Secret revealed (im back)

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A/N: I am sooo sorry, words can't express how sorry I am. It's been over a year since I last updated it. I have been going through a string of personal problems and I finally got used to high school, so I am back, and I won't leave until it's over. I will draw or write anything you want as an apology, agree on one thing if you do want me to do something, I can't do four different things. Hello, I'm back, see you soon!

       The final bell rang as I collected my belongings. I walked out of the classroom and down the hall to the club room. Wile walking the oddly quiet halls I let my mind wander to thoughts that had consumed me for weeks.
      'Why do I feel like this?' I asked myself. When ever I thought of a certain ginger I had a weird feeling I couldn't quite explain. One that I had only had once, long ago. Was it love? No. It couldn't be, I wouldn't let it.
      "What are you thinking about?" Haruhi said as she popped in my sight. My face grew hot as I stared at her.
      "Nothing." I responded quickly looking away. I spend up and shuffled quicker down the hallway.
      "Who were you thinking about?" She giggled. Her smirk made me wonder if she could read my mind.
      "No one!" I snapped back a little too aggressively. Haruhi just shrugged and walked beside me. I knew she didn't believe me but I had to play it cool, I couldn't talk with her yet.
      'I'll ask her after the club.' I finalized as we entered through the large doors.
      "Hey!" We greeted. The other hosts waved while getting ready for another day of hosting.
      "I'm so tired!!" I complained, laying on one of the couches, wishing I could fall asleep. The day had been exhausting.
      "Welcome!" A corpus of voices erupted from my friends causing me to groan.
       'Ew, doing things.' I thought as a group of girls walked over to my table.
       "Hello Katsura." They greeted. I smiled slightly and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up.
       "Are you tired?" A girl with short brown hair asked. I nodded and grabbed my teacup, sipping the warm liquid.
       After a while it was time to switch groups, I stood up and walked to get food, still stumbling tiredly.
       I had almost reached the snack table when I stepped on a piece of paper and my feet slipped out from under me. I closed my eyes, bracing myself from the pain, but it never came.
       "Are you okay?" I looked up and saw a familiar red head holding me up. My face turned red and I jumped to my feet, turning to the other.
       "Yeah, I'm fine, thank you." I smiled. He returned it and placed his hand on my hair.
       "Be more careful next time." I nodded and continued my journey for snacks, walking back to my seat.

                        Kaoru's P.O.V
       My face lit up in a thousands shades of red. He seemed awkward around me, and I hoped there wasn't any real reason for it.
       "Kaoru!" I heard Hikaru from the other side of the room and rushed to join him before the next group.
       My mind went on and on about Katsura, even while hosting. It was like he had done something to me, no matter how much I tried, his smile kept getting in my head.
       "Are you okay Kaoru?" Hikaru asked, placing his finger under my chin, hoping to get a reaction from the girls, which he did.
       "I'm fine." I replied. Hikaru kept with the act, but I was confused and tired.
                           Haruhi's P.O.V
       After the club ended, I walked up next to Katsura who was doing his homework, frantically screaming about geometry.
       "I'm going to fail this test!" He cried. I sat down next to him and chuckled.
       "I thought you were smart." Katsura groaned at my comment and melted into the table.
       "I know, I just don't understand." He complained.
       "Anyway, what were you thinking about earlier?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. He looked around and grew quiet, leaning in closer.
       "You have to keep this a secret." I nodded "I think I might like Kaoru." His face was red and looking away from me, obviously embarrassed.
       "I knew it!" I whisper yelled.
       "Huh?" His face was consumed by confusion. I pulled out my phone and showed him a bunch of photos I had taken of them together.
       "I ship you two." He covered his face with his hands, fake crying.
       "What do I do??" He asked.
       "I don't know much about dating, but I think that you should tell him. I mean, I think he likes you too."
       "I'll do it tomorrow, I have somethings to do first." He shot off the couch and out the doors.
                       Katsura's P.O.V
       I ran home, only to be greeted by Yuna, she rubbed her face against my leg as I removed my shoes.
       I walked into my kitchen and opened my fridge.
       "Yuna? What do people do when they confess, do they make chocolate?" I asked, turning to see my dog panting.
       "Right you're a dog." I sighed. I sat on the tile floor, pondering.
       "Should I just tell him?" I groaned and stood up, trudging to my room to play video games.
        My phone blasted My favorite song, notifying me that someone was calling.
       "Katsura!" Takami's voice blared into my ears.
       "We are coming to your house after school tomorrow!" He cheered. It was my worst nightmare, I had to clean and I had to cook, and shop. Only one thought ran through my mind.

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