so all we did was pick up the blankets on the floor to the bed.

"Ready to go?" He asked and put out his hand for me to take.

"Yes" I grab his hand and we walked to his car. "I've wondering why do you hide your accent?" When I heard a little bit of it, it send chills to my body, but I loved his voice.

"When I moved here, I didn't want to be so different of others, so I found a way to hide it" I look at him, and see him thinking.

"Do you miss England?" I see him tighten his hands on the wheel.

"Of course" He used his accent that made smile, he looked at me and gave me a half grin. "I miss my friends I had there, we lost contact when I moved here. I miss the food" We chuckle at the last part. "England had some beautiful views, that I miss looking at. Seeing it on the internet isn't the same as looking face to face" I nodded, it's way different from looking on the internet then seeing it in person. "But here isn't too bad, I remember when my family plan trips me and sister always escape, she always bring me to places that we would do back in England. She always knew what to do and say to make me happy" He smiled but I could it was sad, he's feeling guilty on what he said to her back then.

"From what I heard about her, she would've forgave you. So don't blame yourself you didn't knew" He gave me a dry chuckle.

"She forgave me the second I said that, she was always the one with the biggest heart and forgive anyone without a heart or a second thought. Even if she knew that I was angry and didn't mean what I said, it went in her heart. I know it did by her face she showed me, but tried to hide it. She always tried to hide what she was feeling, and heck she was very good at it, but that minute I said what I said her wall broke." I felt him coking up, I put my hand on his knee to give him some comfort. He gave me a grateful smiled, but I can see in his eyes he's still hurt.

He cleared his throat and said "Ok we're here anyways" I look out the window and see we're at McDonald's, I laughed.


"TELL ME EVERYTHING" Lolly shouted and slam open the break room door. I was on my phone texting Everest who's going to visit me at work later. He drop me off about 20 minutes, but he had to do some shopping, and I wish I could come along, but work got in the way of that.

"It's not a huge big deal" Lolly widen her eyes at me with a shock look.


"Umm what your going to do to me mmm?" I challenged her, knowing she doesn't have the heart to hurt me or any blackmail.

"Ummm......I don't know.... I'll think of something though" She stumbled at the first part, but then said the rest with confidence. I smiled at her and shake my head. I told her about half of the date because we had to start working, but on the break we had, I told her the rest. Though out the time I was telling her what happened she squealed and giggled, but then got mad with the squirrel. After I told her every thing we went back to work.

When I was on a latter, putting things away on the high shelf someone shakes the latter that scared the crap out of me that I screamed and looked behind me to see a laughing Everest.

"That is not funny I could've fell" I shouted but not to loud at him and step down the latter, with a grumpy look. I'm mad at it.

"But I would've caught you, I wouldn't let you fall especially on my watch" He smiled at me, but I can see the serious in his eyes, knowing he's saying the truth I sign at him and punched him on the shoulder "Hey that hurts" I roll my eyes at him and grab the box I put on the floor.

"What are you doing here, you said you wouldn't be here till 5 and it's 4:30" He shrugs at me but smiles, I stop putting stuff away to look at him. "What do you have planed?" He just cheekily smiles at me, with a gleam in his eyes.

"You see after work, and I take you home so you can dress in something more comfy instead of work clothes" He smiled.

"Your taking me somewhere? Where."

"Another date, but this one is more just like a dinner date there's a new dinner place that just open up, and I want to go with you" My heart flattered when he wants to go with me and no one else. I turn back to work but asked him

"What is the place called"


"I like that name" I felt like I heard that before, but I forgot where.


"You look amazingly cute" I blush at his compliment when I came back in his car, after getting dress when he drop me off at my house and me telling him to stay in his car that I won't take long. I decided to wear something nice and comfy, a plain white T-shirt, black jeggings, a jean jacket, a dark blue scarf, and my brown boots.

"Thank you, so how far is this dinner?" I asked him after I put my seatbelt on and he started to drive.

"About a 10 minute ride" I nodded and turn on the music.

"This is so beautiful" I said in awe when we walk in the restaurant, WaterLilly. This place looks familiar somehow, I'm not sure how or why it doesn't, I just can't figure it out .

"It is" I looked at Everest and saw him staring at me, with another gleam in his eyes. I smiled and blush at him, then a waiter came. After a waiter showed us our table, and I looked at the menu and pick what I wanted. I looked up, I loved the view though the windows.

"Hello I'm Mr.Heart the owner, but also your waiter tonight, now what are your orders?" I instantly snap my head down to the deep bored voiced. I saw a tall man, with dirty short blond hair with light blue eyes that I couldn't tell much because the men didn't look up from when he talked, he just looking at the little notebook all waiters have same along with a pencil.

"Dad?" I shocked out.


I finally updated!!,
Sorry I been very busy and dealing with family stuff but I updated now and who expect the ending?!?!


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