Twins fight!!

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      "Let's play the, which one is Hikaru game!" I heard the twins chorus walking beside Haruhi. "Many girls have tried to tell us apart but none have succeeded." They boasted.
      "That is the dumbest game I have ever heard." Haruhi said as we walked behind them.
      "Yeah, it's not that hard to figure out." I informed them.
      "Do you have a problem with us?" The twins asked. Haruhi and I turned around to face them.
      "I just don't understand why you are so popular." Haruhi told them.
      "You don't understand the importance of having a pair of twins in a host club." They spoke.
      "Having a couple of good looking guys with homosexual tendencies earns the club points. It also helps if the two struggle between their friendship and attraction. And because we are twins our relationship is taboo, and therefore more intriguing. And besides having two loves is better than one." They explained. The girls went wild squealing. I rolled my eyes at the scene.
      "Hikaru, Kaoru, when I gave you control of the clubs website I did so on one condition, that you'd take it seriously!" Tamaki yelled. "What is this?!" He yelled showing a picture of Haruhi and I shirtless.(of course it was photoshop.)
      "You two look great." Honey yelled. The girls surrounded Tamaki wile me and Haruhi stood at the side sighing.
      Tamaki started yelling at the twins for taking pictures of his darling 'daughter' and darling 'son'.
      'Oh god, he's started this with me now.' I thought grumbling. I was not his son.
      "Cut it out, no more taking weird pictures of us." Haruhi scolded. I glared at them, not actually mad, but it was fun making them scared of me.
      "But your our toys." They said. I glared even harder.
      "We are not your toys." I yelled.
      'Why do I feel sad that they said that?" I asked myself confused at my emotions.
      "Toys did someone want toys if you like toys you should come visit my black magic club." Said a boy peaking his head through a door I didn't know existed.
      "Why is he talking to us through a crack of a door?" Haruhi asked.
      "Was that door always there? And don't you mean cult?" I questioned.
      "Don't get involved with that guy." Tamaki said startling Haruhi. "If you do you'll end up being cursed." He said creepily.
      "Really you think someone would curse you just because you talked to them?" I asked.
      "No I stepped on his toy, after I took my exam and the entire test was written in some strange lettering." He yelled. Honey freaked out at the story.
      "That only happened because you walked into the Greek class." Kyoya said. I sighed at Tamaki's stupidity.
      "But three days later I woke up and my legs were as heavy as lead!" He yelled at Kyoya protesting the idea of an accident.
      "You had run a marathon the day before." Kyoya once again counteracted his idea with logic.
      "You shouldn't underestimate the powers of belzenef." Nekozawa-sempai said scaring Tamaki again. "All you have to do is write the name of the person you hate on the back then that person is bound to have misfortune."
      The twins than shone a flashlight at his face and he ran back into his room.
      "How could you two do such a thing?!Obviously you don't understand the danger of his curses!!" Tamaki wailed frightened at what would happen next.
      "Ah I'm so bored, isn't there anything we can do?" The twins asked causing Tamaki to become saddened knowing that they weren't paying attention.
      "Hey Haruhi, Katsura! Can we come over to your houses!" They asked, either trying to sadden Tamaki even more or cure their boredom.
      "Why would you want to do that?" Haruhi asked.
      "We're 'commoners'." I said wile making air quotes.
      "We want to see were you live!" They said. I groaned.
      "Great know they're going to fallow us home and kill us in our sleep." I grummbled going unnoticed by the other three members of the class A-1 group who were trying to persuade their side.
      "I have also thought that we should see where you live!" Tamaki called dramatically.
      "We can settle this with a game. If you cant figure out which one is Hikaru we get to go to your houses." The twins sang. They put on hats and mixed themselves up.
      "This one is Kaoru this one is Hikaru." Haruhi said pouting to each respective twin.
      "Wrong." They called. I smiled and patted Haruhi on the head.
      "Actually he is right." I said calmly.        
      "You guys may look the same but you sound and act completely different." Haruhi said causing the twins' eyes to widen in surprise.
      "Your body language is different as well Hikaru stands slightly in front of Kaoru, his eyes have a harder glint to them as well." I pointed out.
      "How did you two do that?" One of the twins guests asked.
      "Well Hikaru's speech and actions come across more mischievous than Kaoru." Haruhi informed them. I heard a chuckle behind me.
      "I'm sorry Hikaru I don't mean to laugh." He apologized continuing to laugh.
      "Well I don't see what's so funny, I'm honest. It's sneaky people like Kaoru who are trouble makers." Hikaru huffed.
      "Don't turn this on me, I'm the one fallowing you." Kaoru spoke smoothly.
      "I suggest them but you like them more." Hikaru sassed.
      "You were quick to make a pass at Haruhi, admit it, you love her." Kaoru said. Hikaru blushed and turned away.
      "That's not true Kaoru, your so stupid, why would I fall for her she looks like a raccoon dog, and besides I know you like Katsura." Hikaru yelled. I blushed and hid my face in my hand hoping no one would notice.
      "Why would I like him he's a freak." Kaoru spoke. I could practically hear my heart shatter inside me.
      'Why did it hurt when he said that?' I asked myself holding back the tears forming in my eyes.
      I heard a motor and turned my focus to see Renge spiraling out of the ground.
      "How exiting, Haruhi and Katsura are in a love predicament." Renge said putting full drama into her words.
      "Renge I thought you loved Haruhi and Katsura." Tamaki pointed out. Renge jumped up and smiled.
      "I do, but I have no problem with them dating boys on the side." She spoke. We heard the twins fighting more and it pained me to see a close family be pulled apart by something so small.
     "That's it! We're over!" They yelled. We all looked at them in shock as they stomped out of the room.
      The next day I sat in my normal seat behind Haruhi. I looked over and saw Hikaru come in with bubblegum pink hair. I rolled my eyes and ignored it till I saw Kaoru come in with darker sky blue hair.
      "I was able to sleep alone, but I had a nightmare that the stylist dyed my hair pink. I woke up screaming." He said as he tried to sit down, Hikaru just kicked his chair to the side making him fall over. Kaoru pushed Hikaru's chair back so they were both on the floor. They stared at each other and three things across the room.
      The lunch bell rang and I grabbed my homemade bento off of the floor. I walked over to Haruhi and we proceeded into the cafeteria and stood by the twins as they got their lunch.
      "I'll have the A lunch. No give me the B pasta and the D salad. I'll take the F capellini with the duck. Stop copying me! Why don't you just leave me alone!!" They said at the same time.
      "I can't believe you are still fighting, you are a disgrace to the host club." Tamaki commented walking in with the other hosts. Honey offered them cake but continued talking making the twins annoyed. Mori walked over and dragged him away. Tamaki spotted Haruhi's bento and started fantasizing.
      "Hey Katsura! Want to sit over by me?" Kaoru asked. I looked over at Haruhi and saw she was already eating with Hikaru so I complied. We sat down a few seats away from them and I opened up my bento.

 We sat down a few seats away from them and I opened up my bento

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      "Hey Katsura, who made your bento? it's really cute." Kaoru complimented. I looked down and smiled.
      "My foster mom helped me make it." I said blushing. He looked at me and ate his food not asking any questions. I placed a tomato in my mouth and started chewing, i was in heaven until I saw Kaoru look over at Hikaru.
      "Can I be selfish for a second?" I asked looking down. I saw him nods out of the corner of my eye and continued. "You have someone special, someone who truly loves you. Why did you give it up because of something I don't even know. What are you fighting about anyway? I would kill to have a family that loves me like yours does." I told him. He saw my face and gave in.
      "It's a prank!" He whisper yelled. "We were trying to get you and Haruhi to let us come to your house. I'm sorry about calling you a freak. I went to far." He apologized. I forgave him and agreed to keep quiet about the plan. He slid over to Haruhi and Hikaru and fed Haruhi some food. The twins bickered more and I sat a few tables down sighing curious about the pain in my chest. I saw Haruhi leave and I fallowed her out of the room.
      "Well the way this is going we won't have the brotherly love package. Oh yeah and you two, you don't have to feel responsible." Kyoya said clearly blaming us for the lack of hosts.
      "Hika-chan and Kao-chan have never fought in the past." Honey pointed out. Tamaki agreed with him and all the other hosts were confused.
       Later that day the twins were still throwing things at each other.
      "Maybe you two should stop fighting it's driving me crazy." Tamaki suggested.
      "It's driving you crazy? Every time I look into the mirror I see him!" Hikaru complained.
      "You took the words right out of my mouth! I even got this!" Kaoru said pulling out the curse doll. He wrote Hikaru's name on the back and Haruhi went running to them.
      "You idiots if you keep fighting like this you can never come to my house!" Haruhi yelled. I sighed, she fell for it.
      "So your saying if we stop we can come over to your house?" The twins asked once again in unison. Haruhi turned over the curse toy and dropped it in realization. The twins embraced and apologized wile the club freaked out.
      The next day everything was back to normal except the twins switched hair color. The girls had thought they knew who was who but Haruhi proved them wrong. The week ended well, can't wait for the next adventure with the host club.

       A/N: sorry I got kinda lazy at the end I had a big day at school and it is late so...
And if someone didn't understand the love interest it is Kaoru. I feel that Kaoru makes more sense out of the others. Bai see you next week!!

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