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I just got done with dance camp and I am exhausted. My ankle is so swollen and my knees and shins are so bruised but thats natural. This was my last year!!! So no more learning four dances in less than three days and being sore and the warm up oh my god the warm up I am so tired but I am still glad I did it these past four years.
I got a UDA pin I got from one of the instructors, Maria (Love her) for being attentive and focused and happy and all that.
Anybody who knows what UDA is understands what I have gone through.
Drill Downs, approximately 8 yellow gold ribbons.
Three blue ribbons
a blue ribbon for home routine
all american medal
A trophy
One of my team mates won drill down queen
and all the chants are never leaving my head
'Aw Honey'
'who are we? UDA? What do we want? Fooda? We are UDA we want fooda lets go eat break!'
"It's time to bring it on in, bring it on in, bring it on in, hey..........take a seat take a seat take a load off your feet take a load off your feet and take a seat *clap clap*
I could go on and on. Honestly.
Crazy night was liiiiiiiiiiit my makeup was on point just saying.
and no one yelled at me for being apart of putting them in that dance.
Captain stuff is hard.
So now that I am done (forever) I can relax. Of course now I just have to finish the season and I still have work and all that but still.

anyway uh yeah.


Phil always thought that love was stupid and real true love doesn't exist. Life isn't like the movies and he is grateful for that.
It always irked him that two characters can hate each other and bicker back and fortha and bully but then there is some big event that requires fancy attire and one suddenly sees the other in a new light and are in love and the other magically loves them too (Anastasia and Demitri).
Or the ones where one is drooling over this hot person and the friend is in love with them but the hot person ends up being a dick and the person goes to the friend and suddenly realises that they have always loved them.
Love at first sight?
No such thing.
Lust at first sight, yes. Attraction at first sight, totally. Love? No.
You can not be in love with everyone when you have never even said a word to them.
Cinderella for example. Her and Prince Charming get married after dancing one dance together and talked for not even an hour before she left yet he claimed to love her.
Then he actually talked to her and thought, 'this bitch crazy'.
Talking to rats and singing with birds and she is complaining about lucifer?!?! Pumpkin carriages? What!
Another thing if someone did that in real life, that person could be anyone! A serial killer, psycopath, married, escaped prisoner, a cousin!
There is just no such thing as love at first sight.
So Phil believed love wasn't real.
Now he knows that, that love, isn't real. There is no epic and mindblowing love story with a sudden revelation of their true feelings towards one another.
Love, real love, isn't like that.
Love is a gradual thing. Something slow and warm and a little bumpy and sometimes there is holes and hills in the road but if it is real love they will get over it. Sometimes it doesn't work out and people go their seperate ways but that's life. But the ones that do work, it's a gradual build of feelings that swirls inside of you and its not the sudden world stopping moment of 'Oh my god, I love them'. It's a small thought in your head, sweet nothings that always come about when they are around and when one of those thoughts go 'they are so cute I love them so much' you don't even register it until the third or fourth time and when you do, it changes nothing. Your heart is already swollen with love and it is as if it had always been that way.
A real story of love is that of Phil falling in love with Dan. Not the movie love, not a romance novel, just life.


It started when Phil started waiting for Dan to text him or skype him all day long. The way he felt warm all over when they talked about everything and nothing all at once and it was good, it felt right. He was at ease talking with him, as if he had known him his whole life.
Phil could officially count Dan as his crush after the first time Dan stayed the night at his place. It had been an awkward start, stumbling over words and nervous laughs but then they had stayed up half the night discussing Harry Potter and their favorite music and it was so easy, and simple and right.
And in the morning when Dan walked in rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with a small pout on his lips and his pajama shirt twisted out of sorts and pants unrolled so they were too long and dragged on the floor, Phil couldn't help but smile, barely noticing his heart rate spiking a bit when Dan smiled back.

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