tongue tied 2

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Its basically so you can see what philly was thinking in the first one.

Summary: phils boyfriend Dan can't say I love you and worries that Phil will leave him and Phil helps him I guess.

Phil POV(fucking finally)

I watched Dan while running my fingers through his hair as his eyes slighty squinted and crinkled and bit his lip showing he was in a deep thought.

"What are you thinking about, bear?"
I asked him and watched as the deep thought leave his eyes. And they turned sad. And his eyes lip that he was once lightly biting was now turned into a sad frown and his crinkles by his eyes were gone and he just looked too sad. I hated seeing him sad.

"you won't leave me because I can't say, "he sighed in frustration and sadness"because I c-can't say i-"
I cut me off with a kiss.
"No no no Dan. Don't strain yourself to try and say it. I would never leave you for something as silly as that. You can't say it till you're definitely at that stage. If we don't make it, which I hope doesn't happen because I care about you so much, it will be over something else not because you can't change something about yourself, that'd be ridiculous." I said with my hand resting on his cheek.

I watched another deep thought root in his beautiful eyes.

He leaned forward and kissed, this kissed went a little longer than earlier.

"I hope we make it too." He whispered staring into my eyes. He always made an effort to try and beg with his eyes that he really cares. It makes me a little sad to know he thinks he has to work so hard over something ridiculous like wanting to be completely in love to say those three words.
"Do you want me to tell you what my mom said about love, Dan?"
"I-I guess"
I moved some more fringe out if my face so he could see my eyes more.

"She said there are 4 different stages of love."

"Well what are they?" He sat up quickly obviously excited about this new idea about love.

"She didn't tell me," I said and saw him visibly slump causing me to rush to finish"buuuuuuut she did say, 'philip, you will know. Unlike others, you will be able to tell what stage you are at. You will know because each time you move up in a stage you think differently about them. Understand?'"

I watched his confusion on his face and it takes a lot in me not to giggle at his cute confused face. I know this is not the time so I just elaborated to help him understand.

"The first stage is where most people these days first say the words.
The first stage you start actually talking is the 'crush stage'"

"Oh when you get the butterfly's and the blushes and the dry throat and the kind of neediness to want to see them all the time?"he said causing me to chuckle

"well you've definitely been in the first stage."

"Well what's the second?" He said giggling.

I examined his face and thought.
I can't tell him the stages. Not only because i don't know all 4 yet but because I don't want him to try and feel like that stage. I held his hand. and explained "I think you should find out by yourself."

He pouted and crossed his arms and huffed.
I just chuckled and cuddled around back around him.
"I just don't want you to try to hard.
Those words are special and people throw it around these days. I want your first time saying them for you to actually mean them."
He blushed and smiled, cuddling into me as well.

At least he is feeling stage one.


We were out at a club just chilling with some friends and we were dancing and having a good time.
I was discussing mythical creatures with Carrie when I noticed her looking a little uncomfortable. I looked at her confused and she slighty nodded her head next to me where Dan was.
He was glaring at her like she was his worst enemy and I looked back at Carrie and shrugged with apology clear in my eyes. She just smirked like she just understood and nodded.

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