Vilian or Hero?

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WARNINGS: Murder, rape, molestation. no like major details and no one is having it happen to them in the moment and yeah, just be careful
(P.S. My dad is a cop, I have nothing against the police or the government and all that but a character is so yeah.)

Do you think you did the right thing?

Did I do the right thing?
There is no right answer to your question. There is no wrong. The answer is in the gray area because this world is not black and white. You are quick to judge me as your neighbor is quick to judge you. At the end of the day the your question is forgotten; lost unto the spirals of different ways to look upon my actions. The answer depends on who you ask and how they view the world. Some believe in an eye for an eye. Some believe that it is up to fate. Some agree that the criminal needs justice but doesn't agree with doing anything about it and the police should deal with it. But don't you agree that there are things the police can not do? Things that should be done that the men in blue are not allowed to do. They say they are there for our protection, that they are there to keep us safe and blah blah blah but are they really keeping us safe? Or are they just doing the bare minimum to pay their rent?

Did I do the right thing?
Let me paint you a picture; A man convicted of slaughtering five people is put on death row. He is put in the chair and he served his sentence and justice has been served.
A man rapes a teenage girl, beats her death with a pole then shoves that pole into her privates. He dumps her on the side of the rode naked and tossed out like a piece of trash. The girls father finds him and shoots him in the face with a shotgun. The father is sent to jail while the rapist is given a proper burial and memory of a free man.
Tell me, wasn't justice served to that rapist just as the murderer was? The government can kill our criminals but if a criminal is free because the police can't prove anything and a civilian serves justice... it is wrong.

Did I do the right thing?
I remember my mother teaching me "right from wrong". Asking for a cookie is right, stealing the cookie is wrong.
But she never prepared me for if the cookie had been ripped from my fingers behind her back. Is it not my right to steal my cookie back? If she doesn't believe me or perhaps she can't do anything about it. It is still my cookie. But according to the "right from wrong" I am the one in the wrong since I would be the one getting caught. A toddler asks for a lollipop and then spits it out of her mouth. She does this again, and again, each time her mother growing more and more aggrivated. She tells her child that she is being rude and is doing a wrong. The child is confused, how else are they supposed to tell the mother that their uncle has been putting his penis in their mouth? So now they think that they are a bad kid for trying to not do what their uncle tells them to do.

Did I do the right thing?
Did Robin Hood do the right thing? Was he wrong in stealing from the rich to give to the poor? He was doing a 'wrong', stealing, yet he was commended for it. Praised even.

Did I do the right thing?
Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe there was no right solution. We could stand here and debate about it forever, mapping the pros and cons and what is right and what is wrong, but in the end, it is done. I have done it and what use is there to dwell on it now?

Did I do the right thing?
You will never know.
Do I think I did the right thing?
Yes, I do not regret it. The world will spin easier now.
You can call me evil, you can call me a villian, but in the end, I am just a man doing what I believe is right and that is something that happens everyday.


There is a silence and Dan stands up straiter. Then there is applause all around him. Dan feels his cheeks tint pink and he gives a shy smile as he bows and shrugs a bit, leaning into his shoulder and biting his lip, looking up at the crows through his eyelashes.

"Bravo Dan! Bravo!"

Dan looks to Phil who is already staring at him with admiration and a bright grin, he sees him looking and makes a heart with his hand towards him. "You're brilliant."
Dan blew him a kiss.

"Not to much?" He asks quietly to the advanced theater professor.

"No no! You were beyond expectations, never have I ever had a student come up with something that deep and meaningful including all the topics with only fifteen minutes to prepare, and I know you are going on to be someone amazing." Dan blushes more and looks back at the white board.

prompt: Do you think you did the right thing?

things to include; justice, paint, cookie, criminals, lollipop

good luck


LOL You see it coming? I certainly didn't.
I was like a third way done and I just stopped and thought.....wait.......what if???????
So yeah.


My friends ADV theater class did something akin to this awhile ago so ya know. (College class)

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