Trip to Haruhi's house

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      It was early in the morning and Tamaki and Kyoya had decided to drag us to Haruhi's house. It was Sunday and I was not happy that someone disturbed my sleep.

      Haruhi's neighbors crowded around us questioning our 'glamor' and 'style' (but mostly the limo behind us).

      "Wow this is where Haruhi lives." Hikaru observed. I tapped my foot on the floor impatiently waiting to go back home and sleep.

      "Look at all the rooms!" Honey cheered starting at all the apartment rooms. I giggled at the boys lack of knowledge and patted Honey on the head.

      "Haruhi only lives in one of them." I explained. He nodded as if to say he understood.

      "Kyoya why did you bring these idiots with us?!" Tamaki questioned frantically. I crossed my arms and glared at the two.

      "Yeah why couldn't I sleep in, it is Sunday and Sunday means no school." I argued.

      "Alright let's go home." Kyoya said pushing the twins and I down the pathway.

      "I'm sorry! Don't leave! I don't want to be alone!" Tamaki cried. I chuckled and we walked back closer to the apartments.

      Tamaki went over some stupid rules to be polite to Haruhi and her family. I rolled my eyes knowing he was the only one who needed to be told the rules.

      "Go away!" Haruhi called from behind us. I looked at her, clasped my hands and bowed apologetically.

      "Excuse me but is everything alright?" I heard Haruhi's landlady ask. I inched away from the boys without sanity and closer to the people with common sense.

      "Pleased to meet you my name is Suoh, I am one of Haruhi's friends." Tamaki said trying to seduce the woman. I bowed deeply and apologized.

      "I am sincerely sorry for my friends behavior it just, they've never been to a, as they like to call it, commoners housing." I informed. She brushed it off and we walked to Haruhi's apartment.

      "Alright, you only get a peek and then you go home, got it." Haruhi said. I sighed knowing that would never happen.

      "Look I brought a gift, I know how you love cake!" Honey exclaimed. He probably brought that cake knowing very well Haruhi didn't like sweets, and hoped to get the cake all to himself. We entered the room and Haruhi and I took off our shoes.

      "Wait are we supposed to take off our shoes too?" Honey asked. I nodded and we made our way into the living room. The boys were making a ruckus wile Haruhi and I just stood sighing.

      "Sorry, I tried to stop them but they wouldn't listen." I sighed. She waved me off and went to go make African milk tea the twins brought. I fallowed her so I could help.

      "Hope they don't come to my house next." I grumbled. We worked on the simple task of making tea wile the boys fussed about Haruhi 'not being able to make tea'.

      "I'm sorry you don't have to go through all that. We'd be fine with water." Kaoru apologized. I tapped him on the head and smiled smugly.

      "We know how to make tea. We've already made it." I said. They all sighed in relief as we brought the tea to the table. Honey spread out the cakes onto the table and offered them to us.

      "Are you sure?" Haruhi asked. Honey nodded and Haruhi took the strawberry cake. I passed on the sweets.

      "Well then what's for lunch?" The twins and Tamaki asked. I rolled my eyes. Kyoya offered to pay for lunch but Haruhi declined.

      "I have a friend who runs a sushi shop near by, how about we go there? It's pretty high quality." Haruhi suggested. Tamaki wigged out telling Haruhi that just because it says premium doesn't mean it's high quality. She just sighed.

      "I'd really like it if you made something Haru-chan." Honey said. Haruhi complied ignoring the idiots screeching about who knows what.

      "I'm going to have to go to the supermarket again." She said. The rest of the club wanted to go with her to see what  the 'commoner market' looked like. We all wondered outside and wile waiting for Haruhi and Tamaki we heard a crash and a scream. Worried for our friends we made our way to her apartment door.

      "Hey boss what's going on?" The twins asked. Tamaki pleaded for help so I sighed and walked into the room wile the twins walked all over Tamaki, figuratively and seriously.

      "I'm Katsura it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry for my friend, whatever happened was a misunderstanding, Tamaki flirts but he is very nice and tries to be respectful." I greeted. Haruhi's father smiled.

      "A gentleman. It's nice to see you boys aren't all idiots." He said. I chuckled and we all sat down.

      "You must be the host club I have been told a lot about. How about you call me Ranka." He said smiling. He recited all our names and who we are, Haruhi must have talked about us a lot. I chucked in my head. But it tired out Kyoya was the one to talk about us. Haruhi left for the supermarket and told us to stay behind. Ranka told us how great full he was we were being kind to Haruhi before he asked us if we wanted to have fun.

     We hid behind a pole watching Haruhi walk down the street.

      "So we are going to to fallow her to the supermarket?" The twins asked. Ranka nodded and told us it was called the 'stalking game'. To which I laughed at.

      We all want our separate ways walking around the supermarket. I had brought some cash so I decided to buy ingredients for dinner. I left before the club so I could drop off my groceries at home and then made my way back to the market.

A/N: *High pitch screams* I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy T-T I have no excuse!!! I was just preoccupied with other things (that I could have stopped doing).

Anyway I would like it if some of you gave me suggestions about other thing I could put in this book that is not in the show storyline. I feel like I would be more inclined to wright a new chapter if I don't have to go off the episode. Once again I'm sorry for taking so long and I hope you have a good week!!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this book or even otherwise feel free to comment!

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