The Naughty type

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      A/N: Holy beetles I'm so sorry I haven't updated! I'm not going to make excuses, cause I was just really lazy and have gotten into more anime lately, but I'll try and update the next chapter by the end of the week. Bye!!
      We all stood facing the door clad in fancy, over the top, modern Arabian robes. The door opened and on the other side was a young boy, who looked to be in elementary school.
      "Oh it's just a kid." Tamaki said disappointed.
      "It's also just a boy." The twins complained.
      "What's wrong? Did you come to my palace to find something?" Tamaki asked. Far more seductive than need be.
      "Are you the king of this club?" The boy asked. I prepared my self for the screeching of our 'king'.
      "Come closer lost one. What was it you just called me?" Tamaki questioned.
      "The King." The boy clarified. Tamaki squealed.
      "The King!" He said happily. "Yes I am the king of the Ouran host club." He spun around dramatically.
      "I am an elementary fifth year Shiro Takaoji!" He somewhat yelled. "I want the host club's king to make me their apprentice." Tamaki excepted and soon made Shiro watch him host.
      "Don't you think it's weird he is making him watch up close?" Haruhi asked Kyoya. He smiled his usual money grubbing grin.
      "People think others are more attractive the closer they are viewed. Well let's leave them alone." Kyoya said walking away.
      "That's stupid." I told Haruhi who just nodded. Shiro insulted a girl and then Tamaki made it worse. I just slammed my palm into my forehead. (a recent occurrence since I joined the club).
      "Hikaru, would you rather have a brother like Shiro?" Kaoru asked faking jealousy. Hikaru wrapped his arms around his brother.
      "I could search the entire globe and never find a brother as good as you." Hikaru comforted. The girls swooned and I sighed.
      "They're gay, and they're brothers." Shiro freaked out. I gritted my teeth and walked up to him.
      "What's wrong with being gay?" I growled, glaring. He squeaked and muttered 'nothing'. Shiro backed away and ran into Haruhi, who is carrying an expensive tea set. (But to be fair everything is expensive in here).
      "Are you alright?" She chuckled softly. Shiro turned around and became scared again.
      "Are you a crossdresser?" He asked simply like it was the most normal thing in the world. Tamaki and the twins freaked out and called Haruhi manly.
      "Let Shiro take the tea set." Tamaki suggested. Haruhi did what she was told and handed him the tray, and he dropped it.
      "Did anyone else see that coming?" I asked hoping I wasn't crazy.
      "It's not my fault I dropped it. It's your fault you're the one that gave it to me." Shiro said annoying everyone.
      "I'm not here to carry tea sets I'm here to Lear how to get a girl to like you." He yelled.
      "Put this brat in the cage!" Tamaki commanded. A cage fell over Shiro.
      'We have a cage?' I asked myself. 'This club is so weird.' I sighed.
      "This is no way to treat your loyal apprentice! Let me out!" He yelled. Tamaki was just sitting in the corner drinking tea.
      "Not until you have learned your lesson." He said casually. "I thought you were serious about being my apprentice."
      "I am , I want you to teach me how to make a woman happy!" He yelled. "I'm going to run out of time." My eyes softened and his words. " Please help. You're a host because you like seeing girls smile right?" He pleaded and his grip on the bars of the cage tightened.
      "You may be a brat but you really want to be a host so, I'll do it." Tamaki accepted after much persuasion.
      "Then you'll make me the kind of host that will make women happy?" Shiro asked, brightened from his elders acceptance.
      "Yes, but you have to use what you have." Tamaki said confusing the small boy.
      "Here at the Ouran host club we use our personality and looks to attract girls." Kyoya explained.
      "Although some people pretend to be nice." I mumbles to Haruhi, who let out a soft chuckle. (I was of course referring to Kyoya)
      "We have to figure out his type, he should be the boy Lolita but Honey-sempai has that covered." The twins pointed out.
      All of a sudden the floor started to rotate up and on top, Renge stood laughing.
      "I must say I am disappointed in you." Renge pouted.
      "Then tell us, what is his type." Tamaki ordered. Renge laughed and looked at Shiro.
      "Yes! He is the naughty type!" She shouted. The cage lifted. "To be the naughty type you must wear shorts and have bruises!" The twins placed bandaids on him and drew on him with what I presumed was permanent marker.
      "I've had enough of you people!" Shiro shouted. This is so stupid, this isn't going to make her happy." He yelled. I smiled softly, he was doing this for a curtain girl.
      "Who's her?" Haruhi asked as Shiro ran out.
      "Shiro!" I yelled, running after him. Once he stopped running I bent over and breathed heavily.
      "I can't run as fast as you." I breathed smirking.
      "What are you doing?" He asked, I smiled and placed my hand on his head.
      "You really love this girl don't you?" I asked causing his eyes to widen. He was about to ask me how I knew but his gaze fell onto the floor.
      "Have you ever loved someone, someone you couldn't have?" He asked. I let out a soft chuckle and looked to the ceiling as if it would give me the words to answer his question.
      "Yeah, I loved someone, he told me he loved someone else and I told him I loved that person too, so he wouldn't date him, but they ended up dating, and the boy I loved died." I informed him looking back down and giving him a painful smile.
      "You're gay?" He asked. I laughed, it was very obvious I was.
      "Hella!" I smirked removing my hand from his head. I heard the bell ring and offered the boy a quick goodbye before speeding down the hall.
      I was left in an empty music room, left to wonder where the club went. I sat in a couch for a wile until the door opened and Tamaki threw a protesting Shiro onto a couch.
      "What is your problem you idiot?!" Shiro screamed.
      "Your the idiot. You wanted us to teach you how to make women happy, but you're want one woman to be happy, Hina Kamishiro." Tamaki figured out. "But, there is nothing I can do about that. You have to tell her how you feel!" He told Shiro.
      "I just wanted to here her play, before she left." Shiro told us. Tamaki walks to the back of the room and opened up a pair of silk yellow curtains. Behind them was a piano.
      Over the next few days we devised a plan. Tamaki showed Shiro how to play the piano and we were to give Hina an invitation to the club room.
      The doors to the club opened and we welcomed the small girl like royalty.
      "I present to you Shiro Takaoji's piano recital." Tamaki said. Hina sat on the piano next to him and they started playing wonderful music. Welp... All's well that ends well.

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