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I have an idea for a something to do but I just can't seem to write it without it being like trash so yeah here is this.

Dan bites his thumb nail as he stands in the waiting area. Was this a good idea? What if it doesn't work out? What if Phil doesn't like it? No no. Phil will like it.
It is their fifth anniversary and Phil always gets him the best gifts and Dan always gets him like a card and some cheap crap gift. Though Phil says he doesn't mind and he loves them almost as much as he loves him. Well this year Dan is going to get Phil the best gift ever. Something that he has wanted forever and loves. A dog. Phil hasn't had a dog since he was little and squeels every single time he sees one. There is no way Phil is going to be expecting this. Dan always has to work on their anniversary and today wasn't any different, or so Phil thought. Since he has been promoted he has more freedom and so he was allowed to take off work for the next two days.

"Daniel Howell"

Dan stands up, shoving his hands in his pockets so his bad habit wont come through and started biting his lip instead.

"Are you Daniel Howell?"

Dan nods shyly to the older lady tries to grow some balls.

"Right this way, dear." They walk through another door and into a smaller room with a couple of different doors to go through. "What animals are you wishing to see today?"

"Uhm, the dogs please?"

The lady, Chyrl as it says on her name tag, smiles brightly, "Right this way, I do love dogs you know."

"So does my fiance, it's our anniversary today."

"OH! And you are going to get her a dog! Oh how exciting."

"Uhm...he, actually." Dan mumbles awkwardly.

"No matter, it's still exiting. You know if my husband had gotten me a dog when we were engaged, well lets just say I would of broken my promise to my mother about abstinece until marriage."

Dan couldn't hold in his chuckle and laughed with her as they entered the room.

"So what is this man of yours like? Just so I can get an idea of what kind of dog for you guys to look at?"

"Well uh, he is energetic, and postive and happy and uh loves to snuggle and play with dogs and uh he's always said he wants a big dog."

"Sounds like a wonderful man."

"He is."

"What kind of big dog do you know?"

"Well he loves all dogs and loves all big dogs too but like he adores pitbulls but I don't think he gets how mean they are so maybe a lab or something."

"Pitbulls are not mean, they are very loyal and very loving. They have a bad rep because people beat them and then they become mean or you hear about the attacks men talk about but those men were trying to beat their kids or wife and the dog was not going to let that happen."

"Uh," Dan wasn't sure what to say. He has met a pitbull and it barked at him and it was terrifying. "Can we just look at some dogs? Please?"

"Yes." Chyrl sighs out.

Dan met many dogs and puppies and they were all great but none of them were the one for Phil. He sighs, he had really not wanted to go to more than one  place.

Then he saw a puppy laying in a cage by itself and he walked up to it while Chyrl was answering a customers question. It was sleeping on a blanket that it had wrapped around intself and it was adorable. He was white with some brown patches on him. When it realised Dan was there it woke up and smiled at him, wagging his tail super fast and clumsly ran over to him.

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