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Uhhhhh, Dan loves to dance. Yup. Idk other than that really.
Dan absolutely loved to dance. He was always dancing, every single chance he got like when: making a sandwich, standing in line, in the car (driving or not), in clas, the list goes on and on. When he was 13 and asked his parents if he could take dance classes and they told him he could, he screamed and cleaned the whole house and both their cars and didn't stop smiling or laughing or, of course, dancing.
What Dan really loved was ballet/lyrical. Honeslty he just really loved expressing himself and ballet and lyrical did that best. He was in team competition for hip hop and jazz and than he had some recitals for a little bit of everything. And when he turned 15 he would, sometimes, go to the studio after hours and just.....dance. He made his own dances and just let everything go, he put his whole being into his moves, his anger leaving through his toes and happiness burning into his fingertips while his sadness tickled down his spine and into his chest and than finally out of his body and an aura of everything he just felt surrounded him until all that was left is pride and exhaustion when he finished. It was his therapy in a way, just away to let everything out safely. He did this more when he turned 16 and he would dance away confusing feelings and frustrations. Confusing feeling and frustrations towards his best friend Phil. 
Phil didn't understand the whole dancing thing, mainly because he has two left feet, but he supported his friend nonetheless. And when they had got to highschool he stood up and protected him from those who tried to make fun of the whole dance thing. Dan was very greatful for that but he didn't really care about those people. He loves to dance and no one can take that away from him. Everyone pretty much leaves him alone because they know by now not to because Phil is a very protective friend. but it had occured to Phil how he had never seen Dan dance. Not truly anyway. He would see him marking a dance or when they were bored or waiting in line, and he saw him at parties of course but he had never really seen him dance. Of course Phil went to a recital or two and he knew Dan was good, really good, but when Dan had told him how it felt dancing, how he felt when he was dancing, he realized that when Dan danced in those performances it was for that dance not him dancing from the soul, even though Phil knows he loved to do those performances as well.
Phil is a year and a half older so he experienced things a bit earlier than Dan did and after hitting puberty Phil had started thinking about girls. And than Dan hit puberty and suddenly Phil started thinking about Dan and girls were out of the picture. He ignored the thoughts, of course, he can think his friend is cute and not be head over heals for him. And that statement is true.....just not in the case of Dan, he is starting to realise. All of those thoughts he (Not very effectivly) ignored came rushing back up like bile stinging in his throat when he saw Dan actually dancing.


Dan had been talking to a guy for awhile and he thought things were moving up to the next level. Phil, relunctantly, being happy for him. But when Phil and him were at the movies and they saw him making out with some chic Dan realised that was not the case. They had skipped the movie and stayed at Phil's that night. They watched movies that were on netflix while eating ice cream and popcorn. Dan ended up falling asleep with head on Phil's shoulder on the couch. Phil made the decicsion that he didn't want to wake Dan so he would just sleep there, with him. They woke up snuggling each other but both were to scared to say anything about it.

"Am I not good enough?" Dan asked the next night as they layed on Dan's bed and stared at the ceiling.

"What! No! You are!"

"Than why would he not want to be with me?"

"Because he is an idiot and didn't know how amazing you are."

"But if I am that amazing shouldn't he have noticed."

"No because he is an idiot who only cares about sex right now. One day when he matures, that day is very far ahead of us, he will realise what he missed out on."

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