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Sorry for the like 3 people who actually care about these stories (I don't understand why they suck and not in a good way.) I was a little to sad to even write.
And for those people that care (lol why again I am a dumb bitch)
I was just having a nice stroll to my locker
When some kid in school runs into me causing me to drop my books.
And all he says is

"God you stupid self harming cuny why don't you shoot yourself in the face?"

Well I'll have u know no one even knows I self harm except close friends
Well I guess u do now
And I had been comfortable wearing shirtsleeves but lol PSYCH.



soz again.

Summary: Phil likes facts and percents and love and such is not facts.

Phils pov

The moon shone with such a glow it must be reflected by how I feel in this moment. And the stars they sparkle like the soul of the one who makes me feel like I'm glowing and helps me keep a bravado mask on, for those who want to push me down.

Dan and I sat on the roof to my little house in the suburbs. It is the cheapest and smallest house you can rent in this nice of a town with my salary. I don't get paid much for being a librarian at the local book lovers cove.

Some good comes from it though.
I met Dan there. He would come in everyday and sit at the table and read some random book until I noticed him staring and holding the book upside down. Dork. His reasoning is because I look to good in my glasses he and just couldn't help it.
I just call him a creep.

"Phiiiiil you're not listening to meeeee!"

I turn and look at his shadowed face and hair that waves like the ocean after a storm, and his eyes that I can barely make out in the moonlight that can change your mind on the color brown in so many ways, you'd think he is a hypnotist.

I moved some of his curls out of his face "sorry, what were you saying?"

Furrowed eyebrows and squinted eyes look at me, "how come you always look at me so intensely?"
I shrugged, which is hard to do on a sloped floor.

"Do you believe in love Phil?" He asked me staring at me like he could do it all night.

I wanted to say yes and mean it, but I can't. Not even when I look at him and think I am. I can't be sure. There is nothing to tell me I am.
There is no percentage bar above his head to tell me.
There are no indications to tell me "hey Phil you love this boy." There is no facts about love and up until Dan made me feel like I was glowing, did I feel like it actually existed.

So thats what I told him. Leaving out the facts about him of course.

"Well..." he said thinking for a moment. "Think about it in percents."

I chuckled and looked at him with a side smile and a look of disbelief. This boy "whatchu going on about Danny?" I asked Causing him to blush.

"Well just because I'm a 20 year old opening up a coffee shop and not  a 24 year old English major librarian doesn't mean I'm not a little smart Philip." He stated sassily.

I chuckled again. "I didn't say that did I?... Daniel." He just giggled at me and reached out and adjusted my glasses that had gone crooked.

"I was just suggesting, since you had to go and bring up percents, that you use percents to tell where you are at with loving someone."

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