The sun, the sea, and the host club

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"Hey guys! Let's go to the beach!" The twins chorused. Haruhi and I looked up from our homework and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
      "The beach? But we just went to the pool!" I pointed out. That pool adventure was enough for a month.
      "Don't you remember what Haruhi said? She'd like to go to a real beach!" They protested. I groaned and reared my chin on my hand.
      "Here's the fun part!" They cheated moving so we spotted dozens of swimsuits. "We got some swim suits for you to chose from!" Hikaru explained pointing at a pink frilly two piece.
      "Not that one, this one is better." Honey refused holding up a blue one piece.
      "You have a lot to learn, a one piece suit would make her unhappy because she is as flat as a board." They teased holding up said washboard.
      "You punks should stop sexually harassing my daughter. I've had enough!" Tamaki interjected. "But we are going to the beach." He finished agreeing with half the twins plans.
      "Why?" I complained, sinking down into my chair and pooling up on the floor. I never liked the beach, at least the idea of it. In all my life I had never once been to the ocean, but the idea of sand gives me discomfort.
      "So... Why did we come to Okinawa?" The twins questioned annoyed with the fact that they didn't go to an expensive foreign land.
      "Kyoya owns a private beach here." Tamaki reasoned. I looked around and saw the burnt orange roves from the top of the hill.
      "It's really historical, plus it's within Haruhi and i's budget." I explained. The twins seemed to understand and pitied us for being 'poor'.
      I sank my bare toes into the surprisingly soft sand and inhaled the salty smell of the ocean, one I never longed for in my life. But I had to admit, it was gorgeous.
      The girls were having fun too. Although I wanted to spend time with the boys the way they actually are, it was quite refreshing seeing all the happy faces.
      I noticed Haruhi sitting on a beach towel under an umbrella and jogged quickly over to her.
      "This sucks, I thought going to the beach meant a day off." Haruhi complained groaning into her knees.
      "Yeah... I do admit I would rather do whatever I wanted but, you can still have fun, right?" I questioned. She sighed again and nodded. I sat down next to her and laid back, using my arms as a pillow.
      "Haruhi, Katsura are you going to go swimming?" One of our visitors asked. I had never liked calling them costumers because contrary to popular belief we are not prostitutes.
      "No I like looking at the sea from a safe distance." Haruhi lied.
      "I thought Haruhi could use some company so..." I trailed off. The girls smiled and squealed about my 'kindness'.
      "Could we join you then?" They asked politely. Haruhi and I gratefully exempted the offer.
      "Haru-chan, Kat-chan! You want to got hellfish shunting?" Honey called across the shore.
      "Don't you mean shellfish hunting?" Haruhi asked, wanting clarification. I placed my hand on her shoulder and shook my head.
      "If he says its hellfish shunting then it's hellfish shunting!" I informed her. Better not to get the smol one sad.
      A bunch of crabs and oysters found their way around our feet. I tried to step back but they had us surrounded.
      "Look how many we've got!" Honey squealed at the buckets full of shellfish. Haruhi and I spotted Tamaki and the twins near a rock a few yards away.
      "Look! We're going to have a feast tonight!" We called, brimming with happiness, although I didn't like seafood I was happy I might get to cook fancy dishes.
      "Tell me my children, isn't this crab, crabtavating?" Tamaki asked. Haruhi just stood without emotion wile I broke and laughed like there was no tomorrow. "You think it's funny?" Tamaki asked excitedly.
      "No! That joke was so stupid it made me laugh!" I told him making him sad.
       A centipede sprung out of the crab and everyone screamed. Haruhi picked it up and attempted to through it but I plucked it from her hands and set it on the rocks.
      The girls were commenting on our act of 'bravery' so much it was like we entered an outnumbered gang fight to save them.
                       Kaoru's P.O.V
      "Hey boss listen to this! We just thought up a new game. It's called the 'who can find out Haruhi and Katsura's fears!' So wanna play?!" Hikaru and I asked. "They'd only show weakness to someone they like." We taunted.
      "What are the rules?" Tamaki asked. He was desperate to get Haruhi to like him.
      "The deadline is at sunset tomorrow, whoever finds out their weaknesses first wins!" We switched off.
      "And I have the perfect prize." Kyoya pitched in out of nowhere. He was holding a bunch of pictures of Haruhi in middle school, but one picture caught my eye. It was a picture of a sleeping Katsura. How he got that, no one will ever know.

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