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For anyone wondering about my grade on the Prince's lover, I got an A-. My teacher handed it to me wordlessly and has never brought it back up but I will take it as a success. My actual paper was a lot better and the one on here was me trying to remeber all of it but hey it was still okay.

Summary: Dan is an uneducated swine who learns history from Taylor Swift. In other words Dan hates English class and has no clue what the real Romeo and Juliet includes. And Phil is there to educate the rat.


Daniel Howell absolutely positively loathes English. The stories are dumb and meaningless, why do highschoolers need vocabualry words, and the teacher is just utterly dull. She drones on and on, Dan can barely stay awake and it's a miracle he hasn't failed the class. It's not just this teacher however, he has never liked English. Not once in his life. Not even when he had the coolest teacher. To this day his freshman English teacher is still his favorite, but he still hated the subject and barely passed. It is because of that class that Daniel is standing in front of the boring teacher's desk in her gray room full of literature rules and Shakespeare quotes. Dan's not worried but more annoyed at the fact that she asked him to stay for a second before leaving. He knows she is most likely going to tell him he needs to pay more attention and his grade is slacking yada yada yada. He hears it year after year.

"Daniel, have you checked your grade in this class recently?" The teacher leaned foreward leaning on her elbows and linking her fingers together, looking at him with a stern look that he couldn't quite decipher.

"Nope" Dan popped his p leaning back against a desk and smirking. He thinks he's cool. He kind of is but all these kids fail to understand that flunking a class isn't actually all that cool at all. The teacher was looking at him with the same look. No aggravation or anger, no change in emotion at all. She hadn't always wanted to be that teacher that spoke in monotone and droned on and on in front of the class watching them fall asleep as she gave her lecture. But she became just that, she still acts like herself in her smaller class with advanced English. They all appriciate her and don't try and make her become the dull robot the other classes resort her to. She already knew Dan hadn't checked his grade, there is no way that boy would be that smug if he knew he had an F- and not a D or C-.

"It is in my understanding that you never did the Romeo and Juliet unit in the 9th grade. Is that true?" With the same smug look and cool demeaner Dan agreed with her statement.

"Mr. Howell, you have an F- in my class," She took joy in his face visibly paling, "and you are required to have read Romeo and Juliet, I am surprised you passed at all." She let him squirm for a moment, smirking, than continued. "I am giving you a chance here. Something I don't do often to smart asses."

Dan was surprised at her language, she had always seemed to be a robot with one vocal setting that didn't have emotions, but here she was swearing and trying to help him raise his grade.

"What do I need to do?"

"I will give you the Romeo and Juliet play. You are to read it, study it, and take a test on it. If you pass the test I will raise your grade too a C+ and keep trying to help you raise your grade from there. If you fail, you will be back in this class with me next year and retake the test and my entire class with the class below you."

"Just give me the test now, I can do it" Dan proclaimed confidently. Though he lost some of his confidence when his teachers eyebrow went up and her lips went into a thin line. An expression that all too well said, 'Don't push it'
She examined him a bit more and began tapping her fingers on her desk in thought.

"I'm sorry to the dear boy but," she mumbled and Dan wasn't sure he was supposed to be able to hear it, "I am giving you a tutor. He is in my advanced class and is very sweet boy. I believe he can help you pass this test. You boys can decide when and where to meet but it must be done. Come to my classroom after school and I will get you started. The test will be in two months. That is more than enough time! The freshman have less than so I expect good results Howell. I will call your teacher and tell her I had you stay after. Run along now."

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