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      "Come on, we should go to the others before they get suspicious." Kaoru said, placing his hand on the doorway after moving his body away from mine.

      "Wait, there's something else as well." I called. I couldn't lie to any of them for much longer, especially Kaoru.

      "You know how when we first met, I wore bandages over my eyes?" I asked. Kaoru's face twisted in confusion before nodding.

      "Yeah, I remember," he said. I placed my hands in my pockets, hoping he couldn't see them shaking.

      "I have this thing I can do, it's kind of a power I guess." I stopped talking. A lump had formed in my throat and my eyes began to water.

      "What do you mean?" He questioned, stepping closer, and placing a hand on arm. I looked at the beige carpet at our feet, avoiding his concerned gaze.

      "When I... look at people, when I'm angry. If I... Um, look at them in the eye, they will," I froze again. My voice was starting to break, and my breathing became faster. I was worried he would walk out of the room, that he would go home and never speak to me again, or worse, that he would tell everyone.

      "It's okay, you can tell me." His voice was soft and soothing, but barely convinced me to continue speaking.

      "They would die." I spoke quickly, and moved out of his grasp.

      "What?" He breathed. I walked over to my desk. I opened the draw and popped open a secret compartment, grabbing two scraps of news paper. I handed them to Kaoru and lightly hugged myself for support.

      "I didn't mean to." I cried softly. Kaoru looked up from the papers and tilted his head, even more confused then before.

      "You mean, you did this." He asked, holding out the clips of newspaper. One spoke about my parents, and how there mysterious death was never solved. And the other, was about Lucas, and how his murder was never solved. The newspaper's even called them accidents, which, I guess they were.

      "Yes. I was a kid, I didn't want to, I didn't know it would happen." I almost broke out into sobs, but I held my hand over my mouth, trying not to let any sound come out.

      "What happened?" He asked. He placed his hand on my arm again, showing he wasn't afraid of me. I sniffles and sat on my bed.

      "I was at my house, my parents were having a meeting with a client. I slipped up and said something I shouldn't have, I said I don't like living there. After them left, my father hit me and started yelling. I looked into his eyes and... He told me to, he told me to look at him, next thing I know, he is on the ground bleeding. Them my mother comes to me and calls me a demon, and she dies. I told the police they just dropped dead but, I knew it had to be me." I cried. Kaoru wrapped an arm around me and let me cry into his chest.

      "It's not your fault, you didn't mean to." He insisted. I pulled away and shook my head.

      "No, part of me, wanted them gone." I spoke. He smiled softly and placed his hand on my head.

      "I know, but I would have wanted the same, they hurt you." He wrapped his arms around my frame once again and ran his fingers through my hair.

     "Katsura, your guests are wondering where you are, you two better not be up to something." Minami giggled, knocking on the door. I stood up and wiped my eyes, walking to the door. Kaoru fallowed me out and I told him to go without me.

       "What happened sweetheart?" Minami asked. I sighed and bit at my lip nervously.

      "I think we're dating. But, I also told him about... You know." I told her. She smiled sympathetically and hugged me.

      I stepped off the staircase and walked into the living room, confused at the familiar loud noises coming from the TV. The group was taking turns playing Assassin's Creed Origins on my new Xbox. Tamaki was on the controller, yelling at the opponents, telling them to die. I snorted and walked the the couch, pulling the controller out of his hands, and completely destroying the very people Tamaki almost got killed by.

      "If I have to re-do this because you break something, imma fight you. Good luck." I smirked, tossing the controller back to Tamaki. He smiled and continued playing. I looked over at Kaoru and saw him smiling softly.

      After a while the others had to leave. I was slightly sad. At first, I detested them coming over, and now I don't want them to leave.

      "Are you alright?" I hear Minami ask. I continue rubbing Yuna's soft ears. I looked over at Minami and smiled reassuringly.

       "I think, I'll be okay."

Hi everyone! The Oc's that I will be using are

Il-cielo-tradito 's oc Roza Kita

Kaelaryae4566 's oc Rea (I do need to know his surname and power)

Faybellesings ' oc Akemi Latasha (I also need to know his power)

Thank you so much everyone that participated, even if your oc wasn't picked, that were all good and I had a hard time choosing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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