I just want to be with Lindsey

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You sat there on your bed. Unbelievable! I can't believe it! He never liked you! He only went out with you for pity. You were nothing but his little charity.

"Idiot." You whispered to your self.

"Idiot!" You yell throwing your phone across the room. Of course! What a fool you are. Why on Earth would a guy like Dakota date a girl like you? The thing that confused you the most was the message he left. It sounds nothing like him. You didn't bother responding.

You frantically looked around the room. No razors, no needles, no pins. Of course. No sharp objects are allowed in your room. You texted Lindsey in hope that she wasn't busy. She said if you ever need anything simply text her.

"Hey are you busy? Please tell me you're not. I really need someone to talk to." You pressed send and played the waiting game.

"Not busy at all :). What happened? Are you ok?" Was her reply.

"I'll tell you later. I'm on my way." You replied getting your jacket, bike and violin and heading out the door. James didn't want to drive you. He thought of it as a waste of money and gas. What happen to being an actual guardian you may ask. Well that only happened for a week. Besides the cold air would get rid of your tears.

Your rode your bike to the hotel in which she was staying in. You locked your bike and went inside. Lindsey told you the room number and floor level. Of course all visitors must check at the front desk. Before checking in you got a cold water bottle from the vending machine. Finally having the energy to stand you went up at the front desk still panting.

"Name?" Asked the man at the front desk.

"My name or-"


"_______ _______" you replied.

"Ok. Name of person you wish to visit?" He asked.

"Lindsey Stirling." You replied. He glanced at you for a moment.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. Ms. Stirling is not doing a meet and greet at the moment." He informed.

"No. I'm not a fan. I'm a relative." You explained.

"Of course. All of her fans are related to her." He replied rolling her eyes. He clearly knew that Lindsey would refer to her fans as 'part of her family'.

"No. I really am related to her!" You exclaim.

"Ma'am I am asking you politely to leave." He said.

"I'm not leaving until I see Lindsey!" You yell. The man behind the counter let out a sigh.

"Security needed at front desk. Repeat. Security needed at from desk." He spoke into a walkie talkie.

"No don't call security!" You begged. A man and a woman in cops uniform walked towards the scene.

"Lindsey!" You yelled running through the corridors. You tried to run as fast as you can to her floor. One guard got you by your arm and the other did the same.

"Let me go! Let me go!" You yelled trying to squirm out of their grips. You accidentally elbowed a cop in the process. Your day was already ruined. All you wanted to do was turn to the person you trusted the most, and you're being stopped.

"She's getting violent." Whispered the man. Oh great. Just because you elbowed them they think you're getting violent? Police logic.

"We're going to need backup." Replied the woman as they struggled to drag you out of the hotel.

"Lindsey! Lindsey!" You yell in hope that she might hear you. Then again there is probably more than one Lindsey in the hotel.

"May Lindsey Stirling please report to the front of the building?!" You yelled.

Lindsey's POV

I went out of my room to get my daily dose of cereal. ______ was coming because she wanted to talk to me. She didn't put in much details, but I'm guessing it's important. I was walking while two cops ran past me. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Not many emergencies happen here. I wanted to see what happened, but at the same time I didn't want to get involved.

You know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat. Then again cats do have nine lives.I thought about it for a while. I walked towards the scene to see the a police guard attempting to drag someone out. While the other was searching through the person's case. A violin case to be exact.

"May Lindsey Stirling please report to the front of the building?!" She yelled. I recognized her voice.

"______!" I yell running towards her. She broke out of their grip and began to run towards me until a police guard got her.

"Hey let her go!" I demanded.

"Ms. Stirling I understand that you admire your fans but I told her to leave and she disobeyed." Informed the man at the front desk.

"She's my niece! She's allowed to be with me!" I exclaimed. The cops stopped struggling and glanced at me and him.

"Didn't she tell we were related?" I asked.

"My apologizes, Ms. Stirling. Let her go." He said to the guards. They did as told, and the guard searching though her violin case put everything back and closed it, I looked over at her as she fell to her knees.

"Don't apologize to me! Apologize to her!" I demanded.

"Alright. I'm sorry, ______. " he said. ______ looked up at him and down. Not getting up.

"It's cool." She mumbled. I walked to her and offered my hand.

"Come on, slow poke." I smiled. She didn't say anything. All I heard from her was a sniff.

"What's wrong?" I asked suddenly being worried. She looked up at me. Her eyes were red and watery. Her faced stained with tears. Now I was concern.

"What happened?! Did the guards hurt you?" I asked crouching to her size. She looked at me and hugged me.

"I just want to be with you right now." ______ whimpered. I hugged her back wondering what made her so upset.

"How about we go talk about it in my room?" I asked helping her up. She gave me a weak smile as she nodded in agreement.

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