Jungle S.O.S

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      We arrived at a tropical indoor beach. I wondered how I got there, probably the hosts.
      "Behold my children! Bask in the beauty of tropical birds." Tamaki exclaimed. "Try and make the most of this trip." Tamaki said sipping on iced tea.
      "I think this is stupid." Haruhi said. I patted her on the back of the head.
      "Yep. A tropical beach in Japan, genius." I said sarcastically.
      Haruhi and I were strolling out of the large building when the twins grabbed our arms. I sighed and went along with it, knowing I would have to get used to it at some point.
                         End flashback
      "This is my family's new theme park." Kyoya semi-bragged. He took a sip his pineapple whatever. "The park doesn't open for a few days so we thought it would be a good idea to come."
      "Haru-chan, Kat-chan, want to share some coconut juice with me?!" Honey asked, grabbing our arms.
      "Sure." Haruhi complied. I smiled. I was about to fallow Honey over to the drink bar but I saw Haruhi starting at Mori.
      "So Haruhi, what's with the pull over?" I turned around and spotted the source of the sound. The twins were staring at Haruhi's large yellow hoodie. I looked over at Haruhi and saw she was having a flashback so I wiggled my arms and in a sing song voice I spoke.
      "Flaaashbaaack~" Haruhi snapped out of her daze and shrugged.
      "What's so great about this place, all you need to have fun in the water is a plastic pool." My face dropped as I scurried over to her and shook her shoulders.
      "How does one have fun in such a tiny enclosure, one needs space, space to swim, like the ocean." (Cue the Haru memes)
      Tamaki then got onto the twins and I for making fun of Haruhi's choices. Honey came running up to us and grabbed our arms again.
      "Want to go in the pool with me." He asked bright eyed. Haruhi politely declined  but I smiled and dragged him of to the wave pool.
      We joined Mori and swam laps around the lazy river (Well Mori and I did, Honey was just sitting on Mori as he swam). Me and Honey jumped into the wave pool wile Mori went to get us more juice.
      Suddenly a colossal wave crashed down on us sending us deeper under and farther down stream. The first few seconds I heard the screams of the club and knew they'd come and find us.
      The water was so suffocating I involuntarily tried to breath, but all that entered my mouth was water, and all that entered my vision was black.
      I felt a burning sensation in my throat as water was launched out my windpipe. I coughed heavily and opened my eyes to Honey who wore worried eyes.
      "Kat-chan! You're okay!" He yelled throwing himself into my arms. I sat up and rubbed my head such appeared to have a cut on it. I stood up and headed upstream.
      "Where are you going?" Honey asked jogging after me.
      "We got pushed downstream right? So if we want to find our way back we need to head upstream." I reasoned. Honey looked at me with impressed eyes like I did some sort of magic.
      "It'll be faster if we swing from the trees, and more fun." He said scurrying up a tall tree like he did to Mori in one of the first episodes (the fourth wall!! Stop it).
      I placed my right foot on a knot in the tree and hoisted myself onto the closest branch.
      When I made it to the top I saw Honey with a vine in hand. I sighed and grabbed one as well.
      We swung through the trees until we saw the SWAT team surrounding Mori and Haruhi. Honey was the first to take action. He swung out of the trees and kicked a man in the face. I fallowed his lead and stealthily dropped from the branches and began pummeling the officers as best as I could.
      Once we were finished the rest of the group met us. They were all relieved we were okay and I was happy until Karou placed his hand on my cheek. He traced the deep cut I received above my thin eyebrow and moved his head closer.
      The taller boy reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. He cleaned the blood off my face and leaned closer.
      I could feel his warm breath on my cheek as he inspected the wound. I blushed beet red and looked over to see Haruhi smirking. But before I could turn back around I felt a pair of soft lips to itch my head. I exploded and mechanically walked back to the exit and robotically waved goodbye.   Read below pls

      Hello! I am not dead yay!! We finally got some love action going on.
      I decided that I would like to do a Q&A if you would like to ask me questions or bug me to update pls ask and I will try hard (not so much) to update soon! If you don't want to participate that's fine but I thought it would be fun!! See you next time!!
P.s sorry it is short. Don't worry, next chapter will be long, it is my favorite!!

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