Sneaking out

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*PLEASE watch the video attached with this chapter for there is some foreshadowing. Just a warning that the video includes SPOILERS from BBC's series 'Sherlock' season two last episode "The Reichenbach Fall" just a small warning for the Sherlock fans.

You've been dating for several months. It was not long after one in the morning. You were texting Dakota to see if he was ready. The two of you would sneak out at night to meet up. Tonight's destination is the park.

"I'm already on my way." He texted. You got a blanket and snuck out. Thank goodness James is a heavy sleeper. You looked around trying to find Dakota. Then a hand covered your mouth from behind. You dropped the blanket and went to panic mode. Your heart began to race and you started hyperventilate. Then laughter was heard. "________ calm down it's just me." Dakota chuckled.

"You idiot! Why would you do that?!" You yelled punching his chest.

"I'm an idiot but I'm your idiot. Sorry. I didn't mean to give you a panic attack or whatever that was." He apologized. You simply rolled your eyes and put the blanket down. "Not the silent treatment!" Dakota groaned. You remanded silent as you laid down and watched the stars. No distractions, no people to bother you. It felt like heaven. You closed your eyes for a moment letting the cool midnight breeze run through your cheeks. You suddenly felt weight on you. You opened your eyes to see Dakota on top of you. You starred at him for a moment before he spoke.

"Forgive me?" He asked. You idiot. You almost gave me a panic attack. The last time that happened your friends suggested sending me to the doctors. You could've gotten me hospitalized. No. You stood quiet. He kissed your forehead. "Forgive me?" Silence. He kissed your cheek. "Forgive me?" Silence. He kissed your other cheek. "Forgive me?" This time you spoke.

"If I forgive you would you shut up?" You asked.

"Maybe." He smiled pecking your lips.

"All is forgiven." You replied.

"Yes!" Dakota smiled. Dakota removed his backpack.

"Snack?" He offered pulling out your favorite snack from his backpack.

"Thanks." You smiled. The two of you stargazed and discussed the shapes you saw in the stars. After only ten minutes Dakota got up.

"Come on we have to get going." He said. You got up and folded the blanket. The two of you would usually stay for an hour or so.

"Where? Every store is closed." You replied. Dakota let out a sigh.

"It's a secret place. Promise you won't tell anyone?"

"Promise." You replied. Dakota grinned.

"There's this house a few neighborhoods away. It's completely abandoned. I say we go there. I've been going there for the pass three months and nothing bad has happened." He replied. After a few questions you finally agreed.

It was your average quiet neighborhood. Nothing out of the ordinary. The abandoned house was the last one of the left. The front door was bolted shut.

"How do we get in there?" You asked.

"Simple." He smiled. He got a bobby pin and picked the lock.

"Ladies first." He smiled. You walked inside.

"It's pitch black in here." You said using your cellular device as a source of light.

"Don't worry I got it." He smiled. Dakota got out a lantern that illuminated the whole room from his backpack. An abandoned one story house. Dakota began walking and of course you followed him. It was a bedroom. Walls painted white and grey carpet. Empty but a king sized mattress in the center of the room. He placed the lantern in the corner of the room and laid down on the mattress.

"What do you even do here?" You asked.

"I come here to relax. Whenever I'm stressed or there's drama at home I come here to escape from reality, and just go to my happy place you know?" He asked. You laid down next to him and laid your head on his chest.

"I understand completely." You whispered. Dakota held you tight and you did the same. Neither of you wanting to let go.

"Want to watch Sherlock?" He asked. You jolted up.

"Yes! Wait how?" You replied. He got his iPad from his backpack.

"I have Netflix and I can hack the neighbor's wifi." He smirked. After a while you two were watching Sherlock. Season two episode three. The Reichenbach Fall. The episode ended. You already knew what was going to happen, but Dakota was in shock.


"How did he do it?! How did he fake his death?!" He asked frantically.

"I don't know." You replied. Dakota didn't take that as in answer. He would continuously ask the same question for five minutes straight. Finally having enough you pinned him to the mattress.


"I...don't...know." You whispered.

"Is season three on Netflix?" He asked.

"Yup." You smiled.

"Let's watch it." He grinned. You yawned.

"Maybe tomorrow at my house. It's very late." You replied trying not to fall asleep on the spot.

"Good point." He replied.

"See you at my place." You smiled.

"See you." Dakota smiled giving you a goodnight kiss.

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