Chapter XIV- Roses from the grave

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Roses from the grave

I was in a wooden cabin, and the wooden stairs were laden with red rose petals.

I followed the trail, and it led me to a closed room.

I entered the room, and saw him lying face down on the bed. I turned him around and gasped in shock...he was dead!

I realized he had died holding those roses.

His corpse was cold and lifeless but the roses were still fresh. I cried.

Suddenly, he slowly came to life, and gently touched my chin. He started kissing me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm trying to ravish you."


It was past midnight. I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned, and still, nothing. Finally, I gave up, and turned on the lights. The results will be out tomorrow. It wasn't so much as the result itself that made me nervous but rather, what people would think of me afterwards. I'll be honest with you. I didn't really want to get into law school. The real reason why I did in the first place was because I just wanted to prove something--- to myself and to the world. Yes, even to James. I was the vengeful type, remember? And it was the perfect revenge! I wanted to prove that I could be something. And if I didn't make it, it just meant that I didn't prove anything at all. I know--- that was a pathetic reason to do anything! But it was too late to turn back.

I got up, and went to the kitchen to get some hot chocolate. I always loved chocolate. I did worry that maybe, that will be my own undoing one day. Like maybe, I'd eventually end up with diabetes or something. I knew I had to stop but I just couldn't help the addiction! There was just something about its intense flavor that took me to a heaven of my own. For a few moments, I could forget everything so completely --- all of my worries and my fears ---they all faded away as I took a sip of pure bliss.

"I've never seen anyone enjoy hot cocoa as much as you do." I looked up to where the voice had come from.

James was standing by the kitchen door.

I wondered if maybe I had fallen asleep after all, and was in fact, dreaming. He was leaning on the wall casually as it if was the most normal thing in the world.

It was just the perfect timing. I badly needed someone to talk to. I just felt so alone. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I needed a hug from someone. But I couldn't do that without seeming weak or vulnerable. So, I just kept it all in. But he was different. I felt like---he knew me so intimately. He knew my mind and how it worked. And I felt safe with him.

"Do you spy on me all the time?"

He went towards me, pulled up a chair and sat down. "I've seen you naked in the shower."

My face felt warm all over. "Are you not aware of this little thing called privacy? Surely, even perverted poltergeists like you must respect that."

"Easy, there's no need to get upset." He grinned and waved his hands in front of me. "I'm just a harmless spirit now remember?"

Harmless spirit. Images of last night's dream came flooding back ---the cabin, the roses. It seemed as though he read my mind, because he had this look on his face. "Did you like the dream last night?"

"Did we really do that?" I asked in a hushed voice, as though afraid someone might hear. There was absolutely no chance of that, however, as my family was sound asleep upstairs.

He grinned. He enjoyed doing this. "Well, it's different. When you dream, we're both on the same plane. I guess you can say...our souls did." He explained.

"You... pervert!"

"What? You didn't complain..." he said, innocently.

"I think we need to set some house rules."

He frowned at this. "Like what?"

"Like, no more watching me take a shower." I said, seriously.

He contemplated on that for a while. "Well, it's not as if you'll even know that I'm there...hey!" He said, as I pinched him as hard as I could. "Okay, okay... I promise. I won't do it again."

I couldn't believe it was all happening. It all seemed surreal. There I was having the most casual conversation with a ghost, as though it was the most normal thing in the world. "How is it that I'm able to touch you?"

"Sometimes it's possible when there's a lot of emotion involved. It builds up energy making it possible for us to touch each other." He shrugged. "But it doesn't happen all the time. It's unpredictable, really."

I reached out and held his hand. "I'm really glad you came tonight. For a moment there, I totally forgot about the exam results tomorrow..."

A strand of hair fell on my face and he tucked it behind my ear." I don't know why you're nervous. If you make it, that's good. If not, you can always try again."

"I'm worried about what people will think if I fail."

He held my chin gently. "Here's a tip. To win, you must not be afraid to lose. Keep that in mind. There's really nothing to be afraid of. I'll kiss you if you win, I'll kiss you if you lose. So, what's the problem?"

"I guess I can't escape your kisses then. Not that I'd want to get away."

He pulled my chair closer to him. He was looking at me in a way that made me feel so beautiful. "There is no escape."

I wasn't sure what actually made me feel better. If it was the rich flavor of hot cocoa...or the kiss that we shared.

Or maybe both.

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