Chapter XIV - I want to learn how to dance

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Dream Journal

I want to learn how to dance

We were having dancing lessons. James was seated beside me. I watched the dance instructor in awe.

She swayed so perfectly.


"Dancing is simply about following your rhythm. All you need is to feel comfortable, close your eyes, and listen to the beat."

"I hate dancing." Charise said beside me.

"Yeah, I don't know why we're even here." Maya agreed.

"Shhhhh. Be quiet." I told them, glancing apologetically at the other people in the room who were starting to give us nasty looks. We had all signed up for a class in interpretative dancing, and the instructor was addressing everyone. It was quite a big studio. The students all sat on the floor while the instructor stood in front and addressed us.

"Interpretative dancing is all about following your spirit. You must feel the energy coming from your spine and feel it rise upwards, letting it set fire to the rest of your body. " The instructor continued. He looked every bit like his role. With that tall, lean body, dark skin, and long hair that seemed somewhat raw and untamed, he was the perfect picture of a free spirited individual. "Shall we give it a try?"

"Oh, no!" Maya said, nervously.

He must have heard her. "How about you, Miss?" The instructor said, as he held out his hand to her. Maya swallowed hard as she stood up and took his hand.

I gave Charise a look and snickered as I watched Maya turn red and stiff on the dance floor.

Charise glared at me. "Oh, so you're going laugh at me too when it's my turn, are you? Why did I ever let you talk you talk us into this?"

"To help cheer me up." I reminded.

"Oh, right." She said, now looking as though she badly wanted to run away, but was bound by the chains of friendship. "Just so you know, I've never set foot on a single dance floor ever since prom night." She added.

My eyes grew wide at the mention of that. "You've got to be kidding me! That was ages ago! And then I remembered something else. "Hey, speaking of prom night, do you remember that this is the same hotel where we had it?"

Charise was never one to forget about such details. Of course, she remembered. "Yep. It's the same hotel, different ballroom."

Finally, everyone was on the dance floor. I looked at the other participants. I stared at a tall, lean woman who danced ever so gracefully. The way she moved reminded me of a tall flamenco, gracefully moving in shallow waters. Then there was this guy whose moves were so structured that it somehow reminded me of one of those graphing papers we used for our Math classes. I looked around me, totally impressed. It was like, each dance told a story, only without words. Everyone danced so beautifully, it was hard to believe they were not all professionals! I glanced at Maya and Charise fumbling awkwardly. Well, I guess not everyone.

I concentrated on my spine, and let myself be guided by the rhythm of my body. I closed my eyes and different images swam through my head... that time when I was nine and dad bought me the most delicious Toblerone Mousse cake... our windy afternoons spent at chess plaza... that electric current I felt when Jake touched my shoulder. And then of course I thought, of him... the ghost in my dreams.


"I think I'll just go get some air." I said.

Maya and Charise merely nodded, as they sat down on the floor. They were exhausted. As for me, I was tired, but it was a good kind of tired. Nonetheless, I needed to go out for a while. "You guys want anything from outside? Drinks perhaps? I'll pass by the convenience store downstairs."

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