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I swear I will do phils pov sometime omg!!! I think I always do dans because I'm turning into him.
Like my friend had to tell me to stop saying freaking zazzed and lolzor like omg..and I am in love with Phil Lester but ahem ..anyway

Summary: Dan and his troubled nights and I don't really know how to describe this one tbh.

Dan POV:

I am worried. I have not had an existential crisis in such a long time.

Well I guess you could call my actions right now a lead up to one, which is why I'm worried. Since its been so long I am worried that this is a whole lead up to a mega existential crisis.
All this thinking is giving me a headache. I think as I rub my forehead.

"It'll all be okay, Dan." Phil said kissing my temple. "Whatever it is, I'll help you."

I m looked at him and mumbled a simple thanks. What if I have such a huge existential crisis Phil leaves me?

"Talk to me, baby, your sad I wanna help you." he said making my heart flutter like usual.

"I haven't had an existential crisis in like awhile and I'm afraid that I will get one and it will be really big and you will leave me and I can't handle it if you leave me and I can't even handle the thought I just-" I sighed deeply and leaned into him. "I love you, you know?"

"I know," he said "I love you too and I would never leave you, ever. And you need to try and stop worrying about that and enjoy your life now. Just try and not stress about it because the more you stress the more of a chance it will happen if you just enjoy what you have"

"Is something burning." I interupted smelling smoke.

"Shed!!! The pancakes!!!!"he said letting go of me and running back to the kitchen, me following closely.

He removed them from the heat and turned off the stove. "I'm so sorry I wanted to make you pancakes because you looked stressed and I burnt them I'm so sorry." He he said with big eyes, full of guilt for a crime he didn't even commit.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him
"Its fine, Phil, really. Thank you though. You're adorable and I really love you." I said rubbing my nose against his. "Your nose has a nice texture today."


He giggled and pecked me again "yeah."
"You're a nerd."
"I'm your nerd."
"my nerd that, somehow, I fell in love with."
"I ask myself everyday how I got you."
I rolled my eyes "I think you took my line.

------skipidy dip to the night time--------

I tried all day not to worry about my nonexistential crisis, and it was easier with Phil there distracting me, but now he is asleep and I can't help but worry again.

Who thought not having an existential crisis would be a problem.

I stared at the ceiling and just thought about what was so bad that I needed preparation to burst and cry on the ground.

It can't be the book because it's already a big hit.
Nor was it the tour we got back from that months ago. Did we accidentally out ourselves more than we tease people with?
Phil? No no that's not it me and Phil are great. He keeps me going and I him. And it's not even really that anymore we just are in love and are just basically domestic all the time.
Am I becoming depressed about my entire being again? Well no I am the most confident I have been in awhile.
I'm pretty happy with my-
I shot up and sat on the edge of our bed and stared at the ground in shock.

"Dan?" Phil asked groggily, "what are you doing its , "he made a hissing noise at the brightness of his phone. "Almost 3 am. Are you okay?"

"I just realized something."

"I- I think I'm actually happy, Phil." I said looking at him and seeing him and his crooked glasses, from his rush to get them on, and his bed hair, which looked pretty sexy, and his stubble because he forgot to shave the past two days, who am I kidding his whole face is sexy AF.

"I mean with everything.
Myself, you, like I trust you and love you completely. My career, my fans, my life. Im not worried about that. I was worried that I was going to worry about that but I'm not because I'm fully happy. And you make sure that I am sure that you love me and I know that you know that I love you and I'm happy! Does that make sense?" I rambled and Phil just looked at me and blinked slowly.
He sat up and grabbed my hands and slowly pulled me down so we were cuddled up again.
"I'm glad you're happy, Dan. And I will think of something cute and proud stuff at like 10 in the morning. Right now be happy snuggling me cause I wanna cuddle and sweep."

I chuckled and kissed his cheek, "I'm always happy to cuddle you, Phil."
He just mumbled a simple 'love you' and I answered back with a simple 'love you too' and I fell asleep in his arms which I would like to do for the rest of my happy life.


Its like literally almost 4 actually as I'm writing this so like soz
And sorry for apologizing every time I write a one shot like I need to chill so sorry bout that.


Okay I am determined to have a Phil pov.

I will think of one but for now I need to snackle and than naple
Bc sleep and eating are important.


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