Physical exams

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      Half of the club stood in waiters uniforms while the others (including me) wore traditional Japanese robes.
      "Welcome ladies." We chorused. The girls walked around the garden most likely admiring the cherry blossoms.
      All the others were talking about the teacups wile I was completely confused. I didn't know the first thing about tea cups.
      "You are absolutely right ladies." I heard Kyoya say. "And that is why I have a collection of photographs of the hosts." He said. I shivered knowing he was watching our every move.
      "We'll know why know how the club makes extra money." The twins said. I sighed as the day continued.
      "So Haruhi, Katsura, have you decided your electives for this term?" The twins asked us.
      "How about French?" Kaoru suggested. I shrugged and Haruhi questioned it.
      "I think the four of us should take it together, We are in the same class."Hikaru pointed out causing Tamaki to go into his emo corner.
      "Say mommy dear." Tamaki said.
      "What is it daddy?" Kyoya answered. It took everything I had not to yell 'GAY'. Tamaki proceeded to complain about how the 'shady' twins spend more time with Haruhi than he does. He then proceeded to complain more that Haruhi needed to become a girl again. I just slammed my hand against my forehead and sighed. I started to walk home until I heard Kyoya remind me of something.
      "Remember, the physical exams are soon." He told me causing me to freeze up.
      The next day Tamaki was sitting in his velvet chair probably having a fantasy about Haruhi.
      "He must be having a great daydream!"  Honey said causing me to smile at his innocence.
      "Yeah it's kind of creeping me out." Hikaru said causing Tamaki to spring up from his chair.
      "Are you envious Hikaru this is all part of my strategy while you have wasted your time blinded by jealousy I have seen the future of this charade." Tamaki said. We all just sighed knowing he would do something else even weirder.
      "This anime is obviously a romantic school comedy Haruhi and I are the main characters so that means me love each other." He said. I snorted trying to keep in a laugh.
      "Yeah than what are we." The twins asked. Tamaki spun around and pointed a finger at them.
      "You two are the homosexual sporting cast, and you Katsura are an OC put into a fanfic by a very board and gay author." He then draws a line and smirks. "So please make sure you don't step across this line."
      "Stop breaking the fourth wall I just fixed it!!!!" I yelled at him hitting him in the back of the head. I just tuned the club out until Haruhi opened the door of the club room.
      "Hey guys sorry I'm so late." She said apologizing for her absents. I looked over at Tamaki waiting for him to do something dramatic.
      "Don't worry Haruhi, we are determined to keep your secret so no one will know you are a girl." Tamaki yelled. Yep, there it is.
      "Commence operation "keep Haruhi's gender a secret, AKA I swear Haruhi is a boy." They all yelled. I wondered when they came up with that.
      "Haruhi do you hate being a host?" Tamaki asked Haruhi thought for a moment before answering.
      "Yep." She said. I laughed until I realized I had almost no contribution to this chapter. (Stop breaking the fourth wall!!!)
      "Guys, she didn't have the fancy tuna at the ball. Maybe that will get her to stay." I suggested causing them all to nod and Haruhi's eye to twitch in anger. (Probably)
      "Do I really get it?" She asked causing everyone to look very happy.
      "Students, the physical exam will be starting shortly, please make your way to the clinic in your respective building." The woman on the laud speaker spoke.
      "What do they do here during physical exams at Ouran?" Haruhi asked.
      "Yeah is it different than at regular schools?" I questioned further.
      "No, do you think it would be different just because we are rich?" The twins asked, to which I responded with.
      "Actually yes." They pouted and Haruhi opened the clinic door. I could see the light of the room though my bandages.
      "Welcome students!" A chorus of doctors and nurses called. I hear Haruhi groan as I just sighed.
      "What is all this?" Haruhi asked shocked.
      "Just another physical exam." Hikaru said walking past us.
      "The usual." Kaoru explained walking behind his brother. We fallowed them both into the bustling clinic.
      "Hitachiin brothers, this way please." Two nurses said guiding the twins into a changing room.
     "Mister Fujioka, I am your nurse for the physical exams come with me." Another nurse said dragging Haruhi with her leaving me alone with Yuna. (Did anyone forget about her?) I patted her on the head and sighed.
      "What am I going to do?" I asked her. She barked and leaded me to an unoccupied Kyoya.
      "Kyoya, would you mind giving me a room and a nurse sworn to secrecy about anything she sees?" I asked. I could feel Kyoya's confused stair.
      "Alright but do you mind telling me why?" He asked me. I shook my head and waited for me to be called.
      "Mister Fujisaki? I am your nurse I have been told about you and mister Fujioka's predicament although I don't know the details of yours. Please fallow me." A doctor said. Me and Haruhi walked behind her until we got to the special boys clinic. We went into separate curtains and 'disrobed' as she put it.
      I heard the curtain that Haruhi was behind open but I didn't hear her walk out.
      "No please it's not what you think just please stay quiet." I heard a male say inside the curtains. I opened them up and saw through the slit in my bandages that a man was holding Haruhi. I grabbed him by his collar and was about to question him when Tamaki liked him out of my grasp.
      They all started to recite this weird thing that I didn't pay attention to. The man than started to explain that he was just looking for his daughter. The host club gave him a map and sent him on his merry way.
      "Kat-chan, what is on your chest?" Honey asked reminding me that I was shirtless.
      "I think those are scars." The twins said causing me to shrink back into the curtains.
      "Can you guys leave now." Haruhi said sensing my uncomfortableness.
      "Why? Do you still hate us?" Tamaki asked. Haruhi sighed and shook her head.
      "No, we have to finish our exam." She pointed out.

A/N: I need people to start voting on who Katsura will fall in love with. So please vote!

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