Meeting the hosts!!

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      There where about seven people in front of me. Rose petals swarmed towards me and into the hall. (A/N: Like no seriously where do those things go?!) One walked in front of me.
      "Hello young prince. What brings you here today. Are you here to request some one? Maybe the mischievous types, Hikaru and Kaoru. Or the cool type Kyoya." He said he kept going on not giving me a chance to speak. Once he was finished Introducing everyone else he places his hand on my cheek bone. "Or many me, the princely type, Tamaki." Once he finishes I grab his hand and throw it off of my face, I then proceeded to walk away until Tamaki grabbed me again.
      "Sempai leave him alone." A female voice sounded through out the room. I heard Tamaki cry.
      "But Haruhi!" He wines stretching out the I in the females name. Wait... Female? Wasn't this a host club?
      "Isn't this a host club? Why is a girl in it?" I asked meaning for it to be a simple question. That however, was not the case. They all ran around freaking out yelling to knock me out until the lone female of the group spoke.
      "Guys he knows, it's not a big deal. You won't tell anyone right?" She asked. I shook my head in response.
      "Well we can't be sure, so what if he joins the host club he will need to keep the secret of he wants to stay in the club." The one who o presumed was Kyoya spoke. Although that logic made no sense I just went along with it, better than being hit with a bat right?
      I was handed the uniform and pushed in the changing rooms. I changed and then walked out. Before I knew anyone moved I felt the bandages being taken off by the curious twins. Yuna barked reminding me to shut my eyes, which made me remember why I where the bandages in the first place.

A/N: Cliffhanger!!!! Pls don't kill me. Sorry it was kinda short. I wanted to get the
entrance to the flashback at the end of this chapter sooo. Thanks for reading!!!
Up top is Yuna. Not my drawing I can't draw animals.

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