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You were awoken by a buzz.

"Permission to come in?" A familiar voice asked.

"Permission granted." You mumbled still half asleep. The door opened to reveal Doctor Rosin.

"Wake up it's time for breakfast." She smiled.

"It's too early." You groaned pulling the covers over your head.

"It's already nine. You should know the schedule by now. Eat breakfast at nine, lunch at noon, a small snack at three, dinner at six and in bed by nine." She reminded as she tore the covers from your body.

"Alright I'm up." You yawned finally sitting up.

"Get dressed. The day is only beginning." She chirped. You got out of your pajamas and got dressed. You went over to the cafeteria and got breakfast.


"Doctor Rosin? Doctor Rosin are you there?" Asked someone at the end of her walkie talkie.

"Right here having lunch with my client." She smiled.

"Which one?" Asked the man.

"______ __________." She answered giving you a small smile. You weakly smiled back as you bit into a cracker.

"Well she has a visitor. Is now a bad time?" Asked the man over the walkie talkie. You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. You did, however, nod approvingly.

"Send the visitor in." Doctor Rosin smiled. After a few minutes of waiting,  you suddenly felt a pair of hands land over your eyes, making you tense up.

"Guess who." You heard a familiar voice chuckled.

"Dakota!" You gasped jumping out of your seat and hugging him tight.

"I missed you too, ______." He smiled hugging you back.

"We're having lunch. Would you like to join us?" Asked Doctor Rosin.

"Am I allowed?" He nervously asked.

"Yes." She smiled giving him permission.

"Mind showing me how this place works?" Dakota suggested.

"Sure. It's just like the lunch lines at school." You smiled.

"So I just get a tray--" He began.

"And you just put whatever food you want on it." You finished.

"I think I'll just get some rice with veggies." He smiled taking a bowl of rice and scooping some vegetables on top of the rice.

"Healthy." You smile.

"You know it. What are you eating?" He chuckled getting some bottled water.

"Just some tomato soup, crackers and apricots. This place kinda drains my appetite." You mumbled taking your seat.

"Yeah I get what you mean. This environment doesn't feel very settling." He agreed looking around the dull cafeteria.

"Trust me you get used to it after a while." Reassured Doctor Rosin.

"With all due respect, ma'am, I don't think I can ever work here. This place just seems too depressing for me." He grimaced.

"That's how most of the employees here felt the first few days but just like everyone else here, you get used to it." She smiled. Dakota ate his meal while you munched on your apricots.

"So what do you guys do for fun around here?" He asked.

"Well we have an entertainment room where you can find mild forms of ways to have fun. If you want, I can escort the two of you over there after lunch?" She suggested.

Fallen Angel (Dakota Goyo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now