"Dakota call 112!"

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All you've been eating were fruit and vegetables for the past few months. Even though they are healthy you only ate once a day, and had lost a large amount of weight. You felt ill and weak, but that's no excuse. You were at the amusement park. The first thing that came to mind was the rides. They looked so exciting, but you weren't allowed.

"It's not going to be fun and games." James would say.

"You came here to work not mess around." James would inform. You walked inside the out door amusement park to see a crowd waiting for you. Bigger than you thought. Then you saw Dakota smiling at you. You know how you get butterflies in your stomach? Screw that. A whole zoo was running around in there. Of course you smiled back and then stopped walking. You didn't feel too well. Your vision became dizzy. You grab James' hand.

"I don't feel too good." You admitted.

"You're just nervous. Let go of my hand. What are you 5?" He asked snatching his hand away. You took a deep breath.

"Hey, guys!" You cheered running to the crowd. They cheered. You preformed a few songs, took pictures, and talk to fans. You were having a blast. Finally you talked to Dakota. He had his Daryl Dixon vest. "Can you not wear that in front of me? You're making me jealous!" You whined.

"Why? If you want I can let you borrow it." He smiled as he began to unbutton his vest.

"Thanks." You blushed putting it on.

"No problem. It looks better on you anyways." He complimented. You couldn't help but smile.

You eventually got a break and were eating with Dakota. Well he was eating. You just drank water. A growl escaped your stomach.

"Hungry?" He chuckled.

"Very. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday." You groaned.

"That's not good. Here you can have my funnel cake." He smiled.

"No." You decline as your stomach roared.

"Your mouth says no, but your stomach says yes." He smirks. You looked at him and then at the funnel cake. You snatched it from him and began to pig out. Dakota simply laugh.

"I'm sorry. Am I suppose to be lady like?" You asked.

"No. Feel free to pig out." He smiled. You continued but stopped. You let out a groan as you held your stomach.

"Are you ok, _______?" He asked. In response you groaned and set your head on the table. Dakota got off the table and ran off. "Mom!" You heard him yell.

"_________ is everything alright?" Mrs. Goyo asked. You didn't reply. You blindly ran to the restroom. Whether it was the men's room or women's room were the last thing you cared about. All you were thinking was making it to the trash can. You threw the funnel cake up. Gross.

"________ are you ok?!" Dakota asked.

"Dakota get out this is the women's restroom!" Mrs. Goyo ordered rubbing your back trying to comfort you. "I'm guessing your stomach didn't like the funnel cake?" She asked getting a paper towel.

"I don't feel good." You said in a weak voice. You felt so weak. You simply collapsed. Your vision darkening.

"Dakota call 112!" Mrs. Goyo yelled before you lost consciousness.(A/N I did a bit of research and I'm not sure if it's 911 in Canada or 112. If someone could inform me the correct emergency number that would be nice :) )

You looked around seeing white walls. You heard beeping. It wasn't long until you knew where you were. You looked down to see that all you were wearing was a hospital gown. The thing that felt awkward was that you didn't have undergarments. You looked to your side to see a remote. One button was of a figure that had 'nurse' written under it. You pressed it. Within minutes a tall male in a uniform came.

"You're awake. Thank goodness. There are people out there that are worried sick." He informed.

"What happened?" You asked looking at his name tag. Dr. Moon.

"Well before I go into detail I would like to ask some questions. Is that ok?" He asked. You nod. "Are you having any troubles? At school? Is anything bothering you at home? Has anything happened? Bad news, death of a loved one?" He asked.

"No..." You replied honestly.

"When was the last time you ate?" He asked. You hesitated.

"At the amusement park." You replied.

"No. Before that." Said Dr. Moon.

"Define eat." You replied.

"A meal? Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert." He answered. "How many times do you eat a day?" He asked.

"One." You replied.

"A growing girl like you should be eating at least three times a day." He informed.

"I know." You replied.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I went on a diet to fit in a dress for a photo shoot. I guess I forgot to stop." You answered taking the blame for James.

"A growing girl like you shouldn't go on diets unless they really need to. And if you really needed to there are safer ways to lose weight than starvation." He replied. You looked down feeling ashamed.

"Now let's talk about your arms shall we?" He said removing the blanket that was covering your cut up arms. "What happened there?" He asked. Please don't. The last thing you wanted to do was talk about this.

"I got a cut." You shrugged.

"It's certainly not a cut. I see at least thirty." He said. "Why would you do this?" He asked.

"I don't know. The physical pain just distracted me for a moment. It calms me down." You admitted.

"What calms you down?" He asks. You shrug.

"The feeling I get when the blade slices my skin." It wasn't the best answer, but it was an answer.

"Does anyone know about this?" He asked.

"James." You replied. "Has he done anything to get you help?" He questioned.

"He just told me to stop." You replied. Dr. Moon sighed.

"I'm going to have a talk with James about this." He left the room. Great. James will get mad at you. Within minutes he came in. "I educated him on how serious these problems are and gave him a pamphlet. I hope you get the help you need." He smiled.

"Now will you tell me what happened?" You asked. He sighed. "Well due to the lack of solids you have been eating your stomach have forgotten how to digest food, so when you ate the whole funnel cake it was too much for your stomach to handle so your stomach threw it out the same way it came in. For your stomach to learn how to digest again you will have to start eating more, but small portions. Within time you can increase the portions of food and hopefully you will return to a normal diet." He explained. You nod. "So far everything looks normal, but just to be safe we will keep you here for overnight observation. For now only family can visit." He explained.

"Ok. Thank you, Dr. Moon." He simply smiled and walked out the room.

Fallen Angel (Dakota Goyo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now