Chapter II- Windows

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He was hurt, and I healed him. He was outside standing by the window of our house, waiting to get a glimpse of me. My aunt, Estela, gave him a cold glare that was enough to turn water into ice, but he paid no heed. I looked out the window to smile at him.


Back in Svelle, it was really a guy's eyes that got me quite helplessly hooked. Without them, a beautiful face was just as empty and devoid of meaning as a cold and lifeless statue of Apollo.

I'll never forget that time when I drank from the water fountain, turned around and looked straight into the eyes of Manuel Yllana, the boy next in line. He had tanned skin, light brown hair, and green eyes. He obviously had foreign blood. It was the first time I saw green eyes up close --- like a cat's. I stood there, staring at him, completely transfixed.

"Are you done?" He asked impatiently.

I snapped from my trance. "Yes, I'm done." I walked off, head bowed down back to class. I really hoped he didn't notice that for a minute there, I was completely lost in his EmeraldCity. His eyes were so intense that they gave me goose bumps. I knew that a lot of girls had found Manuel handsome. But it was only when I saw him up close that the reason became very clear.

Like I said, I had a weakness for eyes. So, I suppose it should not come as a surprise that until that day when I looked into his eyes, I wasn't attracted to James at all...


James Delegrio.

He had fair complexion and innocent, boyish looks --- just like Manuel, a lot of girls liked him. I had seen him from afar as he walked around smugly in the corridors, but I never really thought much of him until the day I talked to him up close.

It happened sometime during sophomore year. I was seated right beside the door, and James was seated next to me.

I'll never forget that day.

It was in between classes and we were waiting for the next teacher to enter the room.

"So, do you have a name?" He asked.

He was wearing our sophomore uniform, which was a white polo shirt and green pants. From afar, he seemed like the harmless boy-next –door type. He seemed much bigger up close though. I never really noticed before that his shoulders were quite so broad. "I'm Alyssa." I said. "How about you? Got a name?"

"James. Nice hair band. " He said, with a smile and a bit of twinkle in his eyes.

I was quite flattered that someone as cool as him decided to talk to me. "Thank you."

Then, I noticed something. I didn't know what it was, but I felt that there was something sinister in his smile. It was as if he had some nasty surprise in store for me. "What color is it?" He prodded.

"White." I said, a bit cautiously, wondering where this was all leading to.

Now his smile was even broader. "You mean, dirty white?"

I knew then what it was all about. He wasn't being friendly at all. He was making fun of me.

"Very funny. Hey, when was the last time you applied anti- fungal cream?" I shot back.

That little challenge seemed to have caught him by surprise. "I don't."

"That's too bad." I continued. "Is that skin disease? Your face is filled with it. " I pointed out, referring to the numerous white spots on his face that were sure signs of a fungal infection called Tinea versicolor or 'An-An'. I didn't tell him of course, that I found him devastatingly cute even then. "You should consider rushing to the drugstore and buying Trosyd right away."

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