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I stood in my living room stretching, finally done with all the cleaning. I had gone shopping earlier and thought of a menu for my guests.

The doorbell rang and I sighed, I had finished just in time. My jacket covered my hands, as I placed one on the chillingly cold door knob, opening it to a group of smiling idiots.

"Good morning!!" They cheered, I sighed and let them in. They flooded to the living room, and sat on the couch, chatting away.

"So, why are you here?" I asked. The group turned towards me and Honey jumped off Mori's lap, bounding over to me.

"We went to Haru-chan's house and now it's your turn." I groaned and stepped into the kitchen, pulling out fish, rice, and seaweed. I pulled out a sharp knife and began cutting the fish into strips. I was rolling out the rice when I heard the kitchen door open.

"Sorry we just barged in." Kaoru apologized. I shook my head, signaling that it was fine. He came up next to me and sat on an unused portion of the counter.

"What are you making?" He asked. I laughed, looking at my ingrediencies, it was seemingly obvious what I was making.

"Beef stew." I said sarcastically. Kaoru chuckled at my joke and pushed my head playfully.

"I meant, what kind of sushi?" He clarified. I put down my knife and cleaned my hands on a towel before moving to the next step in the recipe.

"Salmon nigiri." I answered. I shaped the rice and placed the strip of fish onto the short rice.

"Could you help me bring this to the others?" I asked. Kaoru nodded and picked up one of the plates. We brought it over to the couch where the hosts were chatting. The hosts were gobbling up their food, when I heard Honey ooo.

"Play the flute Katsura!" He ordered, I chuckled and started playing Georges Brun: Romance, Op. 41. The club swayed with the music as I played. I had thought that it would be annoying for them all to be cramped here, but it was actually quite fun.

"Wow, you play well." Kaoru complimented, causing me to smile, and blush slightly. I heard the door open and shut loudly. The club started freaking out, screaming that we were being robbed. I laughed and picked up the plate with three pieces of sushi on it and walked over to the door.

"We're back." My foster mother, Minami greeted, letting go of Yuna's leash, letting her run towards me. I placed a piece of sushi on the floor for her and handed another to Minami.

"Sorry, but some of my friends are over, I hope that's okay." Minami smiled and placed her hand on my head.

"It's fine, I'm glad you have friends," she smiled. I heard a group of feet clomping join the three of us in the foyer.

"Hello, Katsura's friends, I'm Minami, Katsura's foster mother, it's nice to meet you." She greeted. The hosts bowed to her politely. Minami bumped my arm with her elbow, causing me to look at her, confused.

"Could you help me pour some drinks for our guests?" Minami asked. I nodded and followed her into the kitchen, pulling out and starting to brew tea.

"So, which one do you like?" She asked. My face went red as I stuttered in response to her question.

"W-What do you mean?" I asked frantically. Minami chuckled, pouring tea into nine different cups.

"Come on, I know you. Which one?" She asked again. I looked around, making sure that no one could hear my answer.

"One of the twins, the shorter one, his name is Kaoru." I finally answered. Minami smiled, wrapping her arms around me.

"I'm so happy for you!" She cheered. I looked away in embarrassment as she went on about dating tips.

"Minami, I don't think he likes me, I mean, who would?" I said sadly. Minami sighed and pat my back.

"Come on, you're great. Just tell him, after all, it's better to love and lost than never to love at all." She smiled, hugging me.

"I'll do it." I told her. Minami laughed gleefully, giving me a high-five. She grabbed the tray full of tea and walked outside, winking.

"Here's your tea." Minami said, placing the tray on the table. I took a deep breath and looked at Kaoru.

"Kaoru, can I talk to you?" I asked nervously. Kaoru nodded, confused. I walked up the stairs, leading him into my room and closing my door.

"There is something I need to tell you." I said. I fidgeted around, trying not to hyperventilate.

"What is it?" Kaoru asked. I could tell he was almost as nervous as I was. I cleared my throat and breathed out.

"Kaoru, I have been thinking for a white. I-I really like you!" I yelled, closing my eyes. I didn't want to see his expression, or get mad at him and hurt him.

After a few seconds of awkward silence that almost made me cry, I felt a warm pressure on my lips. My eyes opened wide as I saw Kaoru's lips on mine. He backed away and smiled at me.

"I like you too. I have for a while." He confessed. I smiled brightly and hugged him, pressing my face into his neck, trying to hide my complete happiness.

"So, boyfriends?" He asked, his hands on my waist. I nodded and he pressed his lips against mine once again.

A/N: Hi everyone! It finally happened, yay. I am going to start posting every Sunday (Hopefully). ALSO, I POSTED ANOTHER FIC! It's Haruhi X Female!OC and it is called The Musical Type (OHSHC Yuri) I hope you enjoy that one as well. I'll probably post the other fic next week, so I hope you're looking foreword to it!

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