Chapter V - You need that

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You need that

'Anyway you're used to it'. I said.

'Pardon? 'Used to what?' He prodded.

' Being crazy'.

He laughed out loud, as though he did not expect such retort to come from me, but found it funny nonetheless.

I kept my head bowed. Then, I turned sideways and he took advantage of the opportunity by stealing a quick kiss.

Still smiling, he said, 'But you know, you need that'.


I did debate over whether I should tell Gail about my little "encounter". I thought perhaps her mom could help me? But then, I decided against it. I had a lot of reasons to support my silence. For one, her mother already said I should figure this out on my own. If she couldn't help me before, then there was no reason to think she could help me now. Secondly, I did not want anyone thinking I was crazy! I mean, most people would say I was just hallucinating or something, and if so, that was honestly a fact I did not want to accept. The third reason, and it took me an awful lot of debating with myself to actually admit it, was this... I didn't really want him or whatever this was to go away. I wasn't even sure if all that really happened or if it was merely a figment of my ever so active imagination. But there was one thing I was sure of --- I was glad it happened. Seeing him again, dreaming of him continuously, awakened a lot of these old feelings which I had long ago buried at the back of my mind. So, I decided that I would just keep this...little secret of mine.

From time to time, I did wonder if I would ever see him again. But no such thing had happened so far.

I looked at my book again. Intellectual Property Code. I sighed. I opened the book. Tucked inside it was my Negotiable Instruments quiz that Dean Zuniga had just returned. Sixty five percent! I had been so ashamed that when I got my paper I hid it right away so no one would see.

The constant pressure of law school was starting to get to me. There were many times when even Gail and I got into each other's nerves. I guess that occurs when you see someone on a daily basis. So it is, that familiarity breeds contempt.

And invites disrespect!

"I hope you don't mind that I used your spray paint to decorate the wall." Gail declared. That's right, declared. She was smiling as though she found it all so funny.

Yeah, why would I mind, huh. I mean, you just took it without my permission.

"No, of course, I don't mind."

Our outside surroundings didn't help either. Located near MalacanangPalace, our school was right in front of 'FreedomPark' where all sorts of rallies and demonstrations happened on a regular basis. During the times when these demonstrations were held, the alley going to campus would become so crowded and chaotic. I had learned to always be alert and never to let anyone too close behind me. There was always a strong possibility that someone would snatch my bag or cell phone away.

And of course, beside our school, lay the aforementioned Mendiola Creek, which, if one were unlucky enough to fall into, well, then God help him because the hospital wouldn't be able to.

With all these factors combined, I realized I needed to get some air. I needed to go somewhere, perhaps outside of Manila.

Yep, a vacation was definitely warranted.

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