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This one is a little strange, just bear with me.
Summary: Society is perfect and runs smoothly. Phil is a soldier to protect society from Defects.

"Evening, Mr. Lester." A man, in an all white suit and tie, says from his white chair behind his white desk in his white office.

"Evening, Doctor. What assistance may I provide?" Mr. Lester says with his arms behind his back obediently. He wears black combat boots, black cargo pants that has a belt with multiple weapons attached to it, his black T shirt and a black (bullet proof) vest. His strong biceps visable even as he has his hands tucked behind his back. His pale face and pitch black hair make the only color in the room pop, his blue eyes.

"As you know, Mr. Davis has been moved to another charge."

"Yes, sir, his talents were needed more at the West End."

The doctor nodded, "Yes, and we need someone to take over his charge. You will take over, the file is in your quarter now."

"Yes, sir. Is there anything I need to know that might not be in the file?"

"Indeed," the doctor stood, leaning his hands on the desk, "The charge is maniplutive and cunning. It is dangerous and must not be underestimated. Do not, I repeat, do... not...let it fool you."

Mr. Lester nodded. "I will take heed, sir."

"Excellent. You are dismissed." 


Lester stood in his quarter holding the file on the charge.

Charge: # 46796

Name: Howell, Daniel

Danger: Extreme

Location: Basement 3B; only level 1 access allowed

Cell: 1

Procations: Always carry gun. Always restrain during transit. Always watch through window when charge is delivered. When returning to cell,              
                     unstrap head and left hand, charge will do the rest after you close the cell.  May skip meals for punishment.

The file was three pages long and Lester read all of it before leaving his sanction to get started.

"Your injection, Mr. Lester." An injection like an epipen came out of the wall by his door. After injecting, he walked to the cafeteria.

He walked through the crowd of white suits and slid his access level card over the scanner.

"Access granted. Have a lovely meal, Mr. Lester."

"Morning, Mr. Lester," An actual person spoke to him. A woman with the required tight low bun and white suit and shirt.

"Morning, Ms. Van Utyvan. I require breakfast for charge number 46796." His stance the same as it was at the doctors quarters.

He stood still and looking ahead as the woman looked in files.

"Lester." Another man in all black spoke. All gaurds wear black.

"Walkins." Neither man turned to look at each other just stared strait ahead patiently.

"I head of your new charge. I don't envy you."

"I'll manage." No one smiled, at this. In fact, no one has smiled at all, at anyone or at anytime.

"Here you are Mr. Lester. Breakfast for number 46796." They all spoke like robots.

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