New school

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I screamed, flinging myself upright in my bed.
'Just a dream.' I thought breathing heavily sweat dripping onto my dusty sheets. I threw my long legs over the side of my bed and walked to my dresser. I grabbed my black hoodie and jeans and walked to the bathroom.
After I showered I got dressed and grabbed the ace bandages and wrapped them around my crimson red eyes so no one could see them.
I walked down the stairs of the house, that belonged to my knew foster family, and entered the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and ran out the door almost forgetting my book bag and my converse.
Yuna, my German Shepherd, ran to my side as I got on my skateboard. I grabbed her leash and she ran down the street pulling me along.
I  reached the school and abandoned my skateboard and walked inside with Yuma guiding me, us both ignoring the stairs and giggles.
I wondered the school looking for the class labeled 1-A, running my fingers across the brail of every door.
I finally found my class and stood outside the door waiting for the teacher to tell me to come inside.
The door finally opened and the teacher told me to go into the classroom and introduce myself.
"Hello my name is Fujimoto Katsura and this is Yuma," I told the class pointing at said dog. "I hope you will take care of us." I said bowing.
"EEEKKK KAWAII!" The girls yelled causing me to cover my ears. The teacher hushed the class. And guided me to my new seat. I pulled out my ear buds and started listening to music.
When class ended I walked out of the classroom and pulled my flute of my book bag and looked for somewhere to play it.
I finally found an abandoned music room and pushed the door open. In front of me was the weirdest thing I have never seen.

A/N: Hope you liked it. I made a funny! This is going to be a yaoi or BxB so if you don't like it pls leave
P.S in the median is Katsura without the eye bandages.

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