At least he tried

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A few months had passed. Dakota kept in touch with you via text, but has been difficult due to time difference. You were almost done with your Canadian tour. All you needed was Toronto, and you're good to go. You quickly put on your black dress. It did finally fit, but you couldn't help but grimace. Something didn't seem right. You finally noticed it; your arms. The marks they have won't be leaving anytime soon. You put on a pair of black gloves with sleeves on them to cover it up. It matched the dress perfectly. And the gloves didn't cover your fingers meaning it won't get in the way with your instrument playing. You couldn't help but slightly smile at yourself. Your phone vibrated. "Can you come over? It's just my brothers and I and we're bored. It's more fun with you around :/" you replied to Dakota's text saying you'll be right over.

"James can you give me a ride to Dakota's house?" You asked.

"It's only a mile from here. You have a bike don't you? A little exercise would do you some good. " He said. You've got to be kidding. He sadly wasn't. "Make sure you're here by 6:30 the photo shoot starts at 7. And if anything happens to the dress you're dead." He warned. You didn't want to ride the bike, but you wanted to see Dakota really badly. You could've taken the bus, but you don't have change or a bus pass. Bike it is then.

Despite the difficulty of wearing a dress and writing a bike you still made it. You knocked on his front door out of breath.

"Are you ok, ________? You look awful." Dakota mumbled.

"Thanks that's exactly what a girl loves to hear." You replied walking in, and leaving your bike on the front porch.

"I didn't mean it like that. I just meant-"

"I know what you meant. I just took a one mile bike ride to get here." You answered taking a seat on the couch.

"You rode your bike here? Why didn't you just call us? I have a license you know." Dallas smiled holding up his drivers license with pride. You couldn't help but mumble under your breath.

"Photo shoot today?" Dakota guessed handing you a glass of water.

"Yup." You replied taking a gulp of the H2O.

"You look cute in that dress." Dallas winked.

"Thanks. I don't normally wear dresses, so enjoy it while it lasts." You replied as Dakota gave his older sibling a slight glare. It was odd for a moment. It was silent.

"Where's Devon?" You asked.

"Sleeping in late." Dakota explained.

"So that explains why it's so quiet." Dallas whispered. After an hour of talking there was a knock on the front door. Silence.

Dallas and Dakota stared at each other. "Did you invite anyone?" Dallas questioned.

"Only ________. That's it." Dakota answered.

"Answer it." You replied. Dakota head towards the door. You simply looked down at your glass. Is it half full or half empty? Either way you're right.

"Dakota!" You here an unfamiliar female voice squeal. You immediately looked up to see a red haired girl who looked slightly older than you. She smiled for a moment until she saw you.

"Who's she?" The redhead asked.

"Annie this is _______. ________ this is Annie." Dakota introduced. It took you a minute to finally recognize her. Annie Thurman.

"You played Shelly in Dark Skies." She confidently smiled at herself.

"It's nice to meet a fan. Autograph?" She offered. You kindly declined. "Hey weren't you in that 'Youth Musicians Contest' thing? I did a little research on you and you've been playing the viola since you were five. The competition was a little unfair don't you think? I'm surprise they even let you sign up." She shrugged taking a seat next to Dakota.

"Violin." You corrected.

"Viola, violin same thing." She shrugged.

You ignorant pest. A viola needs more work on bow weight and control because of its thicker strings. It's harder to get a good sound out of the lower viola strings than the violin. Viola is bigger and tuned a perfect 5th octave lower than the violin - violin open strings are GDAE, viola's is CGDA. It also has a darker, mellower tone quality as compared to violin. Violas usually doesn't get a lot of solo parts in orchestras, it's used more for the middle harmonies.Viola reads the alto clef whereas violin uses treble. You took a breath trying not to lose it. You all began to talk of the pros and cons of your careers.

Annie and you couldn't help but get in a slight argument. Actress Vs. Composer.

"Composing an orchestra is so easy! All you have to do is wave a dumb wand around." She said.

"No it isn't. It's very hard work. You don't just wave it around! And it's called a baton." You exclaim.

"Like you would know." She scoffed.

"Actually I composed my elementary school's orchestra in 4th grade, so yes I would know." You replied.

"Let's just face the fact that acting is a way harder and better job than being a composer am I right, Dakota?" She asked turning to her fellow acting friend. You looked at him waiting for a response.

"Don't bring me into this!" He yelled sinking into the couch.

"Acting is so dumb! All you have to do is memorize some lines. You're pretty much just playing pretend except it just has special effects and stuff. You don't even get recognized much! Your character does." You said. Annie let out a dramatic gasp.

"I can't believe you would say that!" She exclaimed getting ready to stage cry.

"Poor thing. What are you going to do? Cry to your mommy and daddy?" You asked in a baby voice.

"At least I have parents! No wonder you were left in an orphanage!" She yelled.

"Annie!" Dakota scolded.

"Woah. That's harsh, man." Dallas whispered. You couldn't help but lose it. The next thing you knew you were on top of her. She was pulling your hair while you were trying to claw her eyes out. Dallas got out his phone most likely video taping while Dakota was trying to break it up. You wrapped your hands around her neck. You weren't trying to kill her. You just tried to scare her enough to show you weren't the type of girl that likes to be messed with. The color of her face began to change. Tears of fear escaping from her blue eyes. Dallas got slapped by reality in that moment. "Stop you're killing her!" He yelled putting his phone away. You did as told. Annie threw you off her gasping for air.

"If that... That pest gets anywhere near me I'm getting a restraining order!" She yelled running off. You won.

"That was a little harsh don't you think, _______?" Dakota asked. You looked down at your phone realizing you were late for the photo shoot. You quickly ran off fixing your hair.

Dakotas POV

________ explained that she had to leave. I watched her as she left.

"Dude this is your chance! Ask her out!" Dallas whispered.


"No buts. This could be your only chance! It's now or never." Devon replied pushing me outside. I look at her as she starts walking with her bike.

"Wait up!" I yell running towards her.

"What is it, Dakota?" She asked. I tried to get the question out of my mouth but failed every time. After a few minutes of me trying to get my words together _______ looked down at her phone. "Can you hurry this up, Dakota? I'm already late." Not wanting to get her in trouble I changed the question.

"When and where are you having a meet and greet?" I asked.

"Next week at Crazy Wally's amusement park. It's at 3pm. Admission is free. I'm going to preform a few songs and sign autographs and take picture." She answers.

"See you next week." I said running inside. My brothers attacked me with questions.

"Wait did you even asked her out?" Dallas asked. Silence.

"He chickened out." Groaned Devon.

"Darn it, Dakota! You had one job. One job!" Dallas yelled.

"At least I tried! When was the last time either of you tried to ask out a girl?!" I snapped. Silence. "Exactly." I mumbled.

Fallen Angel (Dakota Goyo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now