Chapter XIX- Man on the moon

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Man on the moon

We were in class. I saw how James looked like when he was a kid. He was kind of thin and lanky which was quite different from how I had known him in high school. He won a prize from our teacher, who said that he was actually a good kid ---easily pleased and satisfied with the simplest of things. I looked at him from my seat at the back of the classroom and made a face. He looked at me sternly.

As a grown up, he was on stage playing a role.

The moon was big and full above him.


"Hi Charee. I was wondering if you still have your yearbook back in like, grade two or three?" I asked over the phone. I had already asked some of my old classmates --- even those who I hardly spoke to. But somehow, none of them kept their elementary yearbooks. How odd. Wasn't that supposed to be an important memorabilia?

"No, I don't."

"Oh." I was truly disappointed. If there was anyone who liked keeping sentimental albums, pictures, and stuff, it was Charee! She liked keeping stuff--- chocolate wrappers, boxes of her birthday cake,cards ---you name it! So you would have expected she would keep something as important as an actual yearbook, right?

"Doesn't your mom keep everything?" I asked hopefully. Her mother had the same obsessive compulsive tendencies she had.

"Well, yes, but you see, once she puts something away in some corner, she forgets all about it, and you can consider it lost until she somehow accidentally finds it again." She explained.

"Fine, please tell me when you do find it." I said, giving up on my quest. Charise was the last person I called. I had pinned my hopes on her. There was no one left on my list! I knew that being my best friend, I should have called her first before the others. But, well, I have this habit of saving the best for last. True, there were still other people in our batch but I didn't have their contact numbers, and it would be really weird if I suddenly popped in and asked them if they still had their elementary yearbook!

"When did you get back to Manila?" Charise asked.

"Just yesterday."

"We're meeting for dinner tomorrow right?"

My mood improved a bit. "Yes, of course. Let's meet at six p.m., I'll text you the place. You're in charge of informing Maya okay?"

"Yup, see you at six."


I glanced at my watch for the nth time and wondered how much longer I would have to wait.

At last, Charise arrived. "Sorry, I'm late."

I gave her a forced smile. She sat down, looked at me and tried to look apologetic. Though from her face I could also see a certain complacence --- as if she was quite certain that forgiveness would come soon anyway. "So, how's Davao?"

I sighed. She was right. Let's just call it the years of long friendship privilege. "It's good. I can't wait to go back. I can't stand the terrible traffic in Manila anymore! I'm just not used to it now. So, where's Maya?"

"She can't make it. Office meeting."

"Oh." That was rather disappointing. I really wanted to have a little reunion. "It's just you and me then. Shall we have dinner?"


I frowned as I tasted the food. It tasted like...Manila. It was bland, artificial, and highly commercialized. From across me, Charise, seemed to be reading my facial reaction. "Why did we choose this restaurant again?" I asked.

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