Give me shelter

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You were awaken by someone's small cold finger poking your cheek. You let out a groan as you slowly opened your eyes. Your ______ eyes met a pair of young brown eyes. You sat up as you starred at the young child. He looked at you with wide eyes and let out a scream. Being started by the sudden action, you screamed as well. You both eventually ran out of breath. You looked at the young child as he took a deep breath and yelled.

"Shhhh. Be quiet! I'm your brother's friend." You hushed. But the child continued to screech. He began to run off but you grabbed him by his arm and held him trying to place your hand over his mouth.

"Stranger danger! Stranger danger!" He yelled.

"I'm not a stranger! I'm a friend!" You harshly whispered trying to hush him.

"Daddy! Mommy! Stranger danger!" The boy cried.

"Stop!" You whimpered trying to keep his quiet.

"What are you doing to my son?" You heard a voice asked. Both you and the son turned around to see a middle aged woman with a hockey stick ready to swing at any given moment.

You let out a scream of terror as the young boy leaped into your arms whimpering. At this moment, you began to wonder if you got the wrong house.

"Jesse!" You cried. The woman lowered her weapon.

"How do you know my son Jesse?" She asked as you continued to shake.

"He's my friend. Dakota is our mutual friend. I just needed a place to stay. I swear I'm not going to hurt anyone." You reassured.

"Jesse come here!" The woman demanded

"What's with all the ruckus, mom?" Jesse groaned as he appeared through the hallway running his hand through his messy hair. He let out a yawn.
"______?" He asked.

"You two know each other?" She asked.

"Yes that's what I've been trying to tell you!" You exclaimed.

"Out of all of the dreams I've had, this is probably the strangest." Jesse muttered still half asleep.

"Jesse you're not dreaming." You inform placing the child on the floor as he ran behind his older brother.

"Morning, Jimmy." Jesse smiled patting the young child on his head.

"M-m-morning." He stuttered still startled.

"______, what are you doing here?" Jesse asked.


"And that's why I need a place to stay." You finished. Jimmy looked over to his mother waiting for a response as he poured maple syrup over his small stack of mini-pancakes.

"Sure thing, ______. You can stay as long as you need. Mi casa es su casa!" Jesse spoke in his broken Spanish.

"Gracias." You laughed.

"Jesse you know we can't make these types of decisions without your father." Inform his mother. Jessie turned to you giving you a pitiful smile.

"But daddy doesn't come home till five! It's only twelve." Little Jimmy spoke taking a sip his chocolate milk.

"Well I guest she's going to be our guess for a while." She replied.

"Yes! Hey want to go to my room and play video games?" Jessie offered.

"Yea!" You cheered.

"I wanna play!" Squealed Jimmy.

"No." Jesse replied.

"Mom! Jesse won't let me play with him." Jimmy tattle tale.

"Jesse let your brother play." Demanded his mom as she washed a plate. Jesse let out an eye roll as he lead you to his bed room.

"How old is he?" You chuckled.

"I'm three years old." Smiled Jimmy holding up three fingers.

"Ok I have Super Smash Bros. for the WIIU, Super Mario Maker, and Just Dance 2016. Which do you want to play?" Offered Jesse.

"Super Smash Bros!" Squealed Jimmy.

"Jim we let the guest decide." Replied Jesse.

"How about we play Super Smash Bros?" You smiled as Jimmy cheered.

"Alright." He shrugged. He turned on the WIIU and put two players while the other two characters were computer programs.

"Isn't your brother going to play?" You whispered.

"Shhhh." He hush handing his sibling a dead controller.


"Daddy's home!" Squealed Jimmy dropping his dead controller and running down the hallway.

"Were we really playing video games for five hours straight?" You asked.

"Yup. But it was so fun." Whispered Jesse with tired eyes.

"Let's go ask." you smiled putting the controller back.

"Hey there, kiddo. Who is she?" Smiled Jesse's father as he messed with his hair.

"Dad. This is ______. She is a very good friend of mine and she needs our help." He informed with a firm grip of your hand. Jesse's father glanced over to Jessie's mother and back to you.

"Um alright. What is it?" He asked taking a seat.

"______?" Jesse asked. You took a deep breath.

"Ok here's the thing. I need a place to stay for a little bit. That's why I'm here. I'm not asking you to feel guilty and stuff like that so let's not even go there. I just need a place to stay for a while. I'll get a job, I'll get my own place, and then I'll be out of here." You informed

His father scratched the back of his head thinking.

"I-I don't know." He grimaced.

"Dad please!" Begged Jesse. His father let out a deep sigh as he pulled out his wallet. You looked at him in confusion. He got out a stack of money and carelessly tossed it at your direction.

"That's enough to get you into a motel for a few months." He replied turning away.

"You're joking." Whispered Jesse.

"Walter! We can't just throw the girl out into the streets!" Exclaimed his wife.

"I'm not throwing her out into the streets, Linda. I gave her money. She'll live." Walter shrugged.

"If this was the twins or Dakota, you would've taken them in no problem." Jesse grimaced in disappointment.

"Well we don't know this girl. She might try to kill us in our sleep! Your mother told me she broke into our house!" He exclaimed.

"She's lying!" You exclaimed. The married couple began to argue.

"I knew I couldn't count on you." You whispered.
"Screw it I'm out of here!" You exclaimed placing the money on the table and stomping out. Linda and Walter were too busy arguing to take note of your absence.

"______ wait!" Begged Jess quickening his pace.

"Leave me alone." You growled running away.

"______ stop." Jesse snapped holding your arm.

"Let me go!" You struggled.

"Where are you gonna go, huh? What are you going to do? Do you even have a plan?" Jesse attacked you with questions.

"I'll find a place. There has to be a homeless shelter around here." You shrugged.

"You're staying with me." He replied.

"But your dad-"

"Fuck him. You're staying. He growled. You were stunned by his tone and sudden use of language.
"It doesn't matter what I have to do. You're staying with me and that's final." He concluded.

Fallen Angel (Dakota Goyo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now