Chapter XXIV-Hidden pains

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Hidden pains

Inside the classroom, Keith ( an annoying guy I used to always fight with when I was kid) was at it again. James was sitting somewhere far away from me. Keith teased James for having fair complexion that looked like a girl's, and insinuated that he had an easy life.

"You have no idea." James replied. Then, he transferred to the seat next to mine.

I playfully hit his hand with a pencil, "Does this hurt?"


She placed the white roses on the ground. Then, she touched the lettered gravestone and said a prayer.

The cemetery was beautiful. It was windy and it had a lot of trees. Not too far away, there was a creek where people could go fishing. And during All Soul's day, or All Saint's day, they had activities such as kite flying, painting, and the like. That day though, it was just an ordinary day.

It was about three p.m. Not too hot, nor too cold. Just the perfect time to visit the cemetery. Her hair was tied up, and she wore a long, white skirt. She was older now. She looked more mature, more subdued than she did many years ago.

Not too far away, James watched her as he leaned against a tree. This was the woman who had taught him the joys and pains of a real relationship.

At first, he had decided to get a girlfriend just so people would quit teasing him about not having one. He didn't want people to think he was made of stone, or that there was something wrong with him.

Not that she was bad looking. She was quite attractive. But what really got him hooked was the fact that she was so confident and had no inhibitions. In fact, they were very much alike. She had a great sense of humor. And man, she could really shake that ass on the dance floor!

Their relationship had been on the rocks even before that day. He had noticed the little signs here and there. Little complains that he shrugged off in the hopes they would go away. Like how she complained about his having no ambition. Or that he wasn't as sweet to her as she wanted him to be. It was as though she was all of a sudden measuring him up against a certain standard which never before existed, and he didn't quite understand why.

He remembered their terrible fight. He had felt so upset about it afterwards, and he just had to see her right away. He got the car keys and was on his way to her house when Rod called him. He had seen Anna with another guy. He was sure it was her. You think that would have stopped him. But it just made him all the more determined to see her. He knew there was an explanation. There had better be an explanation! He was going to hear it from her, and they would fix things.

What happened afterwards was classic.

He found the door unlocked and there was another car parked outside. That of course, was odd. He was sure her parents weren't there. Still, he convinced himself that it was probably just a relative or something.

Thinking back, he should have just turned and left. That would have been better. Then, he could have talked to her on another day when he was more calm and sensible. Maybe he could even accept their break up.

But that day, it was as though he was in some kind of trance.

James forced his mind back to the present. His emotions were overwhelming him again. Rage. Pain. He couldn't let those take over. Things happened when he became too angry or sad. There even were times when he would suddenly find himself in strange, dark places, along with other souls lost in their own torments. He had to control himself. He had to stay on this plane.

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