Disney Fan

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I'm just going to write and hope for the best.
If one thing ever brought Dan and Phil together, it was Disney. Dan would deny it at any cost. As much as anyone knows, Dan is NOT a Disney person. No way, no how. Dan Howell has never,..will never, watch some crappy Disney movie. Never. Not with his messy sex hair, and leather jacket, his overall cool demeaner.
Phil Lester on the other hand......he loved Disney. Absolutely adored it. He didn't understand how someone could simply....not... like Disney. Like ????
How goofy Phil Lester with his black hair sticking up in odd angles in random places, his blue, blue, eyes hidden behind what he calls his 'Clark Kent' glasses, and his nerdy brightly colored clothes, ever got Dan's attention is still a mystery to Dan himself. Phil never really understood 'cliques' or who you were and were not supposed to talk to. Well he understood but he didn't understand why. So he talks to everyone anyway. Doesn't always work out but then again most things don't always work out. He also has a very poorly controlled filter. He can't help it, sometimes his brain is faster than his mouth and there isn't much he can do about that. Also he is very gay so sometumes when he is talking to an attractive man he says what he thinks. He is a strange guy.....
It all started when Dan decided to not pay attention while walking and look at his phone instead. He usually had no problem as people walked around him quickly so they wouldn't have to deal with his anger. But, this is Phil. Who didn't really care who he was. He was reading in complete concentration, and after years of doing this he has masterd the walk and read, but in at the end of the school day in the busy hall he... hasn't quite mastered that one yet. He looks up for a split second and sees a girl right in front of him that he is about to hit and on instict he swerves only to run into, thats right you guessed it, Dan Howell.
"What the fuck, man!"
"Sorry! Sorry!" Phil says hurridly while desperately searching for his book and bookmark alike. His glasses nearly falling off as he stands up again. Dan is still standing their affonted with his hands still held slightly out to his side clutching his phone, glaring at Phil with a pure mix of disgust and anger.
"I'm so sorry Dan. I was reading and - woah someones grumpy."
"Fuck off, man."
"My point exactly." Phil giggled holding his book tightly to his chest with a bright smile.
Dan scoffed and shoulder checked him and continued walking. Phil gave a contemplating noise and furrowed his eyes for a second, watching Dan swagger off. He smiled and ran after him.
"You could apologize too you know." He said when he was next to him. His dorky smile still plastered on his face.
"Excuse me! Why should I aplogize to you?"
"Well I was on my book...you were on your phone....takes two to tango."
Dan scoffed at him again and ignored him.
"You're cute when you think you are talking to someone you have the upper hand on."
Dan snapped his head to look at him offended, and confused. Phil thinks the anger is just permenently on his face all together.
"I. am not. cute." He said with an angry voice.
"Awww is wittle Danny angwy?"
They exited the doors and Dan turned to Phil intimidatingly.
"You might wanna stop talking now."
"I'll think about it."
Dan had his jaw clentched and Phil suspected he was grinding his teeth when he spoke back up. "I've thought about it and I have ruled it a, 'nah'."
"You think you are so cool, don't you."
Phil tried to hold back the smile as he said, "I know you are but what am I?" but he failed epicly.
"That's it you little shit."
"Actually, my name is Phil. Little Shit is just a nickname."
"I will knock that grin right off your face."
"hmmm, I'll pass Danny Ol' Boy. See ya later." Phil said with a little wave, smile, and giggle then walked off as if he hadn't just been on the recieving end of Dan Howell's wrath.

Dan was going to ignore yesterday and let it stay in the past, but he is Dan Howell, not some fucking loser who lets little assholes get away with things like that. He didn't decide that until lunch when he saw Phil smiling and laughing with some random people, acting like he didn't get sneered at by him just yesterday. He really snapped when Phil looked up, saw him, smiled, than kept talking to whoever
he was before. Phil was going to understand that he can't do that to him.
Phil was leaving school while reading his book again. Dan waited by the doorway and watched as Phil veered and swerved his way through the crowd before he ran into someone again, this time managing to hold on to his book. "Oh sorry!" Phil and the other boy said at the same time and laughed. They apologized again and continued on as if nothing happend. An even bigger sneer plastered itself in Dan's face and when Phil started walking past him, still reading, not even noticing, it pissed him off.
"Hey douche bag!"
Phil, not even a second after hearing it and not looking up from his book, "I know you are Dan but what am I?"
As Dan scrunched his face in anger Phil turned around with joy radiating on his face. It made Dan sick and he just glared at Phil.
Phil rolled his eyes and motioned for him, "Come on."
"What?" Dan said nastily.
"Come on. You obviously got some stuff on your mind that you wanna tell me, so come on, Danny."
Dan did his signiture scoff and looked away.
"I'm going so come if you want." Phil said with a bright smile and put his nose into his book again and started to walk. Dan glared at his back, tapped his back, looked away and then bit the inside of his cheek and looked away. Two seconds later he groaned and jogged after Phil.
When he reached him he was silent.
Phil giggled and closed his book. He hugged it on his chest and looked over at Dan expectantly.
Dan was silent and continued to glare at him.
Phil scrunched up his smile trying to hide it,
"OwH I'm Dan howell and I'm sowhhh cooool I don't tawlk just stare intimidently at people until they pee their pants. aahhh mmmm." He said in a bad immitaion of Dan.
"I don't sound like that."
"No? Soo, what do you sound like?"
"Talk you dumbass."
"Don't talk to me like that."
"I do believe I can speak to you however I well please Dan Howell. Now do you want to hang out??? or what? Because I gotta turn here to go home, unless you coming over or something?"
"Why would I ever hang out with you?" He said in disgust.
"Oho, sassy. So what are you doing right now? Hmm?" Phil said sassily with a smirk. He stood there smugly looking at Dan with his book clutched to his chest. and Dan wanted to punch him he was so angry.
"Whatever." He spat and pivotted on his ankle walking away.
"Wait." Phil said sweetly, grabbing Dan's elbow. Dan through it off and turned around with such anger he wanted coursing through him. "Don't touch me."
"I wasn't making fun you. I was just joking around I wasn't trying to make you upset."
"I'm not upset!"
Phil just deadpanned at him his eyebrow raised.
"I'm not upset." Dan attempted to say casually.
"Hm." Phil tilted his head at Dan and looked at him curiously. "Why don't you come over."
Dan got all up in Phil's face trying to get fear instilled in him. "How bout, 'nah'." He spat in Phil's face mocking Phil's words from yesterday.
Phil, to Dan's horror, smiled a goofy smile. "Another time then." and he turned to walk home.
Everyday Dan would 'terrorize' Phil, really Phil was terrorizing Dan in a way. Dan needed Phil to understand Dan isn't someone who Phil can just chat with, invite over and laugh with. He isn't someone people be friends with. He would shoulder check him in the hall only to have Phil turn around and mess up his hair and run away laughing. He will yell at him with insults only to get that stupid childish 'I know you are but what am I' or sometimes he nods in a agreement and says, 'I don't think that would be all that bad honestly, got anything worse?'
He started to watch Phil whenever he could. Watch him laugh with the cheerleaders and joke with the jocks, watch him discuss things the the goths or emos and get into debates about random things with the drama nerds, he watches him as he comes out of class with a smile and a hello to anyone he sees. He tells himself that his happiness makes him sick. That the twisting in his stomach is from his disgust, totally not because Phil is cute.
"Wanna go to Starbucks with me?" Phil asks one day as he heads in the other direction of his home.
"Yeaaaah ya do come on." Phil grabs his wrist and tugs him towards Starbucks, it not being all that hard with Dan barely resisting.
Phil did his order easily and turned to him, "What do you want."
"Don't want anything."
"He will have a cookie and a smoothie. Surprise us on the flavor."
Dan glared at him, but did not object when handed the cookie. And later when they seperated ways, Dan would not look Phil in the eye as he handed him some money to pay him back. "No no. It was my treat silly." Phil held his hand and pushed it back to him and held it there for a second longer than neccessary. Dan Howell. Doesn't. Blush. but if he was to blush....it would be now.
Phil has a smug smirk on his face. "Wanna come watch Monsters Inc.?"
Dan barked out a humorless laugh. "No."
"Why?" Phil pouted.
"I don't watch Disney. It's stupid."
Phil glared at him, jokingly, but it still made Dan take a step back because it was so not Phil. "First off. Maybe it is stupid, but what is the joy in something normal and plain? Secondly its MONSTERS INC."
"So you wont watch Disney...will you come over and watch something not Disney."
Dan had hard face as he tried to find an answer that should of just been no.
"Really? You promise." Phil asked and Dan gives a little chuckle and Phil's insides leap.
"Yeah okay."
"Monsters inc it is!"
"Hey I said no Disney!"
"Oh, you didn't know? Monsters inc is Pixar not Disney. You promised! No backsys!" Phil yelled as laughed brightly and tugged Dan by the wrist again.
"I fucking hate you Lester."
"Nah you don't"
"....Fuck Off."
Phil had tears in his eyes from cackling at that.
When they got to Phil's he explained how on weekends his mom goes up to visit her sister who was trapped by the umbilical cord when she was being born and didn't have enough oxygen for too long and has problems. Phil uses retarted aunt in a respectful way but if anyone else were to say retarted about her he would throw hands. So they had the house to themselves. It's a modest house, one story, domestic, has a island in the kitchen and a big living room and big tv. Two rooms and a guest room and two bathrooms. The first thing Dan noticed when they entered Phil's room was the stuffed animals. He had Pokemon, video games, princesses and princes from the movies he watches. There was a ton and the first thing that came to his mind was 'That's so cute' before he shook his head to clear his thoughts. 'Phil is not cute.'
but then he looked over and Phil is looking on his shelf the top half of this huge shelf cabnit thing was dvd's and the bottom half was books. Phil was on his tippy toes moving his fingers over the titles with his glasses too far down for him to actually use so he was squinting and Dan really trys to keep his head in order. 'Shit he's cute.'
'No he isn't. Stop'
"Here it is!" Phil shouted and jumped back, tripping over his own feet and landing on the floor laughing. "I found it." He said brightly, his smile brighter than ever and oh god Dan's screwed.
Dan won't admit it aloud, excpecially not to Phil, but Monsters Inc was actually pretty lit.
"So what?" Dan had loosened up a lot more than he ever has around Phil. Around anyone. He was wearing his loose T-shirt and not hiding in his leather jacket, and he borrowed sweat pants from Phil, and this was the most happy he thinks he has ever been. Phil gave him his Tangled sweatpants just to annoy him.
"Come on! How did you like it? Did- did you like it? I really hope you did, otherwise you came over here and watched a long movie that you didn't even like and that would suck. So did you like it?"
Dan blinked as he tried to proccess all that Phil was saying. Finally and relunctanly he sighed, "Yes, I liked it." he replied in defeat and was tackled into a hug.
"YES! See! You DO like stuff like this!"
"Oh nonono no I don't. This was a fluke, an exception."
Phil untangled himself and Dan told himself he wasn't upset about it. "We are watching Highschool musical now."
"No! Wait P-"
"Go pop some more popcorn please." Phil through over his shoulder as he went to go get the dvd and as he went to go get anothe bag of popcorn he realized that Phil Lester had him rapped around his little finger.
It's not like Dan was ever a huge smoker, like he didn't need to smoke all the time and all that. He just smoked one from time to time, that is, until Phil. Of course. Everything changed because of Phil. He was smoking after school waiting for Phil. Phil had his usual smile but stood kind of far away.
"What? I can smoke if I want to."
"I know. I'm not judging you."
Dan scoffed and walked away ignoring Phil calling after him. He ignored Phil the next two days because Phil isn't his friend and he sure as hell can't tell him what to do. Phil thinks he can 'change' him, make him a better man or something. Well he can't. Just thinking about it he wanted a smoke. Just to spite him.
He sits on his dump of a couch sprawled out with his cigarette hanging out of his mouth thinking about nothing in particular that of course he has to get a knock on the door.
"Whatever you're selling I don't want it."
"Even if I said I was selling my company?" Phil's cheery and amused voice rang out from the other side of the door. Dan gave a long groan and a drag from his cigarette, ignoring him.
"Dan. Please."
"I'm smoking so you might as well piss off now."
"I told you I don't care that you smoke. I just -"
"Just what! Huh! Just, it is not good for you and you simply wish that I didn't?"
"I have asthma, Dan. I can't breath in too much smoke in a short amount of time. I was going to tell you that but your sensitive bitch ass ignored me."
"Can I come in?"
"No my house is gross."
"Your dick is gross."
"Wha- Shut the fuck up! You don't know what my dick looks like."
Phil's hearty laugh rang out, "Let me in Dan."
As Dan let him in Phil started speaking, "I have popcorn and every single saw movie and Tangled. I will put in Saw if you watch Tangled with me." As he walked past him he give his biggest 'pretty please with a cherry on top?' smile. "I thought you liked fairy tales."
"Oh I do. But sometimes horror movies are needed."
"I'm never telling you I wanna watch a certain movie ever again." 
"Mhm. You'll be singing Tangled and quoting Jigsaw for the next week."
"Wow. You look hot."
"Really, Phil?
"What? You do. You should do this look more often."
Dan looked down at himself and back up at Phil in confusion.
"I'm in a T shirt and joggers. Uh what?" Dan said smiling and laughing.
Phil leaned against his locker staring at him with a soft smile.
"What?" He asked softly.
"I didn't know you have dimples." Dan stopped smiling and looked away.
"Hey! I didn't mean it in a bad way. Bring em back. They're cute. Expecially with your freckles and curly hair."
Dan rolled his eyes and his lips twitched up against his will.
People in the halls watched them laugh together, flirt and didn't understand how Phil Lester managed to get Dan to be confident without belittling someone. The did know that they look cute together. 
Dan repeats in his head that he does not like Phil Lester. He most defionetely do not like Phil Lester.
He doesn't. He doesn't feel things in his chest when Phil calls him cute, or hot, and there is no way that when Phil jokes that they are on a date his heart rate doesn't speed up. But his mind is scrambling and he can't seem to control his body or voice. They are at Phil's, having their Saturday night hang outs trying to find a movie to watch.
"How about Cinderella live action?"
"Hmmm I'm thinking yeah."
Dan reached his arms around Phil and grabbed the remote. "Nooot If I have the remote you don't."
"Hey! Give it back!" Dan laughed and ran off, their laughs echoing around as Phil chases him.
"Give it back!"
"Gotta catch me first!"
"Challenge excepted, Howell."
Dan jumped on on the couch and then the chair and was about to jump back down on the ground when Phil pushed him back down on to the couch.
They both went down with an 'oof' on the couch with laughter. Dan's heart is racing and his laughed mixed with Phil's as he falls on top of him.
Dan gave a big gulp and stuttered out, "Cinderella it is then."
Phil smiled and laughed triumphantly, "It's really good I promise. Don't deny that you liked 'Beaty and the Beast'."
"That's not fair, tha has Emma Watson!" Dan whined as he sat up pulling out the leg rest on the couch.
"Oh, so that's why you were singing 'Be Our Guest? Because of Emma Watson, huh?"
"Shut the fuck up." HE says with out his usual bite.
"Just start it."
Phil grins and lays down putting his head on Dan's lap, "You get to pick next time."
'I do not like Phil Lester. I do not like Phil Lester.'
Phil sighed snuggling up to Dan's side now instead of his lap. Dan's heart rate is soaring, his hands clambing up. He can't really seem to breath right.
"I like that name. Kit. It's a cute name."
"Maybe when I'm married I will name my kid Kit."
"I'd like that."
Phil smiled and sat up a bit, "What?"
"Uh I mean," Dan realizes his mistake and tenses up, goosebumps rising as Phil puts his hand on Dan's chest, "I meant that I think that uh you having a kid named Kit suits you."
"Heh, it sounded like you wouldn't mind being married to me and having kid."
"What?! No no. nono. That is not what I meant I uh..."
Dan's hand stopped petting through Phil's hair, something he forgot he was doing, he starts to pull away, "Don't." Phil reaches up and holds Dan's hand. "Don't push me away."
Phil's voice has never sounded so serious, so, painful and hopeful, it made Dan's heart clench.
"I'm not I-"
"Dan. I know you, I do. I know about your mom and I've met your dad, you know about my dad and you've met my mom. I know what you want to be and how you really are when you arn't pretending, I know why you have done what you have done, and you know me. You're the best friend I've ever had. I know that no one else would put up with me, or watch this much Disney shit with me. I don't know how I got your attention or how I got you to be my friend but I do know that I want you to stay. Please. Please stay with me."
Dan was breathing heavily and his tongue felt to big for him mouth. "I,"
His adam's apple bobbed and he managed to fix Phil's glasses that didn't need fixing at all. Phil reached up and grabbed Dan's hand in both of his and put it up to his cheek to lean into it.
"You are - I uh. Damn't. Uh. I never stutter. I don't. Or blush. Not me I-" Dan laughed, his courage coming back to him. "I'm Dan Howell, the cool mean kid in school who doesn't give a fuck about anyone. I don't stutter or blush and I certainly don't watch Disney movies. I don't know the difference between Disney and Pixar and Dreamworks, and I don't know every word to 'I don't dance' from High School Musical. I don't talk to crazy talkative people with dark hair and the bluest eyes I've ever seen behind his glasses, who reads a book and walks at the same time. I smoke a lot. I wear anything that makes me look unaproachable and cool. Even if it is uncomfortable and I don't really wanna wear it."
Phil laughed a bit, a tear falling out of his eye. Dan brushes it away with his thumb and Phil removes one of his hands to place it on Dan's chest instead. "That was Dan Howell last year. Now I know every line to 'I don't dance' and know the difference between Disney, Pixar, and Dreamworks. I talk to this insane talkative boy who is friends with everyone and whoms hair defys gravity all the time. His goddamn blue eyes make my knees wobble and when he fixes his glasses while staring at me, they buckle. I stutter and forget the English Language. I blush and smile and get butterflys in my stomache and my chest clenches and my heart races."
Phil could feel his heart racing from his hand on his chest and gave him his famous smile. "And when he smiles I think I am staring at the epitome of perfection."
"Son of a bitch Phil Lester. I like you. A lot. And I have no idea how you got my attention and got me to be your friend or got me to watch these silly movies with you that I don't find silly anymore. I like you."
Phil sat on his lap and kissed him his hands running through his hair. "I like you too. A lot." He said pulling back a bit and before he could reconnect their lips Dan had leaned foreward and captured his.
I really don't know. I don't even remember the beginning of this tbh.
but here you are.

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