Remembering You

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Summary: Dan is stuck. that's all I'm giving ya

The first thing Dan comprehends is his steady breathing. The way the oxygen feels dry yet wet at the same time. Even as he notices his breathing he isn't aware of anything else. The world is dark and warm, his breathing is steady and for some time thats all that runs through Dan's head. Maybe nothing was running through his head. The next thing he comes to notices is that something is on his mouth, he is to out of it to consider this strange or try and find out what it is, then the slight pressure on his body and the pain in his side. For a long time that's all that he understands. It was like waking up way to early in the morning, not understanding where you are and are almost unsure of who you are but are too asleep to care. Dan tries to wake up now, understanding that he is asleep. Comprehending that there is movement around him. The bustling of footsteps, cold hands holding his head up, tugging on the sheets and flattening them out. Touching his arm and adjusting something in the pit of his elbow. The mattress is lumpy and stiff, doing nothing for his sore body and tight muscles. Suddenly he hears beeping. Slow, steady beeps, that had, for a moment, sounded almost calming. Now they are eerie and not so steady. He wants to get up, to get off this bed and out of wherever he is. Unfortunatly, his eyes refuse to open, try as he might, his lids stay closed and the blackneses remains constant. Sometimes Dan hears voices, he can never distinguish what they are saying, but he hears them. He listened to their quiet slurs and willed them to keep him awake, as he felt the edges of his mind slip back into unconsciousness. But you aren't awake. The tendrils of sleep curled in on him, he felt the tug on his mind as he slipped in and out of his state of consciousness. He tried to jump himself awake, fully awake, but the words spoken around him was a lullabye and the beeping was suddenly calming again. His body went slack once again, no more pain, no more pressure, no more thinking. He just layed back in his mind and was in a thoughtless sleep once again.


Again Dan awoke to breathing. However, this time it was the sound of breathing, and it wasn't his own. He feels a weight in his left hand, a tingling as if something was carressing his knuckles. The breathing was thick and stuttering. The feeling of pain resurfaced and that was all Dan focused on. He felt like screaming and thrashing about, but all he could do was yell in his head. He was trapped and defensless, no way out of his own mind, stuck with his pain. More talking ensued and suddenly Dan was finding himself being able to redirect his attention away from the pain, but to his head. Something was touching his head, no, someone was touching his head. They were playing with his hair, speaking undistinguishable words of what can only be assumed as confort by the soft way it is spoken. Feet are bustling again, cold hands touching his arm. A new noise was discovered. Dripping. That's what it is. This noice doesn't stay around though, it goes away quickly. Soon the darkness was claiming him again. No. I don't want to go to sleep. More to sleep anyway. His body was lax, eyes heavy even though they have always been closed. He feels like he is sinking. He screams and screams, begging someone to wake him up. Praying, just to open his eyes. But the rest of his fight was taken and his mind was fogged over in sleep once again.


This time when Dan slipped foreward in his mind, he could wiggle his toes. He felt them rub against a smooth fabric and it made a soft scratching sound.
...ribs are healing well... The voices. He could understand the words. He tried to speak but was crest fallen to find that he was still inable to.
Do you think he will.....
There is no brain damage, he should be able to wake. These things take time.....

But I am awake

Are you?

Dan wanted to cry. He thought maybe he was crying but seeing as he can't open his eyes he probably couldn't form tears. He shouted at the people talking, trying to get them to hear him, to see that he is almost awake, just needs a little push.

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