Flashback part 1

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                    Flashback 5 years ago
Katsura's P.O.V
      I was curled up in my room my small hands squeezing my knees. Mom and Dad ignored me again. Like they always did.
      The maids came up and offered me ice cream trying to cheer me up, but it never worked.
      I looked out the window and peered at the small quaint houses with small quaint families who lived small quaint lives. I sighed wondering what it would be like to be small and quaint.
      I stood up and walked towards the door I put my hand on the door knob. I was about to open it when it flew open knocking me over. There in the doorway stood my tall prestigious mother looming over my small form.
      "Get up!!" She yelled throwing a small crisp black suit at me. "Get dressed and come down stairs, we have company." She said sharply, avoiding my eyes like always. She thought they were hideous, red.
      I got dressed and quietly walked down the spiral steps. I walked around trying to find where mother and the guests were.
      I ran into the head maid. She looked away as I asked where my mom was. The servants were told they were not aloud to look into my eyes.
      "She is in the dining room." She said. I nodded and left the room.
      I entered the dining room and saw my mother sitting with another woman and her son. My mother smiled a sickly sweet smile and told me to sit down.
      "Hello, my name is Lucas! It's nice to meet you." The other boy chirped. He held a huge grin on his face.
      "I'm Katsura." I said in a board tone. His smile falters but then grows bigger. My father enters the premises and apologizes for his absents.
      "So Katsura it must be nice living in this  big house, it's bigger than ours." Lucas' mother speaks. I shake my head.
      "No, not really." I said. I soon realized my mother and father were gaping at me and I looked down to my hands.
      Once Lucas and his mother had left my father came stomping up to me. He grabs me by my shirt and slams me against the wall, still averting my eyes.
      "You little brat,you embarrassed us in front of a business partner!" He yelled. I narrowed my eyes. That was it.
      "IVE HAD IT!!! LOOK AT ME!! LOOK ME IN THE EYES!!" I yelled. My ten year old body racking in fear. My father did I I told him and coughed up blood on my face.
      He dropped me to the floor as I watched his bones twist in ways they shouldn't be able to.
      My mother grabbed me, tearing my shirt and ripping my skin with her long fingernails so three long scars would permanently be plastered onto my body.
      "WHAT DID YOU DO, YOU DEMON!!" She screeched. She squeezed my shoulders, looked into my eyes and the next thing I knew she was in the same position as my father.
A/N: Hello! This was the big drama chapter, the next one will be bad too. Sorry if you do t like it. ^smol Katsura is up there

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