Easy with you

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There is no plan to this a t a l l im just typing and hoping for the best. cool.

Dan had trouble with a lot of things. Finding friends, finding relationships, math, gym, keeping jobs, talking and so  on and so on. The only thing that he seems to be good at is laying in bed watching youtube,movies binging tv shows,and eating. Something that's always been easy has been idolizing youtubers. That's easy for everyone so he never counted that as something he found easy. Stalking AmazingPhil was something he seemed to be expecially good at. He never actually thought that Phil would not only notice him but talk to him. Trying to talk to Phil over texts was hard enough but when they started to skype he honestly forgot the English language. Phil did enough talking for the two of them at first, letting Dan warm up to him. Suddenly, by some miracle, Dan was finding it shockingly easy to talk to him. What he was expecially good at was flirting with Phil. Never in his life was he able to flirt and at first he didn't even realize that what he was doing was, indeed, flirting. But there was no denying that the things they said to each other, the way they looked at the others pixalated face, was down right (sometimes filthy) flirting.
Phil had invited Dan over to his home many times and Dan always said that he had something or his parents said no. Just some excuse as to why he could not go. If Dan was certain of anything, it was that he would not be able to function around Phil. He would not be the same as he was on skype with Phil and he deffiniontly was too nervous to do most of the dirty stuff they had subtly hinted towards many times before. This time, however, there was no getting out of it; he is already on the train to Manchester. Phil stood nervously rocking on his feet, hands shoved into his jean pockets, fingers scratching a hole through the pockets. When he spotted Dan looking around just as nervous and rubbing his arm awkwardly, he almost stopped breathing. Phil thought Dan looked so beautiful on skype but he was downright gorgeous in person. Before he could function what he was even doing he was running (Dan!), barely giving the poor boy a chance to even prepare for the huge hug Phil engulfed him in. Dan dropped his duffel bag and wiggled his arms out of the embrace so he could wrap his arms around Phil's waist. It was easy from there.

Before they even knew it they had been living together, than moving all the way to London. They wrote a book, went on tour, wrote another book. Dan still found himself waking up in the middle of the night and thinking

'Holy shit. I'm living with AmazingPhil.'

Lately though Dan has been finding it hard to live with Phil after Sheila. Even as he just thought her name, her name still sounded venomous. Shiela has been dating Phil for two months now and she is the most insufferable human being Dan has ever come across. (And he has met a lot of unbearable people in his time.) He rolls his eyes as their friends say how sweet and amazing she is. They are just trying to not hurt Phil's feelings. He however was not worried about hurting his feelings. They are best friends, more than best friends actually. After you've lived together as long as they have, there is no worry about offending the other.

"Sheila, is coming over for dinner." Phil said with his usual smile on his face as he plopped down next to Dan on the office couch.

"oh, great." His voice dripping with sarcasm which was only increased with his over exaggerated eye roll. He leaned forward and pretended to not see Phil staring at him and just carried on playing his game.

"Can you at least try and act like you like her?" His voice offended and stern.

"Nope." Dan popped his 'p' and didn't elaborate why like he knew Phil wants.

"Will you at least be nice to her while she is here?"


"On what!" Phil through his hands up exasperated, "What will it take just for one peaceful meal between you?"

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