snogging lessons

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The fics you can think of after you cry to yourself and listen to twenty one piløts (|-/) till 1:44 am. Lol

Oh also Im an American [(sadly) whooo red white and blue all hail Donald trump.......plz help us]
So I don't know about how the school system works there. So
Basically they are juniors so like 2 years away from graduating the hell hole.

Summary: au type thing where Phil Lester is the awkward nerdy boy who is best friends with the smooth could be popular boy (but only spends time with Phil) Dan Howell.
And when Phil has a date and is worried about kissing well....Dan comes to the rescue. Cliche  chliiiche chliiicheee buta guessa whata.....I don't care sometimes clishe is okay.....(I need to chill.)

Phils pov

Tap tap tap


Taptaptap tap tap taptap

"Dan is there a reason your tapping? You know that bothers me." I said coming out of my daydream.

"Yeah there is, no one was paying attention to me." He pouted.

"Dan please," I scoff "you could get anyone in this class, anyone, to pay attention to you."

He pouted even more, and it wasn't that fake really sticking that bottom lip out there pout no this was like an actual pout.

"Well you weren't paying attention to me and you're the only one that matters." He smiled that big smile at me, which I'm pretty sure that girl Cat over there just swooned. "Aaaand er won't get in trouble right now for talking she said study hall day."

Let me explain. I'm Philip Lester. (Phil and others to Dan) I'm just the quite kid in the middle of the class who pays attention and doesn't at the same time. I always have to push my glasses up my nose (they didn't get adjusted correctly at the eye doctor) and I wear a collection of either dark band shirts or pastel shirts with Pokemon or who am I kidding just some pastel at times, that somehow works with my black hair.
How Howell the most handsome popular son of a gun noticed and decided that he wanted to be my friend....its a miracle.
Dan Howell, as I said, is one of the most attractive at our entire school.
He has girls and boys swoon over him, in his leather jacket and tight fitting black jeans and his perfectly straight brown hair (which is a lie because that hair is as straight as Neil Patrick Harrison.) Or they just want to be his friend cause he can get the chics and dicks.
But he doesn't ever talk to those people. Like ever. And when he does he doesn't laugh or smile his real one. He and I are best friends now (as I said earlier, miracle) and he said that he doesn't trust those people they just want better looking people to make them look like better looking people, its all politics to a high schooler.


"Oh sorry Danny, what were you saying?"

He frowned and put his chin in his hands and brought his legs up to his seat and crossed them Indian style.

"I'm listening phillio tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours." I roll my eyes at his antics.

"nothing Dan, let's talk about muse? Yeah?" he has mixed feelings on wether to smile or frown here.
Frowning is the avoiding the situation. Smiling because all his other "friends" just wanted him to talk and him to talk about himself but not himself just how many girls he talked to that day or whatever...he despised it.

"Phil." He sighs "cmon I'm you're friend...?" He says questionably.

I lean over nudge him slightly with my elbow. "my best friend that I've ever had at that." He smiles with his dimples coming in to play and he blushes and hided his eyes behind his fringe.

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