Chapter III-Would you go out with me?

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Dream Journal

Would you go out with me?

I was doing something and being rude to him. Justly so, since he made my high school life miserable." Why don't we go out?" He insisted.

"Are you trying to make fun of me again?" I snapped. Even in my dream state, I knew from experience that everything he said was to be taken with extreme caution!

His face was serious though "Let's go."

"I can't. I still have a lot of things to do."


The pages of Svelle turned year after year. I endured high school as I got assigned to different sections. Year after year, the characters kept changing, but the theme of loneliness and isolation remained just about same.

It was during the start of my senior year that I dared hope things might begin to change.

For one thing, I had changed. I finally learned how to fix my hair. And I wore cleaner hair bands! Finally too, my hormones had calmed down a bit and my skin realized it didn't need to secrete as much oil on my face after all.

It was a miracle! Suddenly, all of my "awkward" problems had disappeared. I looked at myself in the mirror, and was amazed to see that there was actually quite a pretty face underneath it all.

So, on our first day of class, I thought, maybe, just maybe, this year would be different. Maybe I would actually have my happy ending before I finally graduated and left Svelle for good.

Boy was I wrong about that.

As soon as I entered the classroom, the sight I beheld took the smile off my face.

James was my classmate again!

I didn't know whether to be happy or upset. For one thing, I still had this secret crush on him. Yet I knew his presence could only spell trouble for me. I had learned my lesson from sophomore year only too well.


I must have been staring at James for too long that I didn't notice Ria come up from behind. "Hey, Lyssa! Well, what do you know? We're classmates!"

Boy, was it such a relief to know that Ria and I were in the same class! At least I would have someone to have lunch with, and I wouldn't have to suffer the humiliating ordeal of being alone during class activities.

"Yeah. Isn't that great?" I tried hard to veer my attention from James. He was busy talking to Rod and laughing out loud with his pranks to notice me. That was a good thing. I didn't want to be teased mercilessly on my first day.

"Wow, you look different." Ria eyed me from head to foot. "Is this really you?"

I smiled. I knew she was referring to my "transformation", of course.

"I finally learned how to use a comb!" I joked. "But, you're the one who's truly changed a lot!"

That was the year that Ria had gone on an intensive diet over the summer and lost---pretty much everything!

A guy's voice from across the room broke our little conversation. "Oh, my God, Ria! Is thaaaat you???!!! " It was Adrian De Leon, otherwise known as our batch gossip king. Adrian's comment had drawn attention. Pretty soon, Ria was swarmed by people as they all flocked to her in admiration.

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