Back to square one

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"_____! Wake up!" Jesse groaned shaking you.

"I'm tired!" You whined pulling the covers over your head.

"Well I'm bored and I need company!" He exclaimed.

"Play with your brother Jimmy." You suggested placing the pillow over your head.

"But he's sleeping." Jessie replied.

"Then go wake him up." You snarled.

"______ trust me. You don't want my baby brother to be cranky." Jesse warned.

"Fine what do you want to do?" You groaned sitting up.

"Well for starters, get dress." He laughed throwing a shirt and pants at you.

"Alright I'm dressed. What do you wanna do?" You yawned.

"I don't know. I've never wake up before noon." He shrugged.

"How about we watch television?" You asked flopping on the bed.

"Alright a lets see what's on at eight in the morning." Smiled Jesse.


"SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!" Jesse happily sang along.

"You watch Spongebob?" You giggled.

"This is my childhood we're talking about." He informed.

"I prefer the old Spongebob." You shrugged.

"Alright let's see what else is on." He replied flipping the channel.

"Dora the Explorer!" Cheered a group a kids. You glanced over to Jesse.

"So would you rather improve your Spanish or be entertained by a talking sponge?" You asked.

"Spongebob it is." Jesse muttered. After a few episodes, the door bell rang.
"I'll get it!" Jessie volunteered.

"No you two stay in your rooms. I'll get it." Replied his father. Jesse stood quiet as he sat back on the bed.

"Any idea who it is?" You asked.

"Not a clue." He shrugged.
"Any idea what you're gonna do about James?" He asked.

"Not a clue." You shrugged.

"Don't worry, ______. You can stay as long as you need. As the oldest sibling, it is my job- ney my duty to care for the younger siblings!" He announced.

"Since when were we related?" You laughed

Well, I've always wanted a little sister and you seem to be the perfect person." He smiled.

"I'm pretty sure Jimmy thinks of me as an intruder not a sister." You pointed out.

"Well you did kinda broke into our house..." He began.

"How do you 'kinda' break into a house?" You scoffed. He let out a shrug.

"I wonder who's here." Jesse muttered.

"I don't know but your parents told us to stay in." You yawned.

"Still tired?" He laughed.

" Well you woke me up." You informed.

"Well I was bored." He pointed out as you rolled your eyes.
"Screw it I'm going to see who's here." He declared getting up. You took a hold of his arm stopping him on his tracks.

"You're parents told us to stay in and you know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat." You snapped.

"Yeah but satisfaction brought it back." He winked easily getting out of your grip and walking off. Being curious as well, you couldn't help but follow. The two of you hid in the dim hallway.

"Woah woah woah. There has to be some sort of misunderstanding here." You heard James nervously chuckle.
"You see, the kid and I got into a fight and you know how kids are these days. Thinking that they don't need an adult to boss them around, thinking that they can do whatever the hell they want without thinking of the consequences, being rebellious. She's just going through her little teenage rebellion phase. You got a kid don't you? What's their name... Jessica?" James asked.

"Jessie." Corrected his mother.

"Did he really just call me Jessica?" Jesse whispered in misbelief. You placed a had over your mouth to prevent any laughter from escaping.

"Close enough." He shrugged.
"Didn't Jesse go through that rebellious phase? If not, then he probably went through the that awkward seventh grade emo phase all kids go through these days." James scoffed.
"The kid's just mad at me and ran away. We just got into a silly fight. I didn't kick her out. She's simply overreacting. Didn't little Jessica ever overreact?" He chuckled.

"MY NAME'S JESSE!" He screamed in anger.

"You freaking idiot." You sighed. You tried to walk away but were caught.

"______! Jesse! Were you two eavesdropping?" His father scolded.

The two of you glanced at each other not planning your response.

"______! Just the girl I'm looking for! Why don't you explain to this nice couple that you ran away because of a silly fight we had?" James suggested welcoming you with open arms.

You didn't say or do anything too scared that your actions will simply make things worst. Just like Jimmy, you hid behind Jesse.

"Come on, _____." He growled holding a firm grip on your arm. You didn't move. Not because you didn't want to but it was because you couldn't move. You felt paralyzed with fear. Realizing you weren't moving, his grip grew as he leaned towards your ear.
"If you don't move, you're gonna get it when we get home." He threatened.

"Yeah that's what happened. We got into a fight and I ran away out of anger." You grimaced.

"Perfect. Now let's get out of here." He snarled yanking you towards the door.

"No." You heard a husky voice growl. You turned around to see Jesse holding your free arm.
"She's not going any where." He informed.

"Jess..." You began.

"I'm sorry but I don't think you know who you're talking to." James laughed.
"You see, I'm the adult and you, Jesse are a kid. And there is no way in hell am I letting some immature little brat tell me how my raise my child." He informed letting go of you and turning his attention to Jessie; stepping closer and closer to him until Jesse was against a wall.

"I don't care who you are but you do not talk to my child like that." Snapped Jesse's mother.

"______ is not going with you. She's staying with me." Jess demanded.

"I'm her guardian, I'm the adult here and she do as I say." He firmly set the law down.
"Let's get out of here." James huffed yanking you by the arm. Jessie glanced at you with concerned eyes. You just gave him a reassuring smile telling him you'll be fine, but t that moment, you noticed that Jesse was right. You don't have a plan.

Fallen Angel (Dakota Goyo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now