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      "We were never going to here the end of it if we are late." Haruhi shouted as we sped down the hall. We saw the club room and open the doors.
      "What happened here?" I asked looking around at what sounded to be a tropical resort.
      "Welcome!" The host club called. I could practically hear the sparkles.
      'What even is going on here.' I thought. I heard a snake next to Haruhi and pulled her on the other side of me.
      The two of us had become like siblings over the last week. We where both roped into this mess.
      "You are late." The twins said at the same time. Haruhi continued to be confused.
      "Staying under a kotatsu table avoiding the cold is stupid. The heating system we have is... The best!" Called Tamaki, twirling around.
      "Even with my beauty I am no more than a slave to yours, I kneel beside you forever my love." Tamaki swooned, holding the face of a customer.
      "Oh yes, I almost forgot. We are hosting a ball next week." Tamaki told his guests.
      "We are throwing a party?" I asked looking at Haruhi who was probably thinking the same.
       All the hosts were doing there normal thing, I was sitting uncomfortably, shifting around embarrassed at the outfit I was wearing.
      "You look really good in that outfit Katsura-kun, don't be embarrassed." One of my costumers praised. I blushed and thanked her.
      "I can't wait to dance with you at the ball." Another girl said.
      After the club closed Tamaki was in the corner eating 'commoners' ramen, muttering about something.
      "Hey boss come over here and help out." Hikaru said.
      "Does it really bother you that princess Kasuka likes Haruhi?" Kaoru questioned.
      "She has had the illness for a while know right?" Kyoya asked, making me worry for our guest.
      "What illness?" Haruhi questioned. The twins slid behind her and answered.
      "The host hopping illness." Hikaru answered.
      "AKA the never the same boy twice illness." Kaoru further explained.
      "Oh so he's upset because I took her from him?" Haruhi asked.
      "Shut up! I could care less!"Tamaki yelled scaring Honey and I. "I've had enough! Haruhi! It is time you started dressing like a girl!" Tamaki said.
      "Tamaki-sempai, I don't think she would like that." I pointed out but was ignored as he kept ranting. The twins explained why no one else new about Haruhi being a girl. I zoned out till Tamaki asked me if I new how to dance.
      "I know the waltz but if I tried any other dance I would look like a chicken locked in a small cage trying to run away from a cat." I said with a strait face.
      "Well that was a funny image." The twins responded.
      I left the club when Haruhi was getting her dance lessons. I headed to the store and then to the house.
      "It's so good to see you all tonight my little lambs." Tamaki called out to the customers. "Welcome." The orchestra started to play.
      "One lucky lady will be chosen as tonight's queen and will win a passionate  kiss on the cheek from our king Tamaki!" Kyoya announced.
      'How can a kiss on the cheek be passionate?' I thought. Tamaki winked at the girls and wished them good luck.
      "Haruhi, Katsura, show some enthusiasm." The twins ordered us.
      "Well I'm sorry." She said sarcastically.
"I am not used to this kind of thing." She explained.
      "Yeah me to." I agreed. The twins frowned.
      "Well since you are here you should get something to eat. We have a lot of it." Kyoya suggested. Haruhi perked up at the sound of that.
      "Do you have fancy tuna?" She muttered, making me let out a small giggle.
      "FAN," called Hunny.
      "CY" said the twins.
      "TUNA." Tamaki yelled. They all started freaking out trying to get Haruhi some fancy tuna.
      One of my regulars came up and asked me for a dance. I obliged and galloped the sound of her feet.
       All of a sudden I was grabbed and whisked away to another part of the building.
        I arrived when Haruhi was being sent of into battle. Tamaki was muttering about how cute she was. 
        'This will be a long year.' I thought, sighing at the acts of the club.
        "Ladies and gentleman, it is now time for us to have the final dance of the night." Tamaki said. "The last dance has been chosen by the host club for... This couple."
      The two couple that we were apparently trying to get together, started dancing. I smiled, I could hear the happiness in the way they danced. Light and bouncing.
      "May this squats couple be blessed!" Tamaki shouted.
      "And now we will announce the queen of the ball congratulations princess kanako kasukasaki." The twins said, holding banana peels.
      "And now for a kiss on the cheek from the prince, Haruhi will stand in." They said. I noticed that the banana peels they were holding earlier were gone. Tamaki started freaking out and Haruhi objected.
      "If you do it well cut you're debt by one third." Kyoya said making me laugh. I could practically see Haruhi's expression. Haruhi headed down the stairs.
      "Hey do you think this is Haru-chans first kiss?" Honey wondered I nodded and Tamaki ran after her.
      "Haruhi no!" He yelled. He then slipped on a banana peel and pushed Haruhi and Kanako into a full kiss. They both pulled away blushing and the twins and I laughed. The night ended well

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