Chapter 17

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I rolled over in bed, my eyes still shut as I nudged Gar, only it wasn't him, it was our dog Pluto. I then stretched out my feet immediately retreating them as our cat Dexter attacked them. I climbed out of bed tiredly stepping on pet toy that squeaked loudly, Pluto and our new Chihuahua Fang came bolting toward me to get the toy. I went to the bathroom slamming the door shut, I went to turn on the shower water, when I saw Fred our turtle in the tub.

"Why aren't you in your tank?" I said to Fred picking him up, and taking him to his tank that was out in the living room.

I then went to the kitchen and began making my coffee opening up the bird cage, the two parakeets, Lilac and Gus, flying out and landing on my shoulders." Good morning Lilac, Gus." I lifted a finger to each birds beak both them nuzzling against it." Should we make breakfast, since Gar is nowhere to be found." I grumbled.

I went to the pantry and began pulling out bowls and bags of pet food, all the animals came bolting to the kitchen, except Fred of course. I filled each pet dish with food and water placing them on the floor, I placed the birds food in their cage, then sprinkled food in Fred's tank. I then sat on the couch, Dexter coming over to lay in my lap, and I pulled out my phone dialing Gar, I heard it ringing in the bedroom, he left his phone here. Maybe he got called in and left in a hurry, I looked at the front door, and saw his shoes there, wait. Suddenly the front door flew open and Gar stumbled inside slamming the door shut scaring all the animals.

"Gar where have you been?" I rushed to him once I saw the state he was in.

"I-I don't know, I woke up, in, in an alley, like this." He stuttered hectically.

"Calm down, come sit." I led him toward the sofa, draping a blanket over him and getting him some water." What happened?"

"Again, I don't know, but, I might know." He said slowly.

"So.." I pressed.

"I think it might be the Beast." Gar said darkly.

Immediately my defenses went up, the flashbacks flooding my mind, but I shook then away. I needed to be here for Garfield, I couldn't think of myself, I had to move passed my fears of the Beast, and help him control this." Rae?" I blinked my eyes, I had been lost in my thoughts longer than I thought." If this is too much for you, I understand, I remember what happened to you last time."

"But, I want to help this time, we can get through this." I said determined.

"You say that now, but what happens when the Beast comes out again, and hurts you?" Gar said sadly." I don't know if I can live with myself if that happened to you."

"Nothing will happen to me, and if I do leave, you, the Beast will come after me anyway." I gently placed my hand on his arm, and he pulled away.

"Rae.." Gar bit his lip holding back tears.

"Look, the Beast came out last night, and did nothing to me, so maybe things will be different this time, okay?" I looked hard at his face." I love you." I said gently, Gar looking at me with glassy eyes.

"I love you too Rae." Gar reached for my face, and began to kiss me, and I kissed him back passionately.

He leaned into me, laying me back on the couch, he was a little tougher than usual with me, but I didn't mind. It wasn't until he bit my shoulder that I felt things might be getting too rough, because I actually gasped when he did it. He left marks on my body with his teeth, and his nails, but I took it, because I knew this was relief he needed. After we were finished we cleaned up in the shower together, but Gar took me again in the bedroom after the shower.

"Fuck." I hissed as Gar thrusted forcefully into me, at a steady pace.

"Oh Rae." Gar breathed into my neck, still going strong. I heard Pluto whining in the doorway, Max began barking too, both wanting outside.

"Garf, Gar." I moaned, trying to get his attention, so that one of us could let the dogs out, part of me wanted this to stop, but another wanted to stay here.

Saying his name just made him go wild, he forcefully rolled me over, pulling my hips toward me, and taking me from behind. My moans came out loudly, my grunts like yells, I pressed my face into the blankets trying to muffle my pleasured yells. From behind Gar brought his hand between my legs, playing with my pleasurable spot, causing a good few pleasurable screams to escape my throat, and that made him finally finish. I collapsed breathing heavily, Garfield laying on his back next to me also breathing heavily.

The dogs began howling and yelping, desperate to get outside.

"The dogs, want out." I panted. Gar grumbled pulling on his sweats and sandels, and went out with the dogs, I was happy to finally have a break. I was thirsty and starving, I don't know how much more of this I could take, but if it kept Gar in control, I could do it. Maybe.

I feared for how things would be tonight when it was time for bed. I might have to cast a sleep spell on him just for a break.


Hey guys, sorry for any errors in this, I just typed it up and posted it, cause I need to finish this story, I feel bad leaving you hanging for so long. But as always thank you for reading!

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