Chapter VIII - In the mood to cook

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In the mood to cook

He was cooking. I came up from behind him, put my arm around his waist, and kissed his shoulder.


"We'll make mango crepe today!" I told Maya.

I was on semestral break. I decided to pass by Maya's house and whip up a little something. I was close to her family. I felt comfortable in her place, as though it were my own house.

Her mother, tita Lydia, entered the kitchen. "What are you girls doing?"

"Lyssa's pretending she knows how to hold a frying pan." Maya joked.

"Hi, tita! I'll let you have some as soon as this is done." I said, confidently. I let the comment about my questionable skills in the kitchen slide. Maya would eat her own words soon enough.

"Please feel at home in our place dear. Don't be shy." Her mother winked.

"Translation: Take whatever you want from the fridge and don't burn the house down." Maya quipped.

Maya's mom was the best. She was a teacher in Svelle, and she pretty much treated me like an extension of the family. And yes, as Maya said, that meant free and unlimited access to the fridge.

"May I check that one?" Maya's mom asked, as she took a taste of the batter which I had mixed, without even waiting for my reply. Of course, it wasn't really a question. It was more like, a sugar coated order from the owner of the house you dare not refuse. "Still a bit bland. Add more sugar."

"I will tita, thanks for the command, I mean, the tip." I winked, as she left the kitchen.

Okay, so I wasn't really much of a chef. I loved to eat, but cooking? Cooking is complicated. You need to think about the recipe, the amount of ingredients, make all the preparations, continuously stir, etc. And after that, most chefs say, that they lose appetite for their own dish. That takes away the joy from eating as well! So, when I do cook for someone, it is really an act of great love. That person must really be something to motivate me to whip up even the simplest recipe.

"So, you ever make these for Andy?" Maya asked as I flipped the batter in the frying pan.

"No, not really. I mean, how could I? We're both too busy."

"That's a shaaaaame." She teased.


"So, how is it, tita?" I asked, as I served the crepe on the dining table. Who would have thought that making a mango crepe was so simple? Back when I was in high school, just like anything else about the kitchen, it was a total mystery.

She took a slice. "Very tasty, hija. You did great."

Maya rolled her eyes playfully. "Not too much compliments, mom. She might get it in to her head to run a restaurant."

"Doesn't this taste just like the crepes they have in Svelle's cafeteria?" Tita asked, waving away her daughter's playful warnings.

"Yes, tita. I was inspired by those so I tried to copy them. Have some more." I nodded.

"Yup, those were her favorite." Maya agreed.

I didn't know if Maya's mom was serious with her next remark, but it really took me by surprise. "Very good. I wish you were my daughter- in- law. I'll tell Jake to court you." She said, taking another slice.

Maya and I looked at each other meaningfully. I looked down at my mango crepe...

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