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Two ideas in a day WOOP WOOP
The seconds thing is like legit so bad but I didn't want to write minutes or do actual math so just pretend.
One year, one week, one day, and 56 seconds.

Dan sat at one of the tables in the food area of the mall, tapping his fingers to his own rythym. He had only eaten half of his sandwich but he can't finish it, his stomach feels sick. He stares at the envelope in front of him that he has been avoiding opening since he got it this morning. He looks at the corners of where he started to tear it open but had stopped himself.

"Okay. I can do this. I can do this."

With shaky hands he picks up the envelope and carefully opens it. With even more care he pulls out the letter inside.

"You going to open that?" A boy around highschool age asks from a table over.

"Yes. Obviously."

" have been staring at the envelope for twenty minutes now and you arn't reading the letter so I am going to assume you are lying."

"No I am not!"

"Read it then."


Dear Dan,
I promised you a letter this month but I am afraid I have nothing to write about. Nothing that should be said in a letter anyway. I have so many things I want to say to you, to do to you. I just hope you are still waiting for me when I come back. I love you. More than my vocabulary can express. I don't have much time lights out is soon and we are risking it with the little light we have now.
Yours truly,

Dan smiled a bit, a weight lifted off his shoulder but the pit in his stomach still there.

"Good news?"

"He's alive if that's what you mean but I still don't know when he is coming home."



"He will come home."

"You don't even know him."

"He will come home. You just have to believe that so he can believe it as well."

"Arn't you a little young to know this stuff."

"Arn't you a little young to be so in love with someone you will wait for them while they put there lives in danger?"

"I'm 20."

"Exactly most people say thats too young."

"Screw them what do they know about what I've been through."

The kid smirked and got up to walk away.

"Oh shut up dahli llama!"

Dan manages to eat the rest of his sandwich.


One year, three weeks, four days, and 17 seconds

Dear Dan,
I am so proud of you for making it! When is graduation so I can send you my love from overseas? A real life botonist!! I expect grand flowers when I come home. I apologize for the short letter but I have to end it here. I love you.
Yours truly

One year, three weeks, four days, and 134 seconds

Dear Phil,
It is two months from now and I will send you a picture of my diploma and cap! I miss you a lot. So does Duke. He is a little restless, I think he's started to understand that the letters are from you. I'll send you a pic of Duke too. He has gotten a bit fatter with only me around, sorry about that, haha. I don't have the control you do against his puppy dog eyes. I will never understand how you can just not give into that face. He is just a big baby, literally I had to tuck him in last night. He is a pitull! I heard they were scary! He smiles at me and sings with me....scary where? I love you
Yours honestly

A pitiful whine sounds from next to him. "I know Dukers. I know. I miss him too. Wanna come with me to the mail box?" Dan smiled as the big 'scary' dog smiled and jumped up running to the door than in circles.
"Oh yeah, totally vicious."

One year, two months, a day, and 106 seconds

"Alright everybody lets bring in the cake!!" Everybody cheered as Dan's mom excitedly shouts while recording everything.

"My baby graduated from college? Oh my!"


Everyone laughed again and his dad started cutting the cake. Dan was looking to make sure no one was looking to sneak Duke some cake but Duke didn't take it.


Duke stood staring through the crowd of people on hight alert. "Duke are you-" He interupted him with a bark.
He got up and started running causing everyone to scream.

"No no it's okay he wont hurt anyone, he just is excited about something it's okay. Right mom? Mom?"
He looked over to realise his mom was not there for his support so he ran off after Duke.
Duke was scratching frantically at the door whining and barking wildly.
"What has gotten into you Duke, come on boy!"
But Duke would not relent.
Dan opened the door and Duke shot out in less than a second.
"Mom? Did you hide meat out here for Duke? What are you doing out here? Will you please stop recording me, I just want to know why Duke is so......"
His sentenced dragged out and died when he looked over and saw Duke jumping all over someone who could only be Phil.

"Hi buddy! I knmm I know Imm Stop licking me in the facmmhm Duke I see you HI I missed you too you big idmhmm"
Dan stared in shock as Duke had Phil knocked over and on his back licking his face and ear and hands as Phil pet him as best he could. And then he looked and saw the flowers on the ground, that were Dan's favorite, and he dropped his phone on the porch.
The 'thunk' made Duke back off and Phil be able to stand up. Duke came running back over to Dan as if Dan didn't notice Phil was home.
Phil stood up and smiled the smile that Dan had not seen in one year, two months, a day, and 1194 seconds.


"Hi Dan."

"Oh Phil!" It's a good thing Dan changed out of his cap and gown and into comfy clothes because he ran faster than he has ever run in his life and jumped up into Phil's arms, wrapping his legs and arms around him.

"You're home."

"I couldn't miss your graduation party, silly."

Dan kissed every square inch of Phils face and than finally his lips. He hasn't kissed his lips doesn't know. He can't think when kissing Phil. He was never able to.

Duke was at their feet barking and everyone was outside and clapping. He could feel Phil lift an arm and wave everynow and again and mouth a 'hi' to some of the people. Phil was still in his uniform and he had his marine hair cut, which is slightly a bummer because Dan can't run his fingers through it like he could with his other hair.

"I got you flowers."

"I saw them."

"You like them."

"Eh they're alright."

"Mmm okay. God I missed you."

"I missed you too." 

"And I missed you too Duke yes I did, come here boy it's your turn."

"He already had a turn!" Dan whined as Phil set him down.

"I've grown soft from not having seen him in forever his puppy dog eyes got to me. Come here boy come on Duke! Oof! Dan has been feeding you table scraps hasn't he. Yes he has! YEs!"

Dan's heart felt like it had exploded from happiness and the sight of Phil holding their huge pitbull like a kid is something that will forever bring a smile to his face.
They are Babies.
Legit babies.
Like mine omg omg I have a pic of her wrapped up in a blanket and her head on a pillow and one of my stuffed animals under her arms sleeping!!!
Like LEGIT!! omg She is my child, the love of my life.
I make her her own pancakes and bacon and eggs, and that's just for breakfast. I am insane!!

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