Chapter XI- In the darkness

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In the darkness

In a dark place, someone held my hand. I looked up and was glad that it was him.

But he was wearing a black shirt, and there was something dark about him.

Yes, he was in a black mood.

"Let's go". He said, as he held my hand.

I knew he wanted to take me with him, to go with him to the afterlife.

"I can't".

This angered him.

He let go of my hand.


We need to talk.

Just those words and they shook my world. Those four words were always a prelude to something life changing. And from the tone of it, I had the feeling that it was a change for the worst.

I couldn't concentrate in class. I couldn't think of anything else. Truth to tell, I had an exam the next day --- but I couldn't think of anything else except those words!

"Is something wrong?" I texted back. Please. Please let it not be what I think it is.

"Let's talk about it later. Why don't you concentrate on your exam tomorrow." Andy replied.

As if it were that easy. He would drop me the bombshell, which obviously hinted at a break up, and then, he would tell me not to think about it?

"I'll pass by your house later after class." I texted.

And so there I was ---inside the cab, waiting in front of his majestic gate. I called his cell phone. "Hey, I'm outside your house. Can we talk?"

"I don't know honey, I have lots of things to finish today."

Andy and I had been together for two awkward years. It wasn't like the relationship was made in heaven. He took me for granted a lot. And somehow, I think we both knew we weren't really meant to be, but we forced the issue anyway. I guess, at this point, he realized it.

I knew it too. But somehow, just like that day when we had that episode with his family, I held onto it, because I feared change.

"Please? Can I talk to you just for a little while?" I begged. Yes, begged! From the front seat, I saw the taxi driver glance at me. I'm sure he was thinking of how pathetic I was, begging a guy to talk to me like that.

Andy sighed heavily. "Okay."


"Do you still love me?"

"That's the wrong question." He said, calmly. He looked at me so steadily, as though he didn't care at all what storms I felt within. Or how his words cut me like daggers.

My heart felt crushed. I was losing him. " you still want to be in a relationship with me?"

He smiled sardonically. Without his contact lenses, his eyes really did look cold and uncaring.

"That's the right question."

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