Small quaint lives

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I snapped back into reality and ran off, I looked. I looked into his eyes, even if it was just for a split second I looked. When he took the bandages off I felt sad, sad that it might happen again. Sad I might hurt them. I probably did.
I ran into an empty classroom and hid. I heard no screams. What if I didn't hurt him? No I looked into his eyes, I hurt him.
Kaoru's P.O.V
His eyes where beautiful. Why does he hide them? He shouldn't. Maybe it is because they are an unnatural color.
"We have to find him." I said. The other hosts nodded and we all walked out of the club room. We searched the halls, the closets, the bathrooms, the classrooms, but he was nowhere to be found.
I passed by a door that was slightly open. I took a few steps back and looked inside. I motioned for Hikaru to come over and he did. We both slowly pulled the door open and looked around.
"Fujimoto-San?" I called. We heard a small noise and smirked.
"Oh well, I guess he isn't here. We should go." Hikaru said. Louder than need be. We walked over to the door and shut it. A moderately tall figure stepped out from under the teachers desk.
"Found you!" Hikaru and I said at the same time. He turned around. Is eyes where open but they avoided our gaze.
"It's you but, how you're sapped to be..." He trailed off. His smile grew wider than any smile I had ever seen. Tears built up in his ruby red eyes.
Katsura's P.O.V
'They aren't dead' I thought. I smiled and tears filled my eyes. Yuma rushed to my side and I patted her on the head. I wrapped the bandages around my eyes and we all headed back to the club room.
Girls flooded into the room walking to the hosts. I heard a light pair of feet click to where I was standing.
"Um... C-can I request you?" The girl asked in a timid voice. I smiled lightly and complied to her wish.
We sat down at one of the tables and she sat across from me.
"I'm Fujimoto Katsura. It's nice to meet you miss." I said smiling softly. She giggled and replied.
"I'm Rin Kiko. It is nice to meet you too. So, what do you like to do?" She asked. I smiled and replied with one word.
"Live." I said. Rin made a sound to prove my theory of her being confused. "I like to live, in a small quaint house with a small quaint family who live small quaint lives." I explained. I looked out the window and squeezed my knee, that was on my chair, like I did all those years ago.

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