The lady manager

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"Someone talk so I know who's who." I commanded glaring at the hosts who were staring intently at me.
"Oh Katsura." Tamaki said stepping forward. He kind of danced over to me.
"Oh, I thought you were a blond." I said making him go into his 'Emo corner'. (no offense to anyone who is blond. I am blond.)
"I think your profit will rise now that we can see your whole face." Kyoya said.
'That money grubbing asshole' I thought, annoyed.
"Wow your eyes are so pretty." One of my customers pointed out.
"Yeah, why did you ever hide them?" Another asked.
"I-I don't really like talking about it." I said clenching the bottom of my black kimono. (At the top, with the fake knife on his hip)
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to ask, I was just curious." The costumer apologized.
"It's fine, it's my fault anyways." I told her making all of the girls squeal.
"Here Haruhi this is for you." I heard Hikaru say I turned around and saw that he gave Haruhi a sweet.
"Hey guys. What are you doing?" I asked. I looked down at the sweet and smiled, Lucas loved candy, wile I on the other hand can't eat more than one bite without getting full.
"Hikaru gave me this sweet. I don't like sweets but it could be an offering for my mother." Haruhi said wile Hikaru offered me a sweet.
"I don't like sweets either but Haruhi, that is a good idea, I'll give mine as an offering to my friend." I said giving the sweet a small smile.
"How admiral of you such devotion to your mothers memory. Please Haruhi take as many of these as you like." He said stacking the sweets on Haruhi's hands.
"Not that I want him to do that with be but, what am I chopped liver." I grumbled. 'It will be hard to keep my anger under control in this club.' I thought.
"Let me guess the tears are fake." Haruhi said. Tamaki looked away like he was on The Office.
"How could you? My tears are always real, being able to cry without eyedrops is the mark of a host." He said letting a tear fall.
"Tell me, do I impress you? Do you love me yet?" He asked.
"You wish." Haruhi said.
"My romantic words do not seem to reach you perhaps I should add a little something to my character." He told her. We all looked over at the door to see a girl peaking in. Music started to play.
"Can anyone else hear that?" I asked.
"Looks like the host club has a new guest." The twins said, ignoring my question. They walked over to her and pulled out two red roses.
"Come one in. Watching is no fun." They said.
"Stop that." Tamaki spoke walking over to the girl. (I should really say teleporting because WTF have you seen how fast they can walk.)
"How many times do I have to tell you, be nicer to our new guests." He scolded. He turned around and touched the girls chin.
"No need to be afraid. I welcome you to the Ouran host club." He spoke softly. The girl then proceeded to hit Tamaki in the face and scream insults at him. I suppressed a laugh, this was better than the emo corner.
"I don't suppose you are...?" Kyoya started, before being interrupted by the girl.
"It's you Kyoya." She yelled running over and embracing him, but not before stepping on poor defenseless Tamaki. I then couldn't help but snicker.
"Your fiancé?" Hikaru asked.
"Of course, my name is Renge hoshikuji and I am transferring into class A-1 tomorrow." She said introducing herself.
'Crap, that's my class.' I thought, not wanting to spend much time with her. I had a feeling I wouldn't like her.
"Why is he sulking?" Kaoru asked, looking at Tamaki.
"Because mommy was keeping a secret from Daddy." Hikaru answered.
"What ever, why does everyone keep insisting we are husband and wife?" He asked.
"Because you love each other." I answered. The twins came over too me and wrapped their arms around my shoulders.
"Your different today." The twins pointed out I just shrugged.
"Oh the story of love at first sight." Renge said causing us to turn around.
"The way you were adoring those flowers when you thought no one was looking, and the way you cared for that little injured kitten." She said confusing us all.
"Could you have the wrong person?" Haruhi asked. Renge immediately shot her down.
"No way, I could recognize my love anywhere. He's kind and gentle and doesn't ask for anything in return. He looks like the star of the popular dating sim..." She started.
"Uki-Doki memorial!" She shouted. Everyone froze.
They started screaming about her being an otaku.
"I get it now, your in love with that character your projecting that love onto me and you have started thinking we are engaged." Kyoya said summing up the situation.
"So you aren't her fiancé right?" Tamaki asked.
"Well no I don't remember asking for her hand in manage, besides I've never even met her." Kyoya said making us all sigh in relief.
"According to my research you are in charge of managing this club is that true?" Renge asked.
"You did research on him. Wow you must really love this character." I voiced before Kyoya could respond.
"But your right Kyo-chan is our director." Honey-Senpai answered making Renge squeal.
"Your the clubs director, that's great!" She yelled enthusiastically.
'How is that great, it's just a job?' I thought cod used about the knew student.
"From now on I will be the manager of this club!" Renge yelled making me and the twins groan.
"Well boys I can't wait to work with you." She said smiling. I just sighed and payed down on a couch hoping this was all a dream.
"I thought about it and maybe having a lady manager is not so bad." Tamaki said.
"But she is loud, I don't like loud." I protested.
"But if Haruhi has a girlfriend around it could bring out the girl in her." He insisted.
"This again, Haruhi is just fine with us as friends, if she wants to make more, great, if she doesn't, that's fine." I defended. Haruhi sent me a thankful glance but it did nothing as Tamaki kept talking.
"Now is our chance to help Haruhi become more girly. This is an important project men she doesn't have any friends in her class except for those shady twins, and Katsura. That's no good for her." He ranted.
"What is that sapped to mean?!" Me and the twins yelled. All of a sudden the door opened.
"Oh hey guys I baked you cookies!" Renge said peaking in through the door. Tamaki waltzed over to her and tried to take a cookie.
"I didn't back these cookies for you, you phony prince!" She yelled at him causing him to go into his emo corner.
"They aren't that bad at all, they've got a good flavor to them." Haruhi said. I saw the twins smirk and new they were up to something.
"May I try?" Hikaru questioned taking the cookie out of her mouth with his.
"Haruhi you have crumbs on your face." Kaoru said licking her cheek. I hit them both in the head and leaned over Haruhi's shoulder.
"Can I have one?" I asked. She nodded and brought a cookie to my lips which I bit.
"Thanks." I said chewing on the cookie. I grabbed the side of her head and kissed the top of it.
"Are you two dating?!" The twins asked in shock.
"No! She's like my sister." I said. Tamaki continued freaking out at our actions.
"All of you need some sort of dark side! You! You are the baby faced thug!" She yelled at Honey causing him to cry. "And you are his childhood friend the flunky! The twins will be enslaved in there own world, Haruhi will be bullied, Tamaki you will be the lonely prince. And Katsura! You are the orphan boy who lost all his friends and has anger issues!" She shouted, being suspiciously correct on my part.
"It makes me angry when people don't know there place." Honey said signaling my cue.
"Don't hurt my friend, he's all I have left so if you hurt him, your dead." I said glaring at Honey. He then hugged is and started crying.
"I'm sorry Haru-chan, Kat-chan." He cried.
"Cut! Cut!" Renge screamed. "What's wrong with you? You have to stick to the script!" She yelled.
"How come this stupid scripts portrays Kaoru as the pitcher?" Hikaru asked. I blushed and laughed.
"Because he is." I stated. Haruhi looked over at me confused.
"What's the pitcher mean?" She questioned.
"You don't want to know." I said patting her on the head.
"Hey Haruhi, Katsura, your on!" Renge yelled. We both walked over to where she was yelling from.
"These gentlemen just agreed to make an appearance in our film." She said pointing to two very confused men. "After all we are going to need some tough guys for the climax." She told us.
"Whatever my dad does has nothing to do with me!" One of the boys yelled. Renge grabbed him by the arm and pulled him foreword. He then pushed Renge. Causing her to fall towards some equipment. Haruhi jumped behind her bracing for the emo act but I jumped behind her, my back slamming into the equipment.
"Look, I get she's annoying and likes to stereotype people, but you cannot push someone, especially someone defenseless." I yelled, although my back hurt I glared at them making sure not to look at there eyes. Tamaki saw the situation and pushed one of the guys into the wall.
"Tamaki it's fine it's not their fault." Haruhi said. Tamaki backed off asking if she was okay.
"You! You! Please tell me you go that camera man?!" Renge asked, the camera man nodded only to have Kyoya smash the lens.
"I'm sorry but there cannot be record of a club member engaging in violence. Please stop being a pest." Kyoya said.
"Kyoya! She might be a little aggravating but a pest?! That's just rude." I scolded.
"So what if he is different, get to know him better little by little." Haruhi told her sitting in front of her. I sat beside her and placed my hand on her head.
"Yeah, get to know the real Kyoya. Maybe then you'll love him for who he is." I said smiling.
"Hello ladies come on in." Tamaki called. The girls sat at the other side of tables and chatted.
"I loved that movie, you did a good job acting Katsura. I loved it when you stood up for Haruhi." One of the girls said. I looked at them confused.
"I broke the lens but the film was still in there. And besides it brought a lot of profits." He said.
"There's the money grubbing asshole we all know." I joked smirking.
"Good evening everyone." Renge greeted.
"I thought you were going back to France." Tamaki pointed out.
"I should have noticed it earlier but the way you saved my life." She spoke grabbing Haruhi and i's hands. She dragged us out of the club.
"Let's go play some games." Renge called taking us to her house. I just sighed. What a day.

A/N: I really need to know who Katsura should date. I have one vote for Mori but if anyone wants anything different please let me know. Thank you!!

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