Try again?

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Phil knew it was dangerous; talking to Dan. Expecially when he looks so beautiful and when he isn't just looking at him but seeing him.



They both sounded breathless. Three years. That's how long it had been since the last time they saw each other. They hadn't really talked in that time either. A tag in a post here, a comment on a picture there, maybe a dm when something happened that reminded them of good times. Three years since Phil had last seen Dan's eyes in person. Since he has seen his dimples, his freckles, his smile, and his hair, oh man his hair. He stopped attempting to straighten his hair every time a curl started to appear and has let it be. It makes him all the more gorgeous.

"How uh how you been?" Dan asked awkwardly, his fingers playing with the hems of his sleeves. Phil smiles at the cute motion and likes that he hadn't gotten ridden of that habbit. 

"Good. You?"


They stand on the balcony in the cool air giving awkward smiles (more like cringes) if they look at each other. Phil thinks back to the last time they saw each other before now and he feels his throat close up.



"This is it I guess."

"Not forever." Dan had said assuringly.

"No. Not forever." He said before attempting to change the mood. "But, Dan, we did it! We graduated!"

"We did! I don't know how. I was thiiiiis close to dropping out." Dan said motioning with his pointer and thumb just how close of a call it was.

"Flight 207 to New York. Flight 207 to New York."

"That's you."

"That's me."

A heartbeat later and they were hugging.

"I'm going to miss you." Dan said into Phil's shoulder and tightened his grip when Phil said he would too into his hair.

Dan had moved to Phil's school their sophemore year. They had been best friends for a year before they started dating. Here they are two years later, broken up and Dan going to the States. 

"I know we are officially not together anymore but... can I.." Phil didn't have to finish. Dan leaned in and kissed him sweetly. Phil was smiling brightly but sadly at him as he started walking towards the gate.

"Don't be surprised when none of those American boys are as handsome as me."

"Oh I don't know about that."

Dan had called back over his shoulder chuckling and that was that.

Phil remembers thinking that it had been a lot harder to text or call Dan than he originially thought it would be; it hurt to much. So they stopped and lost contact. Now Dan's back and at the same party as Phil from one of their old highschool friends.
Phil had walked out onto the balcony to get away from everyone only to see someone already there.

"Oh sorry I-"

And that is how they are both standing outside and looking anywhere but the others eyes trying to figure out what to say.

"You visiting or coming back?"

"I....I'm coming back."

Phil tried not to show that he was thrilled about that, "Is your boyfriend moving out here too or are you guys going to-"

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