Chapter 1

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My head was swirling, everything around me was spinning.

"Raven, Raven." I heard someone distantly saying my name." Raven wake up." He shook me. I finally sat up in shock." Are you okay?" Beast Boy grabbed my shoulder.

"What happened, where are we?" I looked around only seeing trees, and vegetation.

"I don't know, I've been trying to get a signal, or anything out, I can't make contact with anyone." He seemed panicked. I pulled out my communicator checking it's signal multiple times, trying to get out a message.

"Robin, Robin..." Static," Cyborg? Star fire? Anyone..." Still nothing. My eyes started to fill with tears, but I quickly blinked them away." Let's get moving, build a shelter for the night. Let's just collect ourselves."

"Okay." His voice cracked.

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