soul mates

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Again with the clichés. Oh my chuck I need to chill.

Fun fact. Rn I'm writing a gay fanfic with my religious/homophobic father sitting in the room watching the Olympics and my mom (with the same views as the Pa) gossiping on the phone about a co worker that she thinks is homosexual.

So fucking what mom doesn't matter.

Hate them


Summary: when you you're born, words appear on your arm of what your soulmates first words are going to be to you.
And our dear Phil doesn't get any words.

Phil POV:

'hey beautiful'

'hello my handsome soulmate'

'where is the mayo'

'that will be 5.38 for that madam'


That's just a couple of sayings that I've seen people have on their arm.
I would gladly switch with
'where is the mayo' mark
Than be no soulmate Phil.

Its never been known for people to not have a soulmate but I just don't appear to be getting one. I guess fate looked down at me and thought "nah that boy deserves to be lonely for the rest of their life lol I'm so good at this job."

I'm 22 and all I've heard is
"Oh my goodness, Phil I met him, I met him! He ran into me in Starbucks and said the words, he said them so smoothly and oh goodness his voice..."

"Phil, man!! Guess what the fuck just happened to me? I met her! I was on the bus and this pretty woman next to me coughed and I said
'bless oh wait nevermind'
Oh my god I'm such a nerd
But she just looked at me and went....."

"PHIL, oh my gosh PHIL!! I saw this twink in the mall and oh my goodness he was soo cute so I went to talk to him and he is it. I found my soulmate!! And my dad said I would realize I'm not gay when I meet my soulmate..."

Almost all my friends have found the one. Don't they realize it hurts me when they tell me how they met and the cute little first meet and first words interaction went down.

I lost my shit when mark came to my place after working at subway with a girl who's first day was that day and she forgot where the mayonnaise was.

So I started finding solitude in the library where all my friends won't even think about entering.

"Hello Philip. We have donuts into he back now!"

"Thanks Tanya, how's Jim?" I asked the funny outgoing librarian, who doesn't care about it being quite, there are reading rooms you can ask for if you want to be alone or if you want quite or whatever.

"Oh he is doing good. He's out with Alfie and Zoë."

"And youre stuck here at work? Oh Tan you need to get out more."

"And leave you alone here? I don't think so Phil." She said giggling "besides I like working here during this time." She said looking over when the bell chimed indicating the door opening.

"Oh hello Daniel." I looked over where she was looked and saw an adorably cute and hot boy, around my age. Who waved in response.

"I didn't expect you in here today, you are usually not in here on Mondays."

His eyes flickered to me as I gave him a once over.

He just simply shrugged and walked off.

I watched him walk off and when he was out of sight I turned back to Tan really fast.

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